The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 2 Chapter 812: Cruel means

At this time in front of Chen Feng was a dense crowd of ships. These ships were linked together by iron chains, and they seemed to form an island. There were even people flashing on it, apparently beginning to take shape.

Sea base?

Chen Feng is now very powerful and his vision has naturally been strengthened. He can see that there are many survivors on each ship. However, some people are making things, some are drying fish, and more Pedestrians carried weapons and patrolled back and forth on the deck, like guards.

Small but complete.

Aside from the position and the ship, this is simply a gathering place for humans!

"Drink and drink!"

On the several ships in the center, boys and girls of all sizes gathered together, and their sharp daggers waved in their hands. At this time, the whirlwinds circulated, and they fought to the left and right. In front of them were some real monsters. A group of several people faced a monster, and their physique was simply incomprehensible.


A child's shoulder was bitten by a monster, and when the monster shook it hard, a girl fell more than ten meters away, and fell heavily on the deck without moving. Judging from the impact of height and drop, the opponent was very ferocious. Little, apparently dead.

And even if the companion died, they still did not stop the children around them, but they even stimulated the other's slaughter. The children seemed crazy, yelled at the giant monster, held the sharp dagger and looked at the monster's eyes and noses. Throat the weak points such as the throat.

Chen Feng looked closely. In less than five minutes, a total of 26 monsters were stabbed to death, but also a dozen children were severely wounded, or died directly, or their palms and limbs were severed. Some Lying miserably on the ground.

Seeing such a scene, even Chen Feng was a little stunned.

Order has also conducted training courses. In order to reflect the truth of the doomsday, there are also casualties in each training. The two forces are somewhat similar.

Of course, there is also a completely different point. The two forces are for the purpose of increasing strength, but they are different from the order. The soldiers participating in training and death here are not adults, but underage children!


Inevitably a little exaggerated, right? !!

For Chen Feng, children are the hope of order. Those children are like fresh blood. Only when a new blood source is injected into the body can they circulate and lead a life to run normally. But here, the opposite is true. Instead of focusing on taking care of the children, each person issued a weapon to fight each other with the monsters, winning and living, and losing, there was only a dead end.

Take a peek at the big.

With just such a small policy, Chen Feng found that this force at sea was far more terrible than he thought.

Thousands of ships are connected together, and the population living at this sea base may have exceeded 100,000. Chen Feng looked around and was surprised to find that the same scene was also going on on other ships except those children, but From the child to the adult, the more ordinary monster has also become a mutant creature level existence.

Kill and redeem.

Either kill the monster and complete this cruel experience, or be strangled by the monster and lose your life in fear.

The survivors living on this base have no second choice at all.

This almost crazy move is all that Chen Feng feels now.

What is this place and who rules it?

Chen Feng understands that the doomsday is full of various disasters, and each force needs to face various difficulties. It is inevitable to strengthen the soldiers. However, it is so crazy that Chen Feng saw it for the first time. Everyone, man, woman is a warrior, all involved in the horror experience.

As the slaughter continued, many people died in the fight.

However, Chen Feng is too lazy to care about these things. He has never positioned himself on the level of a hero. Everyone has his own way of living. If he sees some cruel things, he feels compassion, then he has already exhausted his heart. Can't reach today's realm.


There was a sudden scolding on the side, and three young people appeared in the distance. They were casually dressed and did not have special uniforms, but their strength was not weak. They were all silver masters, and the most surprising thing was, The thing they sat down on was a huge turtle!

The common tortoise gives people a slow and thick breath, but now the tortoise is full of spines and has a sharp spine, like a tiger in the forest, it will always come up.

Golden Stage!

This tortoise that is not obvious in landscapes is also a golden-level creature. At this time, one turtle and one snake are facing each other, and it seems that they will pounce on the next second to start a fight. It seems that the other party is an inspector at this base and just saw it Tongtian Python, so came to question.

"This turtle is not weak, but these people are almost a little bit weaker." Wei Xun looked at the aggressive momentum of the other side and said, "Sir ~ ~ Do you want me to talk to them?"

"A group of silver-level babies dare to yell at me?" Chen Feng looked coldly: "I am a visitor from afar. Since you do n’t understand any rules, you can teach them to me!"

Chen Feng's strength is transcendent. The so-called injustice does not exist at all. He is now taking a [brave road] seeing mountains and mountains and seeing water and water. What if a large sea base is not good, and if he is unhappy, he does not have to take care of anyone at all. face.


The mutant tortoise did not pause, and those above saw Chen Feng unmoved. One of them stepped forward, his fingers were a bit empty, and four air bombs shot forward.

This air bomb is even more terrible than ordinary bullets. If ordinary people were to suffer such a blow, their bodies would suddenly be torn apart, and their death would be extremely miserable.

This is the effect of slaughter. These people are murderous. Even if they are weak, they have the momentum to follow me and perish.

Chen Feng did not move.

Wei Xun and Lu Wei snorted at the same time. At the same time, the air bomb had not shot to the side, and the surrounding air suddenly condensed. Then, a wolf head, a lion head, and a tiger head were transfigured in midair. This beast came to life. Just like a real resurrection, they exploded in front of a few people, standing on the back of the turtle, and those who were hit hard, had almost no possibility of defense, and fell into the sea water all at once.

"Suddenly hurt someone, where did the murderer want to die?" Who could have imagined that, at this moment, a cold voice came out of the turtle's mouth floating on the sea, with murder, and asked several people towards Chen Feng. .

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