The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 2 Chapter 809: Twisted creature

The monster's body floated on the water, and the surrounding waters had been stained with blood, so that it gave the illusion of being in a blood pool.

As for those mermaids, after the monster was killed by Chen Feng, he lost his life completely, as if the source of the body was hollowed out, his body was slumped, and the originally smooth skin instantly became wrinkled. An eighty old man named.

"The mermaid and this monster are basically symbionts. They have been fused with each other, but they are divided into masters and servants. The death of the mermaid is just a bait for the monster, but the death of the monster is a disaster for the mermaid. There is no possibility of survival at all. "

Chen Feng was suspended in mid-air, and the situation of the other party was immediately analyzed.

If it is truly a world full of wonders, the original python is considered to be a very rare species, but now this monster is weird to the extreme, I really do n’t know, there is nothing else in this world.


A sea breeze swept through, which was nothing more normal than normal, but because the killing just happened here, the fresh breeze was mixed with a bitter stench.

It's ridiculous that the monster was invincible a second ago, but now it ends up like this, in order to grow up, devour and devour, in the end, all this is just a wedding dress for others.

This is the doomsday. One wrong step is the abyss, and it does not give people any chance to regret it.

"Snoring ..." Shengsheng was hit by a monster. [Taishan Press] This also caused Tongtian Python to suffer a lot. However, the heterogeneous species is a heterogeneous species. After burying and killing several mutant sea monsters, their physical strength also recovered a lot. At this time, his head was exposed, and some greedy blood was sucking the blood on the surface of the water.

Both the Tongtian Python and that monster are water creatures. Once the Tongtian Python is swallowed by them, perhaps the genes will be changed. At that time, it will be completely stable to impact the legend.

However, Chen Feng didn't have this plan. Even if Tongtian Python has good talents and can digest the huge essence of monsters, it will take some time, as fast as a few months and as slow as half a year.

But all kinds of accidents can happen at any time. Instead of waiting for an unknown result, it is better to take the real thing and hold it. This is the immediate priority.

Chen Feng rejected Tongtian Python's proposal, which made the strange beast a bit lost, and swam aside to continue to lick the blood.

Even the blood contains a lot of energy, which is a great supplement for Tongtian Python and sea monsters. Therefore, before the blood loss, Tongtian Python wants to lick as much as possible.

Chen Feng ignored the small movements of Tonga Python, but just waved his wings to the top of the monster.

At this time, the tumor-like eyes in the monster's eyes still exudes strange green awns, giving the illusion that they will be resurrected at any time.

However, Chen Feng knew that the other party was dead and was directly penetrated by the endless sword. The origin of life had long since disappeared. Even if there is an epic strongman to rescue him now, there is still no possibility of resurrection!

For summoning Chen Feng's light road, he spread his hands and placed his hands on the monster's head. The original neat palm was stained with blood and it was very sticky, which made people instinctively feel aversion.

However, the call must be led by blood. In the past when Chen Feng was weak, each call required his hands to be pierced into the sacrifice's mind. At that time, Chen Feng persisted, so there is no problem at all in this situation.

Obscure spells were revealed in Chen Feng's mouth. Slowly, with Chen Feng as the center, a breeze swayed towards the surroundings, the sea surface was urged, and the seawater was like boiling, with countless blisters.

An indescribable breath suddenly came, not pure evil or disaster, but an unspeakable annoyance.

This weird atmosphere seems to be able to evoke all the troubles and the dark side of the heart, so that even the creatures under the sea are affected, and they begin to writhe and kill, no matter what the effect is, the ultimate purpose is only one, which is to vent the irritability in the heart.

"This breath is weird!" Because he is in the Summoning Center, Chen Feng has been affected several times around him. Even though his mind is already as strong as a rock, under the influence of the breath, his breathing becomes cramped, and his mind even emerges. There are many irritations.

Expanding the power of faith requires population. You can explore the surroundings, either only tens of thousands of people, or being slaughtered by monsters. In one year, the population has not even increased by 100,000.

The phantom of the second personality emerges, whether it is an illusion or a real existence, which is unknown at all.

Although the power of Victor's eyes was detached, he was now simply keeping the treasures empty.

All kinds of haze in the past, at this time like ignition gasoline, suddenly rose in Chen Feng's heart.

As time passed, instead of disappearing, this annoyance became more and more obvious, making people want to let go of the killing ring in order to vent their pain.


At the critical moment, Chen Feng bit his tongue sharply, and then he recovered a little bit of reason ~ ~. Then he realized that he was affected by some special spirit.

"This summoning beast is a bit unusual!" The sacrifice has ended, and Chen Feng has awakened a powerful creature. He walked away ten meters away, and his discomfort disappeared, not as strong as before.

"What the **** did I summon ?!" Stabilizing his mood, Chen Feng focused his attention forward. At this time, he was curious about this new summoned beast.

Perhaps it was to satisfy Chen Feng's desire. At this time, the originally boiling sea surface returned to calm again. This situation did not last for a long time, and a huge shadow appeared on the bottom of the sea. Then, the sea broke open, a twisted body wriggled. This figure appeared in front of Chen Feng!

The monster that appeared in front of Chen Feng was a pure black tree-shaped deformity.

It looks like it consists of rope-shaped tentacles. They stand on the ground as tall as trees, basically between twelve to twenty feet (about three to six meters); their entire upper body is framed in one or several pairs of thick On the short hoof-shaped lower limbs, a large number of rope-shaped tentacles protrude from the center line in the place that should be the head, with a large wrinkled mouth in the middle, continuously dripping green mucus.

From the side profile, they are almost no obvious difference from the big tree. Those pairs of hoofed lower limbs are like the thick roots of the big tree; the upper body's body that diverges from the midline and the many rope-like tentacles swinging exactly simulate the big tree's branch.

The annoyance I felt just now was caused by these branches swaying!

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