The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 2 Chapter 799: Ningxia Tianren

Corpse Explosion!

As the name implies, it is Saruman who controls the undead to self-explode, causing a fatal blow to the enemy. The bone dragon is the same level as Saruman. If the bone dragon is in its heyday, Saruman cannot naturally cast this spell.

But in the confrontation with Mara, the bone dragon's soul flame has been seriously damaged. In addition, the bones on and around the body are also on the verge of ruin. It is no exaggeration to say that the moment of collision, the strength of the bone dragon is hard. Shengsheng was weakened by 60%!

This is the horse holding the secondary artifact!

This is what the so-called God cannot look at!

Even though the avatar now has less than one percent of the body's strength, it can already be completely crushed against the legendary rank. Mara just now is close to invincible!

But even Mara had never expected that the bone dragon would suddenly explode. The demigod mummy was because of hate, and it was understandable to kill himself by suicide. But the bone dragon obviously had the intention to survive. The other party wanted to live, but in the eyes of Mara But this is the way to kill each other!

According to the countless years of experience of Mara hunting, once the prey has this mood, then it is not far from destruction.

Mara is teasing each other. It tries to torture another legendary bone dragon in order to give Chen Feng a disappointment or a ceremony.

However, what Mara didn't think of was that while Bone Dragon was still in a state of horror and fear, the source of the body suddenly fissured and seemed to be affected by some external influence. Instantly, a splendid air exploded in mid-air. wave!

The terrifying air waves swept around again. The land that had just been damaged by the demigod mummy has become black scorched earth. There are no more living beings on it. It is like a place of silence. There are countless sorrowful voices. Roaring and howling in midair.

"Hate! Hate! Hate! I hate it!" The lingering thoughts of Bone Dragon and Demigod Mummy sent out a monstrous hate, hate the sky, and hate Chen Feng even more!

The demigod mummy was killed by Chen Feng alive, and the bone dragon spontaneously exploded because of the full output of Saruman. They were originally famous masters in the abyss. They also experienced all kinds of adventures to have the power today, but now, everything However, it turned into nothingness, leaving a trail of thoughts suspended above Chen Feng's head.


After being dead, the powerful man can curse his opponent with remnants!

This is an invisible, intangible, but real force.

The lighter ones have bad luck, while the other is very likely that the family will be ruined. Even when they are promoted, they will fail because of the remaining grievances.

This may be excusable, after all, the two strong men died too badly!

However, Chen Feng will not let the other side out.

I would rather take the world by myself than let the world take me!

Chen Feng's strength is now extremely horrible. He has accumulated for a period of time. His strength has already exceeded the beginning of the legend. At the mid-stream level, plus an eye of Vientiane, which explores illusions, he can naturally see the bone dragons and demigod mummy shrinking by many times. Spiral over his head.

Like the night sky without stars, it is dark, and those darkness seem to bring themselves into an unknown danger zone. Every step in the future, every decision you make, you need to be careful. Once you are negligent, you will end up in a horrible situation!

In the heyday, if one dragon and one ghost joined forces, Chen Feng would naturally fall into the downwind, but now it is just two grievances. Why fear it?

Chen Feng raised his head, his eyes flashed with a cold light without any emotion.

"You are loyal. If you leave this way, I will naturally thank you, but you dare to turn into resentment and try to curse my future path? This is why I can't blame myself to destroy you completely!" Seeing it with anger, Chen Feng didn't delay too long, stretched out his arm, and a hot flame rose into the sky!

The flame is rotated at the height of the palm by energy, and when it rises to mid-air, it has formed a fire tornado, like a sky-long dragon with golden scales, meandering for tens of meters, opening its **** mouth, The black mist over that head swallowed up!


The demigod mummy and bone dragon have long since died, but the only thing left behind is the monstrous hatred. At this time, how can you stop this horrible flame and be swallowed into the belly of the fire dragon for a moment, Chen Feng looks carefully, deep in the flame, the temperature As high as tens of thousands of degrees, the so-called resentment was roasted by the flames, but in just ten seconds, the last thoughts of the two legendary powerful men in this world disappeared completely!

"God must not be defiled!"

Just after Chen Feng had resolved his grievances, a figure suddenly burst into the aftershock of the horrible explosion. It was Mara. Although Saruman's corpse explosion was terrible, he wanted to kill the sticky divine Mara. It was a little worse.

However, compared to the incomparable appearance before, Mara now looks extremely embarrassed. The original symmetrical pair of artifacts has now been blown up. Only the left hand has a half of the animal claws left. In addition, the abdomen It was also blown out of a hole with dark black plasma flowing inside. Apparently, the energy generated by the corpse explosion defeated the opponent's defense and severely damaged its body on this land!

Mara's back is low, and her face is almost disfigured, which makes the ugly face even more infiltrating ~ ~ It is like the fears of the earth are gathered together, which makes people heart. Feeling desperate, fortunately all the legendary masters present, if not, the deterrence brought by this face alone can scare ordinary masters to death!

Next second!

Mara opened her eyes in vain!

At the critical moment, what he protects first is not the secondary artifact and face in his hand, but his own eyes. The hunter needs his head and eyes to kill the prey. As long as these two are still there, he will have the opportunity to come back!

Mara's eyes pierced the sky, saw everything in front of him, and then uttered a gruesome voice, erupting from his mouth: "All these are the masters behind you, I will throw your soul into the Styx, Eternal life will never be born, even if it becomes a worm will be extravagant hope! "

The Marathon legend is very cruel. Whoever offends him will undo everything, even the believers, let alone Chen Feng?

Unfortunately, the divinity on the opponent's body has long been dissipated by the summoning beast's self-explosion and condensed secondary artifacts. At this time, it is just superficial, just a little bit, the light film on the body will completely disappear.

Perhaps Mara also anticipated this, so he no longer thought about slowly solving those summoned beasts, but instead pointed his target directly at Chen Feng!


Now that Mara is in the eyes of Chen Feng, he is just a tiger without teeth. Even if the opponent does not come, he will attack him!

The cold light flashed in Chen Feng's eyes, and the endless sword was droopingly held in the palm of his hand. At the moment when Malamai started his steps, a groan was also revealed in Chen Feng's mouth:

"Shadow Jump!" 8)

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