The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1446: Endless resentment

The worm has suffered.

Mice, bugs. Hedgehog, originally a slap-sized creature in peacetime, stood up at this time, and there was quite a sense of mutual beating between monsters.

After all, all of them are the size of a calf. Fighting together is like a **** picture, which makes people feel very uncomfortable at first glance, and even vomiting a stream of acid water.

Insects naturally won't sit still. At this time, it is natural who fights to the end who is not afraid of death.

Some mid-to-high-order bugs have already possessed wisdom in the continuous evolution. With wisdom, they are afraid of death, because they want to live and to create their own civilization.

And some low-level bugs have no worries at all. Those are a dense group of sulfuric acid insects traveling on the ground. They rely on spraying sulfuric acid to deal with the enemy.

In general, even if someone wants to kill the other person, they will still be under a lot of pressure, because once the sulphate bug's body is damaged, they will immediately enter a self-destruct mode, because the blood leaks and explodes. .

At this time, these sulfuric acid worms were completely insane under constant harassment, just when the three parties were fighting together for a time.




A series of blasting sounds sounded, but they saw that the sulfuric acid worms all blew themselves up, relying on this method to give the enemy a final attack.

Many fear rats and hedgehogs have been recruited.

The blasting force produced by countless sulfuric acid together melts it directly, even if it is contaminated a little, it will slowly rot and die due to infection.

The soldiers standing in the secret place watching the surroundings, only felt that everything in front of them was beyond imagination. An hour ago, it was still a somewhat beautiful field, but now, it has become a world of purgatory.

Wei Xun has been paying attention to the rat god's behavior, but at the same time, his eyebrows are constantly tightening in each second of observation, it seems that he does not believe that the other party will do so.

That's right, the rat **** appeared very timely, not only killed the most terrifying king of allies and enemies, but the next second, it didn't close slowly, but continued to stir the dispute, only in a few minutes, Even his men were overcast to death.

Wesson's mind suddenly reflected an idea, all that the rat **** did was for some purpose.

In the lives of the three races, more and more creatures were slaughtered, and the **** smell could even be scattered a few miles away. It was clear and audible.

But at this time, very few monsters came here for hunting, because although the **** smell was strong, the beasts all had a warning heart. Those monsters lurking on the side obviously noticed something, they were quietly dormant, not Dare to come here half a step.

Here is the majesty of the rat god.

After another half an hour, there were hundreds of mice standing on the huge battlefield, and all other worms and spear hedgehogs had been killed.

And just as the rats were exhausted and wheezed while lying in the blood, the rat gods roared loudly. Then, the feared mice started to scratch their necks with sharp nails.

In the last minute, there was only a dire rat left on the battlefield.

"Blood offering!"

At this time, Wei Xun seemed to think of something, and his eyes were immediately glaring. Following Chen Feng for so long, it was clear that the blood sacrifice was terrible.

This is almost a rule of buying and selling, except that shopping depends on the tongue and wealth, and the blood sacrifice depends on the quality of the offering.

However, this is Chen Feng's high-level sacrifice ritual, and what is going on with the rat? Even if the other party evolves and has more wisdom, at best, it is just a simple mouse. How is it possible and how is it worth mastering this ability?

"Don't ..."

Wei Xun seemed to remember something, and his eyes stared into two circles.

During the time following Chen Feng, he also saw some beings that could not be imagined with conventional thoughts, that is, divine or projection.

God descends on this sacrifice by relying on the first prepared sacrifice, and then monsters in unknown domains rely on human flesh and even other beasts.

And the so-called Shen Jiang is so similar to the mouse in front of him.

Because of unknown energies, mice may have undergone some mutations from the beginning, but all mutations require a process, just like a spear hedgehog. Even if the latter has the same ability, the growth is nothing but violent And fear rats, in addition to their more terrifying power, they also have human culture and knowledge.

As early as the beginning of monkeys, with the continuous evolution, they have the ability to create camps and even communicate. That is because monkeys are originally distant relatives of humans. With the understanding of humans, some monkeys have evolved to be higher and more intelligent. Species can be completed in a hundred years.

And the mice?

In a peaceful era, there is only one meaning of a mouse, and that is everyone shouting.

People hate mice and don't even have any communication with each other. In this case, if mice want to evolve to speak, or even imitate humans, it will take at least three hundred years to do so.

But just now, what Wei Xun saw, the mice that originally required hundreds of years to have intelligent communication, even started to start their own culture just like humans.

The root of all this may be the rat **** in front of him.

Wei Xun's eyes kept narrowing. He only felt that when more and more rats committed suicide, he fell into a pool of blood, and instinctively felt some terrible feelings.

That's the kind. Once you let the other person get what they want, they, no, all the people lurking around, maybe there is only one end, that is death.

"You must stop the other!"

After the thought flashed in Wei Xun's mind, the mouse **** even raised his arms, and then a **** gas gathered together. Seeing that, the mouse **** was going to prepare for the next In time, the blood sacrifice is completely consumed to obtain pure energy.

Wei Xun originally suspected the opponent's avatar, but from the current situation, this suspicion is almost infallible.

"Can't make each other successful!"

Wei Xun once again said, and at this time, a rattan-sized blood-mist black ball suddenly appeared on the chest of the rat god.

This is the blood of all the living creatures. The mouse **** gathered them together, obviously to swallow them down. Look like that. Once they really let the other side swallow them down, the mouse that does not seem to be leaking in the eyes will have it immediately. Even Wei Xun may not be able to resist.

"Must kill each other, or else everyone will die!"

Thinking of this, Wei Xun at this moment was almost like a nightmare, no longer thinking about it, the shape of the body instantly turned into a shadow of thunder, and the next moment he rushed to the top of the rat god, and then, the arm of the devil unfolded toward the other My head smashed!


Everything happened in an instant. The rat **** didn't seem to notice anything at all, or was too involved. His head was immediately smashed by a crack in Wei Xun, and his magnificent body also flew out ten meters. Far away, hit a stone directly.

At the same time, Wei Xun spread his palms, forming a storm of thunder, beating a large number of black lightnings, intertwined into a web of lightning, constantly hitting the surface of the rat god, forming a kind of Highly dense killing effect.

And just when Wei Xun repelled the rat **** and hit the other side by surprise, the black ball in front of him had devoured the blood of all beings.

Next second.


Wei Xun intuitively felt a violent energy like raging waves and raging waves. This energy seemed to smash all the broken walls and debris into shatters, ashes swept the sky, forming a horrible aerosol similar to a mushroom cloud!

This is the blood of all beings!

No, this is not just as simple as blood, but a collection of resentment from countless creatures.

In the situation just now, the rat **** relied on his own power to dying countless lives, and the unwillingness and grief of insects, mice, and hedgehogs gathered together, which was simply a shocking world, a weeping ghost.

With the passage of time, there is an absolutely cold, wicked, and deadly breath, which surges like a tide. Overwhelming, shocking the world, as if the world-destroying demon crawling out of the purgatory abyss, proclaiming that all beings in the world will give their lives!


A hoarse whine, like a groan from a fierce ghost, made all the people present to be struck by lightning and blood toss, like an electric shock!

Although those professionals are extremely powerful in the past, under such extreme resentment, they are humble like an ant, and many people are even caught in a hallucination at this time. They can no longer concentrate and stay in a hidden state. .

"Quickly absorb this energy!"

Just when Wei Xun was the first to feel this terrible energy intuitively, a somewhat loud noise resounded in his head.

"What are you talking about? Let me absorb this yin and wicked energy?" Wei Xun was unbelievable. Although he knew that these energies were very pure, they were completely dark energies. Directly into the magic.

At that time, once you enter the demon path, all the surrounding companions will die, there is no possibility of escape.

And just as Wesson questioned, the voice in his head sounded again: "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, although the dark energy inside is very pure, but once consumed, it will be good for you and me."

"Wei Xun admit his fate, you have no talent, can go to today, and all rely on the support of adults, to enter the epic is a real talent, not the day after tomorrow can be filled."

"I noticed the rat from the beginning. The other side is also a half-step epic, and I also want to rely on these energy to change my life to get more pure power, so that I can easily impact the epic rank!"

"There are five or six thousand dead creatures around, and most of them are full of essence and blood. As long as you swallow the black ball, you may immediately enter the epic level. I know what you are afraid of, and you are afraid that you will directly enter the magic. Become a real monster. You can rest assured that we are all glorious and all are damaged. With me, we will be able to protect you. "

"It's just that I can't help you share too much energy. It can only play a suppressive role, but it's nothing. As long as the adult comes back, it will naturally help you and me to unblock. At that time, once the demon is eradicated, , You are the true epic strongman. At that time, you will be regarded as a firm foothold in this human land. Do you mean? "

Wei Xun and the voices in his head have long been in love with each other for a long time, because the guy composed of countless beast souls is too troublesome, and love is because in countless battles, they fought alongside each other.

The other party has long been tightly connected with his soul. It is no exaggeration to say that the one who does not want to die in the world is this irritable guy.

"Yes, although I do n’t have the ability to contain the dark energy in it, but the adults can certainly do it. As long as I hit the epic first, then I will naturally become a red man in the eyes of adults, and also the first in order to impact the epic rank. Humanity!"

Wesson admits he has a gambling element.

But this is the world. If you do n’t fight, where do you know how much potential you have.


"Be sure to devour!"

At this moment ~ ~ Wei Xun's eyes turned scarlet, like a terrible beast, staring at the black energy in front of him.

As the energy inside tumbled, Wei Xun slowly stretched out a hand, trying to **** all this energy into his body.

The energy is too rich. Ordinary professionals, even if they are half-step epic strongmen, swallow these energy into the body, they will explode directly, there is no possibility of survival.

But Wei Xun is different. Under the continuous absorption of the other party, there are already hundreds of beast souls contained in the body. Although they have died, these beast souls cannot absorb too much power, but the reason that people have more power, Wei Xun still understands that as long as the energy is dispersed in the body of the beast soul, he will not have a crisis of explosion.

The professionals who watched around were mostly talented and strangers. When they saw Wei Xun's move, they naturally guessed some ideas about the other party's next step.

But there is really nothing to be jealous of, because everyone also feels how terrible the resentment contained in the black ball. Instead, they do n’t say that it is absorption, just a few steps closer, maybe their heads will directly crack and become countless. Resentment puppets controlled.

At this moment, it seemed that everyone's hearts were tightened, as if there was a fiery flame burning in the flames. They were expecting Wei Xun to create another miracle, but they were also worried whether Wei Xun would be able to stand firm and stand firmly ... ...

"Come on!"

In order, Wei Xun was privately called a tyrant by many people because of his behavior, but at this time, they were standing on the united front. After all, Wei Xun was more powerful, and for them living under the shroud of order, The safety factor will undoubtedly rise another stage.

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