The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1418: Life Wither 0

Bahamut's heritage is stronger than Chen Feng imagined.

This is the strength of the Divine Residence.

锋 Chen Feng perceives the vigilance of the surroundings. Both the wood elves and the tree giants are somewhat wary of these two uninvited guests, especially after they feel the presence of Meske, they can no longer be regarded as a guard, but a strong exclusion.

Tochigi elves and tree giants are natural messengers. They naturally have super strong elemental awareness. They are inherently opposed to the devil. In fact, most of them have very bad attitudes towards the devil.

The devil is the source of all disasters.

This is the truth.

出现 The appearance of the devil anywhere will cause some chaos. Although the devil is more rational than the devil, it is undeniable that the other party is born to destroy.

If it is not Bahamut's side, these wood elves and tree giants are likely to attack Mesk.

麦 And Mesque is not in a good mood now. He also frowned at these hatreds, looked forward, and said fiercely: "Look again, I will dig out your eyes!"

I was reprimanded by Mesker as a wooden elf girl, who had a good face, wearing clothes made of leaves. In the eyes of ordinary people, the leaves were thin and could not be used as sewing materials.

But these wood elves are different. They are the darlings of nature. The leaves are superimposed without leaving a gap at all. What is more precious is that this special clothes is full of natural breath, and the wood elves supported by it are simply beautiful.

虽然 Although the strength of this wooden elf is only a legendary rank, in the face of the threat of Meske, he didn't take his mind at all, instead he took out his arrows and had the possibility to shoot arrows at any time.

She stared at Mesker's face, with an expression of disgust: "Hateful devil, why did you come here, you guys are not welcome here, the place you should take is purgatory!"

Tochigi elves live in the forest and rarely contact creatures outside the race, but this does not mean that they are not gentle. In fact, the wood elves are relatively gentle purebred elves.

They are born to be kind camps.

Of course, because they are too kind, they are extremely disgusted with some evil creatures. The Pleasure Demon is an evolution of the Desire. For the elves, the existence of the Pleasure Devil is originally an opposition!

Now, she does not have a bow and archery, and she is very restrained.

In contrast, Meske was originally angry with flames and suffered too much humiliation. At this time, even a little elf dared to yell at him, and anger grew in his heart.

Mysk smiled angrily, didn't speak, but just opened his mouth slightly.

Soon after, a black gas permeated, and when it spread to the surroundings, all the flowers and trees on the side even withered.

——Death is dead!

This is a terrible plague. It has great damage to natural life. There is no forest in purgatory, and there are volcanoes and wasteland everywhere. Geya has lived in purgatory for many years. The body has already become a body of doom. In a short period of time, this forest can be infected, and at that time, both the tree giant and the wood elves will be affected.

Not only that, but even more terrible is that life in this forest will be harmed. At that time, any hare, zerg, or even a monster after the mutation will die and become a bone.

"You **** devil!"

The wooden elves beside me saw this scene, and could no longer hold back the anger in their hearts, and directly opened the bow and arrow. The naked eye could see that a green energy ray was formed on the arrow.

The light condenses a bit, like a meteor in the sky, and pierces the head toward Meske.


He was even more startled. The arrow just made a sudden sound and then suddenly disappeared. When it appeared again, it appeared in front of Mesque.

This blow not only possesses wooden energy, but the opponent also has mastered the space system!

木 This wooden elf looks not very old, but looks like human beings seventeen or eighteen. The life of the elf is hundreds or even thousands of years. Although she is fifty-eight years old, she is just an adult in the human world.

即便 Even if he is young, the other party has two kinds of energy, one is the wood system, and the other is the space system.

Compared to the former, the master of the space department is undoubtedly more rare. This is a true talent. Even if it is placed in other dimensions, it is a genius.

Everything happens in an instant.

若 If this blow is placed on someone else, maybe I don't know what to do. The wood elf seems to have only the legendary rank, but this trick is a real threat to the epic enemy.

麦 But Mesque turned a blind eye.

In the face of this blow, He even opened his mouth directly, a thick black gas appeared, appeared in front of his face door, and then blocked the further advance of the arrow.

Not only that, those energies seem to have extremely terrible corrosive energies, but they are slowly melting away the arrows, only a few seconds, and the arrows disappear completely, as if they never appeared.

These energies are full of decay and disaster, and many of them even have sorrow in their hair, and seem to feel extreme pain.

Obviously, this is also some of the abilities that Geya has before him, and at this time, the masters of these abilities have changed their names and changed their names, and are owned by Mesque!

"You **** elf, since you have such high self-esteem, turn me into a bone and die completely!"

Msk's words seemed to have a curse, and the words should have just fallen, and the wood elf screamed, and then, his muscles began to shrink at a rate that was visible to the naked eye.

Not only that, but the eyes were also sunken.

It was just a moment, the original beautiful girl, who was extremely beautiful, turned into a skeleton, and the bad situation did not stop there, but it became more and more intense.

The other person's cheeks were sunken, and then her hair fell off, and her teeth decayed from her mouth, just like a dead body. An indescribable oldness appeared on the girl.

"Do not!"

The Tochigi elf obviously did not expect this change to happen. She painfully wanted to shed tears. She could squeeze with force, and her eyes became blurred. From youth to twilight, she only experienced a few seconds.

"Kora closed her eyes, all these are hallucinations, and when you wake up, everything will return to its original state!" Just as the elf girl panicked, a familiar voice suddenly appeared near her ears.

"the Lord!"

The young girl said tremblingly.

Then, a pair of warm big hands lay directly on the other's shoulders. The elf girl just felt full of drowsiness, then slowly fell asleep.

Bahamut straightened up, holding a girl with a better face in her arms, all of which was hallucinations, all illusions made by Mesker!

The Devil is a symbol of evil. They can always come up with countless ways to put pressure on the enemy's soul and multiple pressures, just like now ~ ~ In the hallucination, the elf girl no doubt feels extremely panic.

Especially for the beautiful girl, watching her face turn into an ugly old 妪, this blow is no less than killing her directly!

Without Bahamut's help, the elven girl is likely to be scared to death, and even, in order to retain her final dignity, the other party will be deceived and then commit suicide and die.

This is the horror of Pleasure Demon!

This devil is good at teaching and illusion attacks.

麦 Mysk did not show enough understanding for the attack of the elven girl. In fact, Mysk has said before that once the opponent really chooses to attack, then he will definitely give the other an unimaginable memory.

The fact is the same. Myske did not take any action at this time. At this time, his shot was almost like the demon awakened, and he immediately descended into the forest land with a stance of destruction.

Wu Mingming's elf girl's strength has reached the legendary rank, but compared with Meske, she is a little witch and a big witch, without any comparability.

"Beautiful girl, I took back my affection from you before. Seriously, you are really annoying." Bahamut was holding the elf girl in her arms. Apparently, Meske's move caused the other party's anger, So much to say now.

Being disgusted, this caused the anger in Mesker's heart to burn again. She looked up and stared at the handsome face: "The one who told you not to disturb me anymore, because I really fear that I can't control it and destroy everything , You should know, I'm not kidding! "

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