The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1411: smile

Naluo's voice is still echoing in the rear, but Chen Feng no longer cares about it, but directly penetrates the dimension and returns to the human world.

Compared to the extremely harsh environment in the abyss, the human world is undoubtedly a bird of flowers and flowers. This is already spring, everything is recovering, and everything is beginning to grow vigorously.

A disaster caused humanity to lose almost two-thirds of its population, and its technological level was completely destroyed. It is no exaggeration to say that the current human world has been conservatively estimated to have degraded for a hundred years or more.

"This is the human world?"

Mesker has been living in the abyss and in his own kingdom of God. He has not paid much attention to the human world, but at this time, after he felt the breath here, he could not help but widen his eyes and was shocked. Looks like.

Mysk now has a look of humiliation to the country and the people, inherited the face of the Devil, plus his own unique atmosphere, even if he does not know the identity of the other party, even the masters of the level of Wei Xun have to fall.

For this reason, Chen Feng felt the need to remind his subordinates that this seemingly glamorous existence is actually a real male inside!

Moreover, the predecessor of this man is still a divine residence. If you want to play some stimulation, you must first consider whether your heart can bear it?

This is where?

Chen Feng is a little embarrassed. Because of the influence of Nai Luo, there has been some deviation in his shuttle ability. The environment he is in now is likely to be far from order.

Although it seems like a bereavement dog was driven back from the abyss, for Chen Feng, this is undoubtedly a real big gain!

He not only conquered a divine residence, but also gained three strands of divinity. What is the so-called eviction?


A few people just stood on the ground, Xu Hongzhuang suddenly covered her chest, then spit out blood, and the other person's face was extremely pale. The appearance was as weak as a layer of powder.

Originally in the Colosseum, Xu Hongzhuang was attacked by countless demons and devils, and has been badly hit. After that, she even shot at Nai because she had endured the pressure of the opponent and became this picture. kind.

Moreover, Xu Hongzhuang is not only a physical wound. A few seconds before the shuttle of several people, Naluo ’s attack had reached Chen Feng. From the perspective of ordinary people, if Chen Feng had withstood the blow just now, there would be no chance of escape. .

It was at that moment that Xu Hongzhuang was desperate to attack her heart and wanted to rescue, but it was too late and she was struggling with her heart. Finally, she couldn't hold on anymore and collapsed on the ground.

At this time, Xu Hongzhuang was so weak that she was extremely weak. Even if her breath was absent, it seemed that it might disappear at any time.

Chen Feng hugged the other side, looking at each other like this, his eyes were full of complex emotions.

Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect.

In the past few years, Chen Feng could not see Xu Hongzhuang's meaning to himself, but his goal has always been to conquer, expand, and try to live better.

Therefore, I have overlooked some feelings of Xu Hongzhuang.

And he is also clear that after knowing that Fula was pregnant with her child, Xu Hongzhuang's attitude towards herself has changed significantly, as if she was angered. Even if there is any problem, it is resolved as soon as possible. Without delay too long.

Chen Feng knows that the reason for all of this is that Xu Hongzhuang didn't know how to face herself.

"I'm dying."

Xu Hongzhuang's makeup fell into Chen Feng's arms, her face was pale and pale, but her eyes were very shining, like stars, exuding strange colors.

"Don't say that." Chen Feng shook his head.

Xu Hongzhuang wanted to talk, but maybe she coughed because she was too anxious, and she coughed up a blood. She shook her head: "I know my current situation, in fact, I'm ready to go. When I go to the abyss, I guess I will have this end. "

"Don't you say that? The danger in the abyss is so high that you could lose your life at any time, I ..."

Chen Feng patted Xu Hongzhuang's head and said softly: "What stupid words you say, your body is just damaged too much. As long as it is treated properly, it will not leave any sequelae."

At this time, Xu Hongzhuang didn't care about her health at all, but grinned and said, "Are you concerned about me?"

"I ..." Chen Feng didn't know how to answer.

Seeing Chen Feng's appearance, Xu Hongzhuang was not annoyed, she just leaned her head into the other's arms and leaned: "I hated you. When I first met you, you were so terrible that you didn't follow you I said that until now I sometimes have nightmares. In the dream, you still threaten me like before. I ... I do n’t feel scared to kill the dragon, but I woke up in the middle of the night because of your threat. There is enough shame. "

Chen Feng seemed to remember something. That was when he was just born again. Everything was just beginning. At that time, he was full of things and people. He believed that everything was a hidden danger. At that time, he did it. A lot of stupid things, wrong things.

But Ke Feng remembered that when they met each other again, he personally relieved the other party's psychological coercion, but how could Xu Hongzhuang still look like he was influenced by himself?

I don't know Chen Feng's thoughts. In fact, Xu Hongzhuang is now completely immersed in her own memories. She smiles, and a pathological flush appears on her face.

Meske shook his head aside. As a divine residence, he naturally has too much right to speak about life, death, and death. At this step, he has been able to conclude that Xu Hongzhuang is powerless to return to heaven, and it will be completely lost before long Life becomes a corpse.

This is the price of being right with Nara!

Naluo is a **** of death. He is in charge of life, death and illness. Some so-called warriors try to overthrow Naluo's ruling power. However, in the course of fighting with each other, they will gradually feel powerless. Shuo's body became rotten, and his long black hair became gray, and even the palm of his weapon, like a chicken's paw, shrunk together.

The other party has the ability to absorb time.

Previously, Chen Feng had a secondary artifact as a weapon, and Mesker, as a divine residence, naturally had his own hole cards. Among several people, only Xu Hongzhuang was a human being, and only the other party really used his flesh and blood to go Compete against each other.

I also rely on Chen Feng to pull them out of the crack. If it is a few seconds at night, Xu Hongzhuang is likely to live and die in it and become a dead body!


Is the power of time!

"It's still a pity." Mesque glanced at Xu Hongzhuang. Although he was in short contact with each other, he had to admit that this human does have some talents. If he is trained a little, he can obviously become a strong player.

But unfortunately, the other party will eventually die here, in a place hundreds of times stronger than the abyss.

God's mansion doesn't care about life in the world.

As a mansion who does n’t know how long he has lived, Mesquite is completely able to face life and death. After all, in the long history, he has also married some wives and had some children.

Mysk has infinite life. This is the privilege of being a divine residence, but his wife and children are not there. In this way, even though Mysk cherishes those loved ones very much, he still cannot save the life of the other party.

Even if they have the power to transcend the myth, they have even reached eternity, but if one day does not enter the realm of the divine residence, there can be no eternal life.

Mesker watched his loved ones die in his arms. One, two, three, four, in an infinite amount of time, the number of loved ones who died in his arms has exceeded three digits, so why would he Sad and pained by a companion who has been in contact for a short time?

Exactly, not only is Meske, but even Xu Hongzhuang doesn't care about her physical condition now. She looks like she even has some small thrills.

"Don't say it, you take a break, you'll be fine when you are well." Chen Feng patted the other's back and stretched out his right hand. When he was about to do something, Xu Hongzhuang suddenly reached out and grasped Chen Feng's. Right hand.

Xu Hongzhuang's face was a little reddish, and she could not see whether she was shy or had fallen ill. She shivered and said, "I used to be scared of death. My family died in front of me. I want to be strong and I want to protect many people. At that time, I was still ridiculed by you, laughing at me as whimsical and saying that the world has no justice. "

Chen Feng's gaze was a little sloppy.

What about the facts?

Chen Feng originally thought that this was just some fantasies of Xu Hongzhuang. He could not hold on for long, but the other party really insisted on it. In the following days, he became the valkyrie in the camp. There were even a group of followers, those who followed. People regard Xu Hongzhuang as a spiritual leader. In the eyes of those people, Xu Hongzhuang's existence even surpasses Chen Feng!

Xu Hongzhuang fulfilled her promise, she is a well-deserved heroine in the camp.

Chen Feng said softly: "If necessary, I can say sorry to you. At that time, I didn't believe the world too much."

Xu Hongzhuang shook her head: "I don't need to say sorry, you saved me. If it weren't for you, I would have died under Dixinglong's mouth and become digested food in the other's abdomen. What I want to say is, At that time, you were like a wounded tiger. When anyone approached, you would bite each other or even kill each other because of self-protection. "

"I really want to ask you, what did you experience? Why was it so indifferent? At that time, you were so resistant and vigilant to everything. Have you never believed anyone?"

The words of Xu Hongzhuang, like an ice cone, poked straight into Chen Feng's heart.

As a guardian deity in the camp, Chen Feng was undoubtedly successful. From hundreds to slowly to several thousand people. Until now, the number of people in the camp has exceeded two million, becoming a well-deserved power giant.

So many survivors can survive, most of them because of the existence of Chen Feng!

Without Chen Feng, these people would not know how many would die.

But even though there are millions of people in the camp, Chen Feng still protects himself habitually. Before, he was guarded because of weakness, but now he is so-called high, even if he doesn't discriminate against ordinary people, but because of his strength When ordinary people see themselves, they can't help but show their humiliation.

Chen Feng is lonely, not only in the past, but also in the present.

But no one has ever said Chen Feng this way. Wei Xun did n’t dare, Lu Wei did not dare, not even Fura, because they knew who was the true king of order. In their world, Chen Feng was the only one. It is the power to control the law, and the king who cannot tolerate any finger!

这一 But at this moment, Xu Hongzhuang said something like this. She seems to have felt the passage of her life, so she gathered up her courage and said some words that affected Chen Feng.

Xu Hongzhuang saw Chen Feng's hesitant expression and grinned suddenly.

Even if she is seriously ill, she can't hide the beauty of Xu Hongzhuang. Even because the other party is now extremely weak, she has formed a huge gap with her, which makes Xu Hongzhuang look more beautiful.

Xu Hongzhuang put out her right hand and placed it on Chen Feng's cheek. She rubbed gently, her eyes were so gentle and unwilling: "Do you know? Even if you often scare me in dreams, I'm still very happy . "

"You are too cold in weekdays, like a block of ice to stay there. Even if someone wants to say something to you, they will be discouraged from seeing your face and dare not move closer."

"I'm dying."

"No!" Chen Feng said firmly.

Xu Hongzhuang smiled: 'I know the current state better than anyone. In the Colosseum, I have exhausted my strength, and when I just played against that Naraku, I burned my power at the cost of life. My body is as if the leaves have fallen. "

"I only have one last wish. Can you promise me?"

Xu Hongzhuang was so miserable that she looked towards Chen Feng, her eyes full of craving.

"You said……"

He did not hesitate, Chen Feng replied.

After hearing the answer, Xu Hongzhuang smiled openly ~ ~ softly said, "Can you smile for me?"

Chen Feng, what is the requirement?

Seeing Chen Feng hesitant, Xu Hongzhuang poked her lips: "I want to see you laugh at me, can you?"

Chen Feng looked at the expectant eyes, his mouth grinned, and a stiff smile appeared, after all, he hadn't smiled for a long time.

Xu Hongzhuang saw this scene, but she looked very satisfied. She shook her body and her lips opened slightly: "That's fine ... in the future ... to ... remember ... to laugh more."

After Xu said, Xu Hongzhuang closed her eyes and her arm slid down from Chen Feng's cheek.

Chen Feng did not release his arm for a long time, just held each other like this.

"She's dead." Meske passed by this time, and saw Xu Hongzhuang's breath was completely gone, she could not help saying.

On the other hand, when Chen Feng heard all this, he turned a blind eye. What's even more strange is that the arc of the corner of his mouth is getting bigger and bigger, and he can't help laughing even more. How could it die? "

Let ’s just say, without waiting for Mysk to refute, Chen Feng waved with his right hand, and two strands of bizarre and shining divinity emerged from the damaged space.


Mysk seemed to think about what Chen Feng was going to do, his eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it.

The next second, the divinity suddenly turned down and was directly put into Xu Hongzhuang's body!

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