The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1401: Lord of Thieves

Everything is a conspiracy, based on the thoughts of certain superiors.

Whether it is a devil or a demon, at best it is just a puppet being manipulated. It has no right to refuse. This is a divine residence. It has supreme power, even if it is to control life and death. It is so high-profile and terrible.

After paying so much life, the demon seems to have finally found something, a pair of scarlet eyes locked on Nero's body, the voice is extremely cold, and there seems to be no emotion at all.

The fact is the same.

After all, the devil has no idea how long he has died.

After being named by the other party, Naluo no longer hides, but walks out directly, staring at the demon in front of him, his body looks so young.

Although the figure is not high, Nairou's momentum is not inferior at all. Not only that, his body is constantly expanding, like a balloon, getting bigger and bigger, until it covers the ground and is equal to the other side.

奈 "Nara, are you going to be my enemy?" The devil looked at each other and said.

Sui Nai thought for a minute and suddenly said, "Somehow, I suddenly feel that you feel familiar. Are you the ones I know?"

This time, the demon did not speak, but just stared at the other person, it seemed that he did not want to reveal his own secret.

"Is this your choice?" Naraku grinned: "If you read it correctly, your body has fallen into a broken stage. In this case, I will accept your deity!"

Let's stop, Nairo stretched out his fingers, and circles of red dots of light began to converge around, and a terrible light of destruction blasted towards the body of the demon.

The demon said nothing and looked at the other side. The festering body actually carried the fatal blow directly. This looks like suicide, but the senior people at the scene are clear. As a demon, it is for resurrection. It won the glory of the past, it will not come to this step anyway!


"What the **** is going on?"

Pugya was stagnant and did not believe everything in front of her, it seemed that everything in front of her had gone beyond all her cognitive scope.

But there is no doubt that she has indeed been deceived, some from the league's expectations.

"Are you very atmospheric now?"

At this moment, there was a sound behind Geya.


Wu Geya asked sharply, then looked back, and saw that Chen Feng did not know when she was standing behind her.

"What do you want to do?"

Pugya looked at each other with caution, not only that, but could not help but look aside, as if looking for something.

"Are you looking for that femme fatale?" Chen Feng said lightly.

Residents of the Plane Plane and Viper Demon are relatively rare face to face, because these devil always like to stay behind the scenes, through smart control of subordinates to create various cruel plans. Few have been able to conclude agreements with these filthy devil, let alone survive such encounters. The viper believes that if his plan fails, it is usually because it was not implemented correctly.

Lu Geya's thoughts were pierced, a little annoyed, and she didn't speak, she just stared straight at Chen Feng, trying to find some answers from the other person's eyes.

它 "It's a good opponent, but what?"

锋 Chen Feng smiled gloomily and threw it all away, Gaya looked, only that his body was frozen into ice at this time.

She saw what that thing was.

He is the head of a femme fatale!

What's going on?

how can that be?

Pu Geya's pupils shrank into a thin line at this time. It wasn't clear what was going on around her, because she couldn't accept it at all, and her companion was so dead.

"It's a pity." Chen Feng shook his head. "If possible, I really intended to accept the other party as my subordinate, but it doesn't seem to believe that I can kill it, so I showed some strength. Cut off his head with a sharp knife. "

"It turns out that both humans and demons will feel terrified when they die. It even cried and begged me for mercy. The already ugly face became more disgusting, but even then, I didn't let it go."

Chen Feng said to himself, he didn't care about Geya's thoughts at all.

"It begged me for mercy, and at the same time it tried to attack me with magic, but unfortunately it was still dead and killed by me." When Chen Feng said the last sentence, his eyes locked on Geya.

"I think there is some misunderstanding between us!"

格雅 tried to explain.

"Are you misunderstanding?" Chen Feng chuckled, looking at the idiot, looking at Geya: "Do you know who I hate most?"

"What?" Geya has now completely become a white mouse, so at this time there is no resistance at all, but to follow the other party's words.

"I hate the most ..." Chen Feng stretched his voice: "I hate the most nonsense people with open eyes. You obviously don't think so."

"From the beginning, I was an optional bait. Of course, this is just for you. If I had been hit hard in the previous battlefield, presumably you would not hesitate to let my men attack me? "

"Although there are some covenants between us, are there any loopholes in our constraints?"

Chen Feng said, walking slowly forward, but precisely because of this, Ge Ya looks like an enemy, the whole person could not help but back down a few steps.

"No!" Geya tried to justify.

"Not what?" Chen Feng didn't listen to the other party's consciousness at all, but continued to say, "If you didn't guess wrong, the most important part of you is to let this feline demon attack me and make me a real corpse. ? "

只是 "It's just a pity. After all, you misunderstood my power, and saw me as a little devil who was rubbed by others, and forgot my true power."

Chen Feng stood firm at a distance of five meters from Geya, and then looked down at each other in a downward attitude. This picture looked like Geya, who was a happy demon in front of him, but a bug. Said stepping dead can step dead!

Terrible momentum!

恐惧 Fear of despair!

恐惧 When this fear is imposed on the enemy, the side weaker than the other side will have difficulty breathing instantly, and the severe patient will even pass out!

Such a terrible breath!

At this moment, Geya's eyes narrowed and it was false to say that no regrets were possible. If everything followed the previous weaving, this might not happen, but since the situation has already happened, it has reached the point where it cannot be broken, then it All plans must be made.

Thought of this, Geya's eyes are no longer afraid, but a resolute determination!


On the sidelines, the battle between the two divine houses has reached a stage where it is in full swing, and the entire Colosseum has been destroyed. It is no exaggeration to say that after this battle, everything here will become hypocritical.

Terrible divine punishment descended!

The demons and devils strangled around are already countless.

One thing to know is that the trend of this battle has exceeded everyone's expectations.

But even so, the demon **** and Naluo still have a five-five-point posture, one is to rebuild and look forward to the resurrection, and the other is a projection, the real body lives in the kingdom of God, so after a fight between the two, they found that everyone Can't overtake anyone, terrible battle.

The creatures around you have already fled.

"Shouldn't we talk about it?" Said the demon, while releasing an undead scourge.

Study the magic of undead!


Nai nodded and nodded, and the light of death sprang from her fingers.

"I'm starting to count down." The demon shield swelled, and a scorching magma suddenly appeared under the feet.

"3!" Nairo raised his wand, and the sky's thunder began to spread.

"2!" The devil roared, and a black hole appeared directly in Skyrim.

"1!" After Naraku finished his last sentence, his body exploded in vain, and numerous bones were scoured directly, stabbing the daring devil who was still watching nearby!

As soon as I stopped, each other really didn't use any force at all. Then, Nairuo looked at the other person and said, "Where do I seem to have seen you, and who are you?"


A short time of recovery made the devil look a little sad, and he said, "I'm Myske!"


It was as if Nana Luo heard something that made it hard to believe. The **** of thieves had fallen.

Max, he has too many titles, in fact, the name of any divine residence is not simply callable.

Another name: Lord of Thieves, King of Shadows

Holy Emblem: Black Silk Mask

Residential Realm: Shadow Realm

Puppet Camp: Neutral Evil

Priesthood: Shadows, Theft, Thieves

Disciple: Assassin, Beggar, Criminal, Rogue, Shadow, Shadow Dancer

Rev. Falcon's camp: lawful evil, neutral evil, chaotic evil

God Realm: Dark, Evil, Lucky, Paradox

Favorite Weapon: Secret Whisperer (Long Sword)

Mysk is a confident and deliberate oracle, and he loves to plan all kinds of secret conspiracy-although his plan always puts himself in danger. The King of Shadows is alert and ruthless. He has never been out of control, and always has irony and mockery when speaking. Mesker's appearance is always changing, and no one has ever known his true face.

Many people are afraid of the church in Mesquite, not only because of its cruel rumors, but also because of its thirst for stealing and lurking in the shadows. Most outsiders think that Mesque's church is nothing more than a thief's union organized in the name of religion (this is a very accurate description). Because the Mesque Church has a strong preference for conspiracy, its reputation in the political circle has always been poor, and many alert observers have warned that the church is often employed as part of a spy network.

The priest of Memsk prays in the dark or shadows at night to obtain the magic. All larger temples hold a ritual called "Praise of the Invisible" at least once a month, praising Mesker's thorough exploration of everything (no matter how hidden the target is). This one includes chanting hymns, chanting hymns, and donating wealth.

Ordinary believers also participate in the daily sunset prayers. During the ceremony, they kneel down and pray around the altar in the center of the temple, then donate coins. In order to promote Meske's spicy sense of humor (He often deliberately adjusted the high and low positions), senior pastors would give coins to young pastors, and the highest priests would also give coins to the lowest priests. Mesker's priest often works part-time assassins, bards, wonder seekers, union thieves, general thieves, shadow mages, and shadow dancers.

Max's doctrine is also unusually weird, and it is difficult for ordinary people to understand.

All shadows are under the control of Mesque. It is only when you possess something that you truly possess it, so those who truly own this world are those with swift dexterity, such as spring tongues, and dexterous fingers. Keeping secrets and cautious at all times is not only a virtue, but also a technique that allows you to steal the sky smoothly.

It is absolute truth that wealth belongs only to those who can obtain it. Every day, you must strive to "increase" your own wealth, but you should also remember to only start with the most valuable goals, and do not "choose not to refuse" without choosing.

Although only a fool can be honest with others, it is important to understand that apparent honesty is also a good camouflage. Make everyone believe in the "facts" you say, but remember, you must never lie when you say the true facts are more confusing. Smart and cunning are the most important.

操纵 Behind the scenes manipulation is left to give orders directly on the table (so it helps them believe that they are doing something purely on their own). Don't act boldly unless it helps to hide. Staying in the shadows, a bright action will only make you an obvious target.

Chennai Luo is clear that if the other party is really Meske, he may have seen the other party.

The typical image of the incarnation of Memsk is a slender human man wearing soft gray leather armor, a black mask with red edges, and a dark black cloak. He also sometimes appeared in a soft-tongued human female image ~ ~ with pale glowing skin, twinkles like stars, and long black hair dragging to the ground.

麦 When Mesque appeared in the latter image, she always walked barefoot, and her whole body was hidden in the shadows. When appearing in public, His appearance always changes-human, halfling, dwarf; male or female; all ages, body types, and strength.

Deception has been fully integrated into Mesque's body, allowing it to be immersed in deception and trickery. He even sometimes forgets the fact that he is still a divine residence.

Nai Nao has seen each other, and even appointed the other party to complete some tasks for himself.

In the abyss, the fall of the divine house often occurs. This is an unavoidable disaster. Although the believers are not willing at all, it seems that the weak have no right to refute.

God's house will die.

And this is why Naluo scarcely dares to make a kingdom of God. After all, his enemies are too many, and if he is not prepared enough, he does not know what happened in the next second.

Just what's going on?

的 Mecsk, who I saw a while ago, how do I look like this now?

"What the **** happened?" Naluo seemed to smell something unusual and asked with a quaver.

The demon **** looked into the distance, seemed to be remembering something, and then said: "A real catastrophe will come. At that time, all creatures will die, demons, demons, dark creatures, and even ... including God!

:. :

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