The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1383: Sickle beast

All Ovodazzars are eager to return from **** to the earth, to rebuild mortals who have forgotten their faith and enjoy sacrifices, worship and new idols belonging to them. Although these demons are cruel and ruthless, many mortals still cannot withstand the temptation of the price they offer: quickly gain divine power, or summon divine punishment to hit their opponents, directly and economically. Of course, after these devil worshippers die, their souls will quickly fall into **** without a doubt.

No two demon gods look exactly the same, and each individual usually uses their image when they were worshiped in ancient times-although most of the demon gods will be distorted into half-human and half-beasts, and they will have minions Hoof horns and devil-like scary wings. But one thing is the same, all the Overlord demon wear their own idols like armor, holding ancient and horrifying totem poles as their weapon of suffering.

Although the forms are different, most of the 僭 gods and demons possess similar hypocritical powers. Only some particularly ancient and excellent individuals may possess particularly powerful or unique powers.

The stunned demon in front of him had a height of nearly five meters. After Chen Feng turned, he couldn't even stand up to the opponent.

The terrible oppression came directly to Chen Feng, which made him feel suppressed and unable to release all his strength.

It is impossible for Puglia to find an object of sacrifice in such a short time. Why should it be said?

Because this is a real battle, they include Chen Feng, who will use life to please the demons around them, and then when they are excited, they will kill them in this crazy battle.

Obviously, this is the power behind Geya. They even have the pseudo-gods, gods, and demons. The power they possessed made Chen Feng feel a sense of surprise.

介绍 And the introduction is not over yet.

In the next second, a foul-smelling monster emerged from the side.

Scythe beast!

This is a monster with the same name as the alien!

As a swift and fierce beast covered with a chitinous shell, a sickle beast is a cruel predator armed with a sickle-like appendage.

The original origin of the Falcon Beast seems to be rooted in a magic experiment, possibly an attempt to add insect and purgatory enhancements to Deinonychus or similar reptiles. In temperament, the sickles are indeed similar to the devil who is said to be their creator.

The pedigree of the falcon beast is particularly remarkable in its life history: the larva undergoes two metamorphic stages before reaching the body. Except during its short oocyst period, the sickle beast is a deadly killer at any stage of its life.

The Falcon Beast speaks a low mumbled purgatory dialect.


The three stages of the sickle beast are fierce combatants, they jump into the battlefield and use their sickle-shaped forepaws to smash enemies or prey. The sharp edges of their claws are extremely dangerous.

Their vision is not good, but they have an amazing sense of smell. The sickle beast can detect creatures within a 180-foot radius through smell.

生物 The approximate appearance of this creature looks like a six-legged canine-but with the following differences. Its body is covered with a chitinous armor shell and four of its appendages are slender, sharp-edged sickles. It also has two smaller claws attached to the body. The facial features of its head are a mix of carnivorous reptiles and huge, jagged mandibles. The large deck protects its neck and back. Small, textured wings like dragonflies grew from behind the deck.

Its body is covered with a thick chitin deck, and its four appendages are like slender, jagged dotted sickle spikes with a bright blue secretion dripping on it. Two smaller paws quivered between the other legs and feet, cutting the air. Its head is a mix of facial features of a carnivorous reptile and a large, spiky mandible. The wrinkled deck protects its neck and back. Thick spikes grow from behind these folds.

Not all adult sickle beasts go through further metamorphosis, because many die before they are ready to evolve to their final life stage, which usually requires adults to live for five to ten years. Those who want to become fully sickle beasts need to spend a full four weeks in a dark gray-blue cocoon before becoming larger and more evolved.

The physique of this sickle beast in front of him is even more burly than the three lions combined. Obviously, it has completed the final transformation and has become the most terrible form in life!

Falcon beasts are natural killers. From the moment they are born, they have been assigned the responsibility of killing and desecrating life!

At this moment, the sickle beast stood beside Geya, like a hunting dog, but it showed an extraordinary sense of domestication, but its gaze kept looking at all the life in front of it.

In the eyes of the sickle beast, it seems that all except Geya, the rest are prey that can be slaughtered.

Chen Feng felt a little curious due to the power behind Pingya, which greatly exceeded his expectations. Chen Feng had originally thought that Geya was also born as a grassroots, presumably without much knowledge. It's just a matter of time.

But from the scenes in front of me, I still underestimate the other side.

The power of the 格雅 is beyond imagination. Whether it is 僭 神魔 or the docile sickle beast, this is not a power possessed by an ordinary devil.

What kind of power is hidden behind each other?

I still say that from the beginning, this incident was not a small pleasure demon, but a more horrible force to rely on. The so-called Geya was just a puppet to fulfill the plan?

Thinking of all this, the corner of Chen Feng's mouth could not help grinning a smile, everything seemed to exceed his own expectations, but this seems to have been more interesting, isn't it?

The challenge is impossible, so that we can find the opportunity to surpass our own limits. In consciousness, Chen Feng has peeped into some half-step mythological feelings. At this moment, he hopes that he can peep more at the next battle. power.

Chen Feng doesn't mind making this place upside down. Unlike the Geyas who used it as a base occupation, Chen Feng's real foundation is in order, and he will call the atrophy to destroy it, and he will leave here at a critical moment.

Regardless of whether it was Geya, Femme Demon, or Chen Feng, at this time, they all had their own ghosts and made alliances with each other, but no one opened their hole cards to each other to look at ~ ~ and this is the routine of the abyss behavior.

The abyss has no trust or friendship. This is one thing everyone knows!

Chen Feng is slightly interested in the opponents looking aside, they obviously have stronger power than Lilia and Berserker.

Look at these guys, they even have the power to impact the epic, but they obey Gaya's orders completely.

"Wait a minute ..."

Su Fanli suddenly thought of something, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he seemed to have discovered something.

Is this an equally conspiracy, a conspiracy to kill yourself?

All these people are under the control of Geya. Once the other party attacks on the battlefield, they can only summon and attack.

At that time, the form of his demon is exposed, and the influence of summoning beasts is likely to cause some confusion.

Ge Ge just happened to be able to catch fish in the water, and suddenly broke out in the chaos.

Who can think of it, it is only two days, they are obviously cooperative relationships with each other, and they have become a bait.

Is really a terrible means.

Chen Feng gathered his eyes full of appreciation, and found that he had already begun to favor each other.

If the opponent can survive this battle, he doesn't mind taking it under His Majesty.

After all, Geya has this value!

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