To kill the raging demon, Chen Feng stood still, waiting for the disappearance of the dark enchantment, and just a few minutes later, the enchantment disappeared. As for the front, a familiar figure appeared. https: //

Chen Feng just met each other not long ago, Succubus, Lilia!

At this time, Lilia was peering at everything at the same time, just as she was trying to find the body of the raging demon, she found that the familiar figure fell to the ground, her eyes turned white, her heart stopped beating, apparently she had no life.

The raging monster is dead?

And the winner?

Lilia felt something, suddenly turned her head, but found that Chen Feng was looking at her with a somber look, and her eyes were full of strange eyes.

Lilia's body couldn't seem to move any more at this moment. She could only look at Chen Feng like this, and then hesitated, trying to prove that she was not together with the raging demon.

Don't provoke a mad man in anger!

Lilia knew that Chen Feng in front of her was in a state of insanity at this moment, and the other party was angry and irritable about everything she experienced!

The other party will not let go of himself, after all, he is full of suspicion!

"not good!"

Chen Feng's strength has surpassed Lilia's prediction. Looking at the raging demon who fell to the ground, her heart started to twitch for a while.

The other party will not listen to their own explanations. From the moment when the Dark Realm opens, and they stand and peek out, the two sides have become endless!

"Shadow Touch!"

At this moment, Lilia screamed in surprise, and then, numerous tentacles appeared out of thin air, like a sharp blade, pierced towards Chen Feng's body!

The furious Chen Feng looked extremely sharp. He waved his fist with his hands, and his eyes were burning with the colors of the forest cold at this moment, and he was absolutely domineering!


The tentacle stabbed Chen Feng in the blink of an eye, and a loud noise sounded in a short time. Chen Feng did not dodge, and his fist took it.

It's hard to imagine that instead of causing any trauma to Chen Feng, the fast-punching tentacles made the other person more brutal. At this moment, Lilia clearly saw that Chen Feng looked at her eyes, and those eyes were full of resentment and hatred. At this moment, his eyes seemed to be rising with anger!


Chen Feng made a strange noise and released a mighty might. The next moment, he stretched out Sensen's five claws and rushed towards Lilia. The terrible hand didn't know how sharp it was, and even the air was pierced. "Wahhoo".


At this critical moment, Lilia no longer evades, she actually shrinks from her original height of one meter seven to one meter five. Chen Feng has never seen this method. Not only that, after Lilia reappears, her elbows The son hit Chen Feng's chest.

Can be promoted to epic, Chen Feng's body already tends to be immortal. As long as the heart and head are not under strong attack, he can grit his teeth to survive, so facing the tough opponent, Chen Feng still does not feel panic.

"How is that possible? Why is the opponent's defense so terrible?"

At this time, Lilia was totally at a loss, she couldn't believe it, the human being she whispered had such terrible strength.

I knew ...

Knowing that you should not provoke the other party at this time, at this time, the violent demon died tragically, and even he may step into death.

However, compared to Lilia, who was thinking wildly, Chen Feng was completely immersed in this endless killing at this time.


Extremely fast arms!

Lilia didn't seem to respond. She was hammered by Chen Feng's violent energy on the spot. If you can see through it, there can be small cracks on Lilia's hard skull. This is not the end. Chen Feng again She shakes her arm, and explodes on Lilia's body in the next moment, filled with shocking explosive energy, directly blasts Lilia's chest, and immediately makes her chest spread into cracks, cracking open to the turtles!

"Do not……"

Lilia didn't seem to be able to withstand such a terrible blow, but she was stunned and turned by Chen Feng, and it was difficult to maintain balance. She fell straight on the ground and no longer got up ...


Lilia, who has extremely high popularity in the Colosseum, was defeated by Chen Feng!

How domineering this is!

"This guy……"

Lilia's eyes were widening, and she felt a great deal of uneasiness in her heart ... She was lying on the ground, panting heavily, and even exerting too much force, she would cough her heart out.

"Why provoke me?"

Chen Feng's dark black eyes radiated a violent breath of extinction, as if only with his eyes, he could destroy the sky and kill all the creatures!

At this moment, Chen Feng in front of him has been completely controlled by anger!

"The raging demon is dead, I know that the other party is just a head start, the real behind-the-scenes indicator is you from the beginning!"

Chen Feng screamed a heartbreaking roar. The horrible body was filled with strong rolling energy, and the muscles swelled up, making him look nothing like a human.

"You deceived the raging demon, but do you think you can deceive me? Take out your true strength, if you still flinch, there is only a dead end!" The violent atmosphere sent by Chen Feng made Lilia's heart tremble , She instinctively felt a choking danger!

This is a kind of horrible speech!

When Lilia was in a hesitant stage, she saw Chen Feng staring at her like she was looking at her prey.

Suddenly, Chen Feng disappeared, and then a pair of legs like stone pillars fell down fiercely!

In the flash of light, Lilia had no time to dodge, so she hurriedly raised her arm to block.

Lilia is extremely sad. On weekdays, she has studied countless life-saving spells. At this time, her skin-tight arms suddenly surged. Then, countless tentacles rose from it, forming a huge tentacle shield !!


With a violent shock, the legs were directly on Lilia's arm, but all of a sudden, the arm was completely destroyed and turned into a mess.


Without knowing when, some tentacles wrapped Lilia completely, and then a voice came from the tentacles.


The fierce firelight burst into bloom, and the destructive energy swept through the range of dozens of meters!

Lilia stood up again, and she no longer knew how long she had lived in the abyss, and naturally had a lot of her own life cards.

And she had been looking forward to it for a long time. The picture that Chen Feng was finally wounded aside by the explosion did not appear, and she could not help sighing.


A footstep came from all around.

Chen Feng stood in front of Lilia again, but his appearance had only changed a little, which was the trace after being burned, but the energy on his body was extremely fierce, like a river and a sea, and he was constantly moving.

"You made me accept your strength, so I hope we can shake hands and make peace, after that, I will take you where you want to go, there are countless desires!"

"Come back with me, it's heaven, there's something you want but you can never get." Lilia's eyes shooed and shot a coolness, she actually invited Chen Feng again.

And Chen Feng didn't care about it at all, but left it alone.

Are you kidding me?

With all the knowledge of the abyss in his mind, what can a little demon give himself? It's crazy to dream and sit on the sky watching the sky.

"End of nonsense? Then, let's die!"

Chen Feng poked and smiled, his eyes slowly sullen, and he opened his mouth slightly, his voice as piercing as cold rain.


Lilia stared indifferently at this beautiful human being who could be described as a demon, and the other person was no different from those humans that she killed, but her blasphemy was destroyed by the inscrutable anger. People look more like a devil than she is!

"Unintelligible, do you really think that you can compete with me based on your current strength? You killed the Berserker, and now the strength is naturally not as good as before. I killed you and took the treasure. ! "

Lilia took a step forward, and the whole person's energy changed qualitatively in an instant. She was like a cannonball that was about to explode, full of destruction.

"Whoever is strong and who is weak, it is not just a matter of speaking. I have a word for you. I do n’t know if the sky is high, but there is only a dead end."

"Pride is right, but arrogance is a bit disgusting ..."


The next second, Chen Feng roared suddenly, his eyes were like a gushing volcano, an extremely violent lava scattered from the world, he roared suddenly, the surrounding wind was more violent, just like a blade, shaving his face!

At this moment, Lilia, like an electric shock, hurried back to avoid, a horror of fear appeared in her eyes, because he could clearly feel that Chen Feng's body seemed to destroy the offensive!


At this time, the pressure shown by Chen Feng gave Lilia the feeling that killing herself was as easy as pinching the chick.

"Do not!"

Lilia snorted, her eyes widened dullly, her eyes covered with bloodshot blood, her breathing cramped, and she looked blank and desperately feeling the coolness from her head.

The next moment, Chen Feng threw another punch, but the target was the raging demon corpse next to him. Instantly, the steaming brain residue, mixed with the hot blood ‘meat’ splashed to the ground!

The raging demon was forced to be wounded at this time, completely drowned in the pride of the past.


Absolutely shocked!

Shame, extreme shame!

Nowadays, Chen Feng doesn't even kill Lilia, but blood rages on the ground, which makes Lilia think and think!

"No, you bastard, I will not let you go as an undead!"

Lilia didn't believe it, Chen Feng was really close to invincibility!

"Come on, come on! I'm not going to give up easily! Even if I die, I want you to pay!"

Lilia didn't move, Chen Feng moved ahead. In the opponent's shout, Chen Feng's huge body had swept away!

His body was shrouded in red, like a typhoon raging around the earth and rolling up magma, unstoppable!


In the ultimate battle, the overbearing Chen Feng and Lilia collided together, making a deafening sound, and a wave of devastating energy scattered like a violent typhoon!

"Click" "click" "click"

At this moment, Lilia was horrified to find that all his bones were broken. Although there was no change in the appearance, there were countless bombs detonating inside the epidermis. The flesh fell off and splashed into pieces, which was extremely miserable!

Her whole body seemed to be hit by a million-ton tanker, her eyes turned white, and she flew a full height of more than three meters, breaking a row of low abyss black woods, and it was miserable!


Lilia's blood squirted wildly, and her broken internal organs finally spit out.

A few minutes ago, Lilia had a look of pride, she would kill Chen Feng at every turn, but now she was lying on the ground like a dead dog.

The sound of footsteps was like the demon's lifeline, and more like the call of death, so that Lilia couldn't help rolling her eyes and making a loud voice in her throat, but she couldn't say a word. Or regret or shame!

Walking close to the opponent for ten seconds, Chen Feng held up a blade that was not in his waist. This is a weapon created by order. Although it is not as good as the last artifact, I imagine that it is better than most weapons in the abyss. Nothing worse, and at this time, the cold blade pointed at the tip of the other's nose!

"Woohoo ..."

The pressure from various aspects instantly made Lilia twist her face, and hot tears burst into her eyes, and her face was covered with tears. He cried like a remorse child ...

She didn't want to die, even though he had done many bad things, she still didn't want to die.


It's too late!

Chen Feng started off with his sword!


The sound like a fruit knife slamming into a watermelon sounded ~ ~ The other party's head was immediately pierced by the blade, and it took no blink of an eye for the convenience of death!

Until he died, he couldn't believe that he would die under the sword of Chen Feng!


Chen Feng faced Shen Rushui, and gently pulled out the blade, while the other's body was shaking slightly, slowly falling down, and hitting the ground ...

Unable to live, Lilia, who used Chen Feng as a prey at first, never imagined that she would be killed by the other party, and then lay on the ground abnormally miserably.

The aggressive menacing monsters had died before, and they all paid their dues for their actions. If this is a peaceful era, no one would take the liberty to take a few words.

But here is the abyss. If you want to live, you must let others see their horrible side, and let the so-called others see. Often it is not the party. The demons know the hidden rules in this land. Therefore, they are often the object of prestige. Be your own enemy.

Kill the enemy and you will have everything the enemy has, such as the other person ’s dignity and land!

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