The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1365: Demon Slayer

The momentum on Chen Feng's body has an overwhelming advantage over the rage monster, but the momentum on the rage monster is not simple. It may be fatal general pressure, which has fully inspired the energy in his body.

"Ah!" The roaring demon shouted, his entire body became completely red, and his vitality rose to the sky. A horrifying force permeated his body.

The power of terror instantly collapsed the surrounding land, which was not very solid.

The sword shadow in the hands of Chen Feng was boiling, almost to blow up the air. The momentum on his body became more and more so that he had no trace of humanity.

The terrible means and gestures are like the advent of the demon king, making it impossible to tell where his limits are!

The raging demon bet on all his net worth, he can't retreat, and he can't retreat!

"Boom!" The horrible impact collapsed the ground, burst the air, and endless energy collided together.

The long sword suddenly pierced through the body of the raging demon, his wounds, madly devouring his vitality.

Chen Feng came out of it, but saw that the original intact flame sword had broken some traces.

The raging demon actually made some effective counterattacks.

"I'm not willing!" The mad monster's eyes were gradually losing light. He had not yet killed Chen Feng, and was about to be destroyed here. This end, he couldn't accept it anyway!

"Even if I die, I won't let you go like this!"

Immediately afterwards, the raging demon seemed to have fallen into a swamp that could not be turned over at all, and his body was filled with a strong and **** smell!

At this moment, the rage monster is like a balloon, expanding infinitely. At this moment, it squeezes its own power and drives some qualitative changes in its body. This feeling makes the rage monster feel that he will be supported at any time. burst! Broken!

Squeezing all the power in the body, the raging demon began to spit blood on his nose, mouth, and ears, but his face was as pale as paper. In just a few seconds, he felt himself to the extreme!


Can't die, how could I die on this kind of ground!

Unwilling, the raging demon snarled suddenly.

With the loud roar of the violent demon, the entire dark enchantment seemed to be shattered, and many cracks appeared.

I don't know how long it has passed, it gradually became familiar with this energy in the body, and then, an unimaginable energy wave was refracted from the raging demon and came directly to Chen Feng's eyes.

The raging demons also opened their eyes, watching this scene indifferently, deep in the bottom of his eyes, shining brightly, like a **** sword tearing the soul!

On the blood-covered face, he slowly sketched out a smile. Although he smiled a little bit hard, he did raise the corner of his mouth and pulled out a smile of evil demons.

"I will take you into the sea of ​​blood!"

Although the mad monster Qiqiao bleeds, he still said such a cruel word without any fear. It said that even if it was dead, it would not make Chen Feng happy!

However, although the raging demon is terrible, Chen Feng is also prepared!

No matter how violent the monster can be, how can it explode temporarily and become more brave, but one thing is undeniable that its strength is only half a step epic.

At this moment, the raging demon is desperately struggling in front of Chen Feng.

"Do you think you can beat me like this?"

Chen Feng sneered, and then faced the other side, saying coldly: "Desperately as hard as you are, it doesn't make any sense at all, I will let you know what the gap is before us!"

As soon as the words fell, Chen Feng disappeared again, and then when he appeared, he crashed into the opponent's chest.

The sound of ruptured bones and the spray of blood rang at the same time. The raging demon had blood on his face. Not only the corners of his mouth, but also his eyes, ears, and nose were stained red.

It grinds its teeth and blurs the flesh on its chest, and even some bones penetrate directly into its internal organs, making it feel extremely painful.

This attack by Chen Feng was too sudden and too fast, and the raging monster was even without any defense.

At this moment, the violent demon felt only that he had completely lost consciousness on his body, and the huge pain and shock were like a magma gushing, madly impacting every inch of his flesh.

This time the blow was almost overwhelming the last straw on the camel's body.

Did it end like this?

Why does this guy have such a terrible power in front of him? Is he a devil? !!

Do not!

It's just a fraud, the other **** it, the other **** it!


Another loud roar!

Suddenly, there was a huge crack in the silent raging monster!

Subsequently, an indescribable momentum escaped from his body. Looking at the scene in front of him, Chen Feng seemed to be in a purgatory, and his body was full of extreme oppression!

It seems that I still look down on this guy in front of me!


Who would have thought that between life and death, the raging demon had completely integrated the blood of the Titan in his body around his body. At this time, it has become the terrible existence of the epic rank.

Chen Fengsheng was punched by the other side. At this time, there was a severe pain in the abdomen, and the other side could cause harm to himself. This has proved that the other side's body had undergone some unprecedented qualitative changes!

It seemed like it was just a moment, he was blasted by the raging demon, and he leaned back directly!

The power of one hit ... is so terrible. Such terrible lethality and understanding make the other party not look like a devil at all.

From the beginning to the end, the raging demon has never used a weapon, but only relied on his own arm ~ ~ At this moment, it seems that he has not thought that he has actually completed the promotion. It is a little dazed, and he ca n’t believe that he is really deep in his eyes. Defeated Chen Feng.

Feeling the weird situation in front of him, Chen Feng took a deep breath. An unprecedented tension was like a tsunami. In the next second, he suddenly surged into his heart!

"You need to end this battle quickly."

Thinking of this, a sudden crack appeared in front of Chen Feng, and then, a pressure like the advent of the divine house came from the crack, which was a long sword, a long sword with divinity.


At the critical moment, Chen Feng didn't want to continue anymore, he directly summoned the endless sword without hesitation.

Disappear, appear.


With the emergence of Chen Feng, a sword waved, and the arrogant raging demon head that had just pretended to fall to the ground suddenly. It may have known at the moment of death. In addition to the terrible enemy in front of him, he actually carried a real artifact. !!

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