The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1319: Tyrannical shot

Chapter 1320 Tyrannical Shot

The watchman can't be afraid. If it is just some pressure to play against Wei Xun and Xu Hongzhuang, then at this time with the outbreak of the soldier, it has completely lost the confidence left.

On the battlefield, some were loyal believers of the **** of tyranny, while others participated in the battle as mercenaries.

This is a very common situation in the abyss. Watchers are also from other forces. At this time, they are surrounded by three strong men of the same order. How could it not have a sense of fear? Therefore, at this time, the so-called benefits have been set aside. After all, Survival is the most important thing!

The watcher wants to escape, but some people don't want to give it a chance. The unknown soldier is suspended in mid-air. The whole body seems to be unable to bear the energy in the body and is about to break. But at this time, he seems to feel something. In the direction of the watcher, Chased it.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xun also applied his full strength. When trying to defeat the opponent together, Xu Hongzhuang suddenly came over, pressed his hand on Wei Xun's back, and then shook his head: "This matter allows him and Do the last wish of those who died. "

Wei Xun seemed to think of something. Looking at the decisive figure in the air, he didn't know what to say. Eventually he nodded, lowered his arm, and handed it over to the other party.

Feel the pressure on your body.

The hair on the watcher suddenly turned upside down, and an incredible scene appeared. The originally soft hair gradually hardened. In a short time, it actually condensed into a shield like a city wall, and blocked the watcher deadly. before!

This is the most terrifying talent skill of the watchman. It is well known that no matter whether humans or beasts awaken their unique skills during evolution, this exaggerated defensive shield is the last trick of the watchman to press the bottom of the box. defense!


The overwhelming soul abilities roared and smashed through the sky, wherever they went, as if they were smashing bamboo, dying and dying, like a bone dragon dragging and soaring, and in the blink of an eye they collided with the body of the watcher, and the ripples of energy were like shock waves. Spread towards the periphery.

Countless souls cannot bear the power of the watchers and die one after another. This is the most proud shield of the watchmen, and naturally they will not be broken so easily.

But the fatal blow of the unknown soldier, I do not know how many dead spirits are contained, these souls gather together, go forward and succeed, and are not afraid of the baptism of death. Even if the watchman is superior, it is difficult to resist. The cuts are rickety, obviously resisting extremely hard!

The watchman was shocked!

It's all played at a super level, but it can't resist the unknown soldier even for a minute ...

"Anyone who violates order will die!"

The soldier yelled, and countless souls swirled around him. At this time, all the souls gathered together and turned into a creepy giant.

In perseverance and perseverance, the soldiers broke out completely, draining every trace of potential in the body!

Burning the entire life, not everyone can do it ... because it requires the determination to die and infinite courage.

Naturally there will not be so many desperates in this world. The reason why a soldier can do this is because he really sees order as the most precious treasure and cannot bear the destruction of others!

Burn all life and life ...

For the soldier, it is tantamount to letting him commit suicide. The cost is too great, and it is too big to bear. He can choose to live a long life and go to school or a factory. Compared with his achievements, he can get a better score. Location, no need to worry about food and accommodation for the rest of my life.

But he didn't. He chose the most violent and most reckless path, and he swore to keep order to the end!

Driven by that tenacious and persistent belief ... the warrior's momentum is rising steadily. At this moment, he is undoubtedly the king of heaven and earth. No creature can raise his head in front of him!

After all, this is not just his own strength, but also the countless heroes who died in the war gathered in his body. These war dead all dedicated their lives for the sake of order. Like warriors, they all wanted to pass through themselves. The last meager force keeps order from being bullied and survives well.

And at this time, the eyes of countless people on the city wall were gathered on the soldier's body. At this moment, they also cheered for the unknown hero!


With a thunder, the soldiers had released all the power in their bodies, wherever they went, it was like a landslide, and the golden light fluttered!

The watchman's chest broke off, there was no possibility of defense at all!


Seeing that the body of trust was cut off, the watchman was terrified and stared at the soldier ...

It wonders ... why this blind man is so horrible in front of him, even more so, he has already been wounded with bruises and poisoned his body, but why can he still explode such an amazing fighting power, he clearly should be on the verge of dying Yes indeed……

The watchman had no way to continue thinking, because the next moment, its body was underwent an indescribable attack again. The body went from the head to the neck, to the body, and finally to the tail. The beach is muddy!

And at this moment, the soldier's power was finally exhausted, and the entire body began to disintegrate in the air, and then shattered into stars.

Even if he is dead, the energy of those stars is unabated, and he continues to disperse towards the tyrannical legion. This may be what he can finally do for order.

But at this time ...

"Roar roar ..."

A loud roar blew up the entire battlefield, but saw that the tyrannical **** who was more than a dozen miles away suddenly turned black, and his body skyrocketed!

"Roar ..."

Some battles ~ ~ The tyrannical **** was still waiting for his men to break through the order and have a fatal impact on the enemy. But who would have thought that he was not good at starting from the beginning, the legendary master has actually died three times, and He also rebelled. In this case, if he does not come forward, his army will always be directly suppressed and destroyed!

Don't let this happen!

Thinking of this, the tyrannical **** finally couldn't bear it, and the interweaving with Chen Feng, he lost the patience because the opponent's men were far better than his men.

But the battle is finally over.

A Mortal vs. God of Mansion?

In the eyes of the tyrannical God, this is simply impossible. Soldier-to-soldier, soldier-to-soldier, what the tyrannical God has to do now is to destroy the other party and make the leader truly lose the order, and He will destroy it at that moment Order, let this power become a real past!

(End of this chapter)

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