Chapter 1306 Conspiracy

In a quaint courtyard, first of all, two pomegranate trees of more than three meters in height stand side by side on the east wall of the courtyard. The tree is surrounded by a half-meter wall surrounded by various flowers and plants. In the far north, there are several Lagerstroemia indica, with small red flowers, and various hanging baskets near the roadside. Green leaves hang from the wall to the ground. A pot of cactus stands proudly, and there are some beautiful grasses at the south end. , Qingya cute.

There is a little bamboo on the west side of the road, and there is a small fountain in the center of the road, which divides the road into two. The two are correspondingly interesting, adding a little peace to the courtyard.

This scene makes people feel like they are here. It is a kind of returning to the peace era, and even makes people forget that they live in the last days.

Although the order has been built so far, it has already said goodbye to the old and worn-out, and millions of people do not have to worry about food. However, such a handsome garden owner is not something that ordinary people can own. Such a character must be wealthy. That's expensive!

Inside a small snow-white house in a Chinese style, there is a young man with golden silk glasses, dressed quite well, a straight suit and leather tie, meticulous meticulousness, and a kind of luxury of Western European aristocracy. He gently put down the greasy knife and fork, wiped the corners of his mouth with a towel, and said softly:

"Wei Xun, we opened the door and said, what are you asking me to come over for?" Xu Zhe said looking at the front lightly.

At this time, the person sitting in the room turned out to be one of the eight heroes, but unlike Xu Hongzhuang, the female warrior, Xu Zhe's strength was not outstanding, but the computer's head was the key to order to become this steel giant today!

When the other party was in the bronze stage, one thought came up with dozens or even hundreds of solutions flashing in their minds. Now, under the intentional cultivation of Chen Feng, the other party has also been promoted to the legendary stage, but Just imagine how horrifying and terrifying his brain power is now!

"Wilson, if you ask like that, I'll make it clear that this time, you can give me the right to lead the abyss?"

Looking forward, Wei Xun's eyes were sharp and dark like a goshawk, and he was flashing with fierce light at any time. He battled for several years and established his prestige in the blood fight department. Unlike Xu Hongzhuang and Xu Zhe, Wei Xun's feeling is biting cold and horror. It is a kind of cold feeling as long as you are close to each other.

Wei Xun didn't say anything, but when he did, he proposed to Xu Zhe so that the other party would no longer compete for the abyss fortress.

Because of Fula's pregnancy, the Demon Fortress is in an unattended state, and this time, the order has held such a large-scale melee in order to determine some winners and be able to manage the Demon Fortress instead of Fula!

Professionals are not like ordinary people, and their mentality has become extraordinary. For ordinary people, a stable life is very important, but for professionals, strength is their capital to survive in this end.

Different strengths, different heights, and naturally different perspectives!

It ’s like the meal that Wei Xun banqueted Xu Zhe today. Tonight ’s dinner is extremely rich, all kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables rarely seen outside, all kinds of fish and shrimp in the pool, and a lot of hunting The non-toxic worm meat comes through processing and cooking. The steamed barbecued pork with oil and steam is steamed with all colors and flavors. Due to the novelty and tenderness of the materials, the food made is even more delicious than the full Han dinner!

Even now, order has solved the problem of hunger, but most people can only be regarded as food and clothing. Such precious food is not qualified to enjoy!

Xu Zhe narrowed his eyes and looked at Wei Xun. His voice became a little rustier than before and said, "What do you mean? Do you want the Blood War Department to lead this abyss reform?"

Chen Feng's reward this time is very generous. He also knows that the abyss is far away from the human world, and it is extremely dangerous. It is very likely that he will never go back again. Therefore, he will give the winner most of the rights of the fortress. This means that Now, the opponent can mobilize most of the fortress's combat power to fight and kill!

If this is replaced by ancient times, it is no less than Fengjiang's rift, and the opposite **** is king!

It is for this reason that this abyss fortress has attracted the attention of countless people. In addition to other professionals, long-established characters such as Wei Xun and Xu Zhe also want to get this opportunity. However, because of their status, The reason can not participate in the war, but after several years of cultivation, there are many decisive confidants in their hands. As long as they can win, the beneficiaries are naturally Wei Xun and Xu Zhe, who are at the top of the pyramid!

In this case, all forces sent their most powerful rookies, and will naturally stage a real battle!

Hearing Xu Zhe ’s inquiries, Wei Xun nodded and said, "On strength, we are still superior in our blood war department, but I need to admit that your Majesty has many intelligent professionals. On the mind, those of me are not as good. You, I don't want you to give up the game, but we can cooperate and work together to solve the other forces first. At that time, you and our Majesty will go to the abyss and take over as the lord there! "

"Don't you be afraid to blame my master for doing this?" Xu Zhe did not immediately refute, but asked Wei Xun.

Wei Xun smiled gloomily and said, "I have been following my Lord for too long, knowing the character of my Lord. For him, the result is the most important. The process does not matter much, and then, you and I have been to the abyss, clearly There is far from order and it is a remote place. Even if we use some small means to win, our Lord will not blame us. "

Xu Zhe pondered for a few seconds and asked, "What on earth do you want? Would you like to ask me to come here today, is it just to say this? You rule the Blood War Department under order ~ ~ is the most powerful part, Already considered to be over 10,000 people, why take such a great risk to cooperate with me? "

The abyss is not a good place. The barren and remote place is a dead place. Xu Zhe is just curious. For some reason, Wei Xun had to gain the dominion of the fortress there.

Wei Xun shook his head and said, "It is false to say that there is no selfishness, but I am absolutely loyal to my master. What I want to master is because I have encountered some bottlenecks in my realm, and I have stayed in the legend. Time is up, I want to hit a higher level! "

"However, the order has been cleaned up and there are no terrible opponents. I live like this every day without any improvement, but now it is different. As long as I can get the rule of the fortress, I can apply to the adults and go to the abyss Guard those rookies for a while! "

"And if my people finally have the right to speak, I will be able to stand behind each other and become a regent-like being. All I have to do is to set aside hundreds of thousands of people in addition to expanding the territory for my Lord. Or even millions of demonic forces launched a battle, I will devour more souls and complete my own promotion ceremony on the battlefield! "

(End of this chapter)

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