The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1303: inherited

Chapter 1304 Inheritance

Almost ready to be a dad?

Although this matter was clear, Chen Feng still felt a dream.

Chen Feng is not a young man who knows nothing. As early as in his previous life, he had fallen for some reasons. During that time, he did not know how many flowers came and went.

But he also knew what kind of environment he was in!

Coupled with Chen Feng from the previous life, the soul has already fallen into darkness, for him, he never thought about starting a family and starting a business, not even considering marriage, let alone children.

In this life, although Chen Feng seized the opportunity, and once again and again passed the challenge before the rungs, not only has epic level strength, but also His Majesty is talented. It also became a large fortress with millions of people.

But Chen Feng still didn't think of owning a family and own children.

Perhaps this idea will come later, but not now.

Because Chen Feng knows what kind of world he is in. Danger stands side by side. Every time, new disasters and challenges appear on this dreaded land.

If possible, he hopes that the land will become more secure before considering such things.

But now, the appearance of a child completely broke Chen Feng's idea of ​​the future.

But here comes here, the child is innocent. Chen Feng will not blame the child about the pressure he is about to bear because of the end.

In addition, the appearance of the child also gave Chen Feng some complicated emotions to breed in his heart.

Unlike Fura, the desire for loved ones has been integrated into her bloodline.

Chen Feng seems more calm, but it is undeniable that he also has no relatives.

In two generations, Chen Feng mostly acted alone. It seems that he now has a million people. His Majesty, in addition to his powerful summoning beast, has many devoted followers.

Wei Xun, Xu Hongzhuang, Li, just pick one out, they are all powerful men who can stand on their own.

But these strong men are willing to attach themselves to Chen Feng, and have to say that Chen Feng has a certain personality charm.


Despite this, Chen Feng is still extremely lonely. He has become accustomed to solving everything, being cautious about dangers, and fearing the unknown, which has kept him from trusting anyone.

No one has ever walked into his atrium.

Speaking these things may hurt some people, but it is indisputable.

But now, the appearance of children gives Chen Feng a feeling he has never experienced before.

This is his own blood. Both men and women are their own children. Unlike outsiders, this is the daughter of blood that is truly connected with their hearts.

Chen Feng closed his eyes and stared out. It was not until ten seconds later that he opened his eyes again.

However, compared to the previous time, there was no anxiety in his eyes at this time, and some were only firm eyes!

He will allow this child to be born smoothly and develop him into a qualified successor!

Chen Feng never thought that he would rule a larger area for years or even decades. The million people are still too few for today's doomsday.

The planet ’s population has already exceeded billions of years ago, but such a population is still as fragile as paper before the last days, and it will break into **** when touched lightly.

Millions of people seem to be quite a lot, but the distribution is very small compared with the number of monsters in this world, and there is no comparable at all.

The development order is not enough even for decades. Therefore, in Chen Feng's conception, it takes hundreds of years or more to accumulate, and then slowly attract believers, thereby stimulating himself to gain more faith.

In the continuous promotion of Chen Feng, his life has reached an astonishing point. Without accidents, he can undoubtedly live for thousands of years.

However, Chen Feng's attention cannot always be placed on order, because he has more important things to do, and that is an extremely difficult way to become a god.

After witnessing the power of Rose and the tyrannical god, Chen Feng knew that if he wanted to survive, he wanted to live without restraint, and there was only one way to become a god!

With Chen Feng's current strength, it is unrealistic to penetrate other levels. All he can do is slowly fall into abyss. After all, it looks like an abyss. I do n’t know how many years it has. In addition, there are many legends, myths or eternal masters.

Such forces have long been ingrained. Although Burning Demon, Erwin, and Furla also have a lot of foundations, they are nothing compared with those established forces.

The abyss can only be dormant slowly, but the human world is different. Although there is a lot of energy here, it is a world that has just been transformed. No divine residence can occupy it, not to mention, the divine residence wants to penetrate the dimension. At this point, it will inevitably be affected, resulting in a great decrease in strength and the inability to exert its full strength.

But Chen Feng is different. As a local force here, he is not constrained by the dimension wall. It is because of this that many gods have been defeated in his hands and become defeated.

Chen Feng will not tolerate any divine invasion of this land, not how much he loves it, but that he has already regarded this land and everyone under it as his own imprisonment!

In Chen Feng's original thoughts, when he hits the epic rank and reaches the myth rank, he will have a shock of his mind. After all, he will be able to rely on the power of faith to increase energy. However, in order not to be distracted, Chen Feng must find some successors to look after the order for himself!

In the original list, Xu Hongzhuang and Xu Zhe are undoubtedly the best candidates. As for Wei Xun, the character is too surly, and the chief of the Blood War Department is already the limit. Moving forward, with his character, he is not an excellent leader.

Of course, people ’s hearts will change. Even if Xu Hongzhuang and Xu Zhe are given order to him ~ ~, there are still some doubts in his heart. The order is passed on. They always have the day when they step down. Veterans have no doubts, what about the next successor?

Once I have disappeared for a long time, will I still be as loyal to myself as in my previous term?

But now it's different. With the birth of Ziyi, Chen Feng can completely give order to the other party to look after him.

Order needs to develop for hundreds of years. Although long-term, its own children will also give birth to their own children. It is not too much trouble to inherit the order as long as it is not too stupid.

Even if the child is born, it takes a long time to grow up, but the decades have passed, and Chen Feng can watch the other person grow and then train him into a qualified successor.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng couldn't help but smile. This matter is too far away. Even if there is a blueprint, there is still one of the most important things in front of him. That is ...

All of this needs to wait for the child to be born safely in order to really fulfill it!

(End of this chapter)

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