The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1279: Chulu

For Chen Feng, what he expects is showing up little by little.

Order can't be sustained by one person. Chen Feng is even more powerful, but now it is just a mortal body, just like when he was just facing a three-eyed giant. If there is no summoning beast and no shrinking person, Chen Feng's final end is just a dead end. One.

Chen Feng needs helpers, many, many helpers, and like this battle, Chen Feng can completely refuse. After all, Rose is so powerful, because of the dimension wall, the other party cannot come to the human world with his real body.

In the end, Chen Feng was willing to come, and the most important reason was to let His Majesty's soldiers realize the true meaning of power in death, because only by witnessing death can the final transformation be completed.

Not only Lu Wei, but the five legendary strong men who came over this time have made great progress under the crush of death. They may not be able to advance to a half-step epic in a short time, but compared to the beginning, they have undoubtedly A crucial step forward.

The blood of Lu Wei's body began to merge, and the mourning sounds of the femme fatale and the bone demon constantly exploded on the battlefield. These weird roars were like rolling anger and superimposed with Lu Wei's attack methods, forming an unspeakable Extreme sense of oppression, just like a horrific avalanche in a snow-capped mountain, pouring down from the mountain turbulently, the small slaughtering army can only look like an ant, watching the endless snow waves with the attitude of landslides , Swallow yourself up completely!

That shocking feeling ... enough to panic the already sluggish Legion of Corps.

However, the Slaughter Corps did not really have no strength, just as Lu greatly killed and killed, countless tentacles suddenly rose from the bottom!

Immediately after, a huge monster rushed out of the ground, which was a tentacle monster!

The creatures that believe in the God of Slaughter are all crazy people, and the tentacle monster blinded by **** is undoubtedly one of them. It has been hidden underground for a while, just like Chen Feng's thought before, it is not satisfied with hunting Ordinary creatures, but specially selected masters like Lu Wei!

The tentacle groaned and then swelled, his cheeks swelled, apparently brewing some energy, and the tentacles on it were swinging at will, as flexible as countless giant snakes. At this time, the tentacles were actually in their mouths. Lightening jets of dark green water jets!

As soon as the water arrow came out, it spread out at a speed that was too fast to cover your ears. At this time, the tentacle monster grew its mouth to the limit and released countless sticky venoms. These venoms were attached to the water arrows, hundreds of strange ones. The toxins are mixed with each other, and a weird black aerosol emerges in the air, burning the entire space as if distorted!

Lu Wei is not an ordinary warrior. As a secret minister, he has participated in hundreds of battles. In the face of this horrific blow, he successfully dodged aside. In addition, in order for these energies to affect the soldiers behind him, he suddenly A burst of black energy emerged, and it was suddenly wrapped in it.


This is one of the spells mastered by the femme fatale. Because the blood of the two devil is completely integrated, Lu Wei has mastered many devil abilities.

This tearing is one of them. It uses its own energy to tear the enemy's attack. In theory, as long as the energy is sufficient, it can tear everything.

However, Lu Wei still underestimated the tentacles' attack methods. Just as Lu Wei was using his energy to disperse poison arrows, countless tentacles suddenly appeared in the air. These tentacles were previously invisible, and only when they attacked. Exposed.

It's not that Lu Wei was careless. The ability to blame the tentacles is too special, which makes Lu Wei who has never played against this creature quite uncomfortable.

The sticky tentacles rolled on Lu Wei's body, which made Lu Wei feel very disgusting, and the horrible thing is that these tentacles seem to have the ability to absorb energy. The more Lu Wei struggles, the tighter the tentacles are rolled, the more terrible it is , Lu Wei's energy is also being consumed quickly.

Having just been promoted, are you going to die here?

Lu Wei's consciousness became more and more empty, only to feel that life was passing away little by little.


The dark sky suddenly erupted into a deafening muffled sound, which was a snow-white lightning that illuminated the entire sky, twisted and zigzagged from the sky, slammed on that tentacle, and immediately scorched the tentacles black. The power of the thunder from the sky penetrated the layers of flesh and blood and passed to the tentacles that bundled Lu Wei!

The tentacles were injured by lightning and could not work at all for a short time, but Lu Wei took the opportunity to escape from it.

Lu Wei yelled in surprise, agitating the turbulent power of the whole body, all bursting out in a rush, and was about to kill the tentacle monster in one fell swoop.

And at this time, countless lightning **** suddenly burst to his side, forming countless thunderstorms in an instant, immediately electrified the tentacles with a billowing black smoke, and the smooth tentacle skin was creased, Even the sticky secretions were evaporated to dryness.

"Spell attack?"

Lu Wei was quite puzzled. After all, no one in the army he knew had mastered such a horrific thunder and lightning attack.

Just when Lu Wei was in doubt, a figure appeared in front of him, a creature wearing animal skin and leaves as clothes.

The reason why it ca n’t be called a human is that the other person's face is filled with abscesses and sores. Although he has legs and hands, he looks very different from humans. Compared with humans, the other person is more like a beast.

"The enemy or reinforcements?"

Lu Wei, who was a little relieved at this time, began to tighten his spirit again ~ ~ because he had never seen each other at all. In this chaotic battlefield, coupled with the attack of tentacles, now He undoubtedly became very sensitive.

The druid just glanced at Lu Wei and focused his attention on the tentacle monster. As a druid, although he had fallen, he still mastered some natural spells.


The powerful attack almost killed the tentacles directly. At this time, the tentacles tried to escape from the battlefield, but the next scene made Lu Wei, who was accustomed to killing, feel extremely disgusting.

I saw countless red dots suddenly appearing on the tentacle monster. Then, these dots continued to swell, but in just ten seconds, they became tumors. These tumors turned red and then became Dark purple, from time to time, there are skin ruptures, and pus flows out of them, and when those pus drips on the tentacle monster's skin, it makes a noisy sound, and that pus is even more terrifying than sulfuric acid!

For a while, Lu Wei became completely sluggish. He looked back at the Druid and could not help taking a step back. At the same time, he also had doubts in his heart. Who is this inexplicable guy?

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