The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1269: Abyss

Chen Feng tried to rule some planes, but it really was to be implemented. This was not a simple matter, such as the dark area was not even a well-known plane. Here, it was only because of the rule of Rose that it was only noticed by some people.

In addition to the dark areas, there are planes that have operated for countless years. Even in the endless abyss, they can be regarded as the best. Any demon hears, the soul will feel the instinct trembling.


Azgrat is the territory of Grazt, an abyssal lord. Azgrat extends to three levels, levels 45, 46 and 47. Since these three levels are ruled by the same abyss lord, they share the same characteristics and many interconnected entrances.

The RiverofSalt is one of the bonds that runs through the three layers, it is like liquid salt crystals shining with crystal luster. Needless to say, immersion in river water is deadly enough.

Other notable features include entrances that communicate between the three floors, which look like venomous bushes and green stoves. But due to Grazter's brutal sense of humor, some green stoves are just full of flames and contain no entrance at all.

The environment in these three areas is not very sinister; each looks like a twisted pattern of the physical world. For example, the 45th floor is like an endless gray prairie washed by rain. The light on the 46th floor is shining from the ground, so the shadow is very strangely like a black pillar towering into the sky. The 47th floor (only accessible from the upper two floors and not from the Wanyuan Plain) was illuminated by the blue sun. The flames here are purple instead of red, and they cause cold damage. As a result, creatures that are usually immune to fire may be surprised when they approach the flame.


Narathir, known as the City of the Dead, is a cold country carved from the surface of a frozen ocean. The icy building of Natale is a frosty necropolis, strewn with tall mausoleums, towering funeral obelisks, chest walls of the catacombs, and taken from the thousands of restless dead people Fur woven into a carpet. The city's legion of warriors includes demon hunters, vampire giants, and all kinds of lich. Many ordinary soldiers are mostly zombies, ghouls, corpses, and other carrion following the darkness.

Who seems to rule Nalatair seems to be a problem. In the unknown years, a powerful demon lord named Okas claimed to have the whole dimension. However, Oaks has been declared dead. A Drow deity about revenge and immortality claims to have the loot and corresponding level of jurisdiction as the victor, as well as the jewel in this crown, Narathair. However, there are convincing clues that Okas has not died as many people think. Drow is missing, and no one knows whether she fled or was killed. Could it be that Ocas once again ruled the icy Sanatos, and that skinny hand clenched his terrible scepter again?

These are all learned by Chen Feng from the knowledge in his head. The white bone plain of Saruman's life is compared with Naratair, but it is only some barren soil slopes, that's all!

What's more, such an open battle involving the two divine residences is not at all what Chen Feng can do now. On one level, the trail and even life of the two divine residences have been lost one after another. From this we can see how much water is hidden here!

And some levels are dominated by other dark creatures, such as the realm of Yenagou!

Number of floors: 422

Dominator: Yenagou;

The savage and cruel demon lord Yenogu, the wolverine lord dominates the lonely prairie on the 422nd floor of the Abyss, he dullly named it "Yenogu's domain". But the name is indeed quite appropriate. The countless wolves and mortal slaves living under its red **** red sun have acknowledged this: on any land overlooked from the platform of his towering fortress, yeah Nogu is the unquestionable ruler.

As the ruler of this level, the other person's favorite thing is to plunder labor and enslave other races!

In addition to the above-mentioned difficult-to-reach levels, Chen Feng's knowledge base also has some levels that can be viewed from a distance and should not be deceived.

Curse the Throat: Savage nature is doomed to the carelessness of the wolves, and among the mortal slaves who are desperately working hard in the open air, there are certain people who are persistent in fleeing, so for mortals, the safest approach should be to flee east , Head to a raging yellow ocean-this place of refuge is called the cursed throat.

The Lord Wolfman and his roaring slaves hated the thick sea, and refused to approach its harsh waters. Away from the coast, a fleet of mortal slaves gathered for survival, orbiting the coast back and forth to rescue fugitive slaves, or even the mortal werewolves who were reluctant to obey Yeogou's abomination. Although an accidentally caught sea animal can be consumed by the entire fleet for one month or more, their most common source of food is human flesh.

When food became scarce, the crew would quarantine the weaker passengers and kill them, and then used the corpse as dry food for everyone on the ship. Each member will eat a small piece of flesh from his former companion to prove his loyalty and dedication to survive, but the real feast has not yet begun until some newcomer refugees reject this evocative Creepy meal. At this time, the nervous people will attack these "cowardly" with ruthless and cruel wildness, which will kill them and cook the corpses into a main course.

It's hard to imagine that the slave population who simply escaped from one level formed a small world. I can't help sighing that as a level master, Ye Nuogu has enslaved a lot of souls in a long time!

This is the abyss ~ ~ Every level is horrible like hell. By comparison, the dark area seems to be relatively civilized. After all, there is an order not found in other levels!

If you really want to choose a layer as a strategy, Chen Feng will not choose those small worlds that have been established for countless years and have countless resources, but will start to curse the throat.

After all, for example, even if a few strong men patronize the cursed throat, but wandering on that level, more of them are slaves who escaped from the territory of Yenagou!

Compared with other worlds, there is a mansion behind the mansion, which curses the throat, which is undoubtedly a land outside the law and a land without a master!

Of course, Chen Feng has a certain self-knowledge. If he wants to occupy it, he needs a low-level divine residence for the last time. If he enters a realm like this, even if he happens to occupy it, he will be accidentally played by his neighbors.

Chen Feng looked at the **** battlefield, smirked, and said that if countless professionals could hear it, he would be compelled to say: "After all ... it's too weak!"

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