The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1252: Real expert

The watchman froze and did not expect that, just when he was about to kill the epic demon in front of him, a little girl suddenly appeared in front of him and broke his ribs!

"Do not!"

"The other party is not a little girl!"

The watchman suddenly became alert, because if it is ordinary humans, it is impossible to hurt themselves, not to mention the ribs, even a small hair can not hurt, but in front of this little girl like a porcelain doll, Not only do you have long wings, but there is a surge of energy in your body that makes you feel scared.

"what are you!"

At this moment, the watchman who had been calm like water couldn't help husky, hissed and asked.

The bad monster raised his head, and his big eyes looked straight at the watchman, and the milk sounded, "The bad monster is not a thing, the bad monster is a bad monster ..."

"Bad monster?

When the watchman hears the other side tells me how to believe it, what is a bad demon? Demons that are only one level stronger than worms. If you think about it, tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of bad demons can be slaughtered. The only thing that consumes them is some time!

In this realm, its strength is extraordinary. Ordinary human sea tactics have no effect on it at all, just as humans face ants, no matter how many, one step on it will become a corpse and have no ability to resist.

What's more, the bad demon is so ugly that he is composed of mud and flesh, and even the watcher has to admit that the other side is cute.

"You're finally here, **** guy, I'll be beaten to death later!"

Seeing the reinforcements coming down, the Burning Devil finally breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, the original tight body also collapsed and fell directly to the ground. As soon as it turned over, I saw a red flash on the palm position. Mang, that is exactly the pattern of a six-pointed star that has not disappeared.

Chen Feng never fights with no certainty. In addition to drawing the summoning method in Erwin's hands, he also draws the designated summons in the hands of the Burning Demon, just in case, in case of fear of twists and turns during the battle.

Originally, the Burning Demon vowed that he could be okay if he was careful, but who can think of suddenly killing a powerful enemy such as the watchman halfway, if it is not a critical moment, he will smear the blood with his palm to summon, I am afraid that now His head blossomed into a cold body.

"Because the bad demon didn't want to come, I finally woke up and was able to accompany the host. Why should I come to help you deal with the enemy, aren't you dead? I thought you were already dead. I thought I could fill it up once. Where's the belly ... "

The evil devil pouted his mouth, and seemed to be complaining that the burning demon called himself for no reason. What he heard was that even the fierce burning devil could not be distressed. The bad devil was no better than Erwin. The burning demon was loyal to Chen Feng for a long time. It is naturally clear that the position of this little monster with a human soul and human coat in Chen Feng's heart.

Let's just say that, even if you die this time, the bad demon really swallowed itself, for the owner, there may be a small punishment, there will not be too severe punishment!

When the watchmen listened, what filled their stomachs? What's coming late? According to the other person's conversation, the watcher analyzed that the little monster in front of him was summoned by the Burning Devil. Not only that, there was a master behind the two?

"Apart from the God of Slaughter and the God of Torture in this battle of the divine residence, Rose also united some divine residences?"

The watchman is at a loss, after all, the [Master] who can drive the two epic powers naturally cannot be ordinary people.

However, the thought watcher only lasted for a few seconds, then he shook his head and became awake. It was clear that this was not the time to think!

It has been a century since the watchman was promoted to epic, and it is unknown how old it is. It is no exaggeration to say that the other party is a real old monster living in the abyss!

Although the Burning Devil was hit hard by himself, it takes a while to take a counterattack to fight back. After all, the blow to the opponent is too strong. Even the powerful flesh and resilience of the epic ca n’t be cured instantly!

The Burning Demon is not a threat now, but the little girl appearing in front of her gives her a strong sense of uneasiness. The watchman dares not to let it grow, and gathers strength in the next second. The originally broken ribs are invisible to the naked eye. It turned out fast!

The epic strong has superb recovery ability, especially the watchman is also proficient in spells. In addition to natural repair, it also casts a healing spell for himself. Therefore, when the Burning Demon talks with the bad demon, its physical body is It used to be just some mental power to recover!

The watchmen began to tremble, the physical power was transmitted, and the surrounding air began to boil, so that there was even a small earthquake around!


The surrounding land is uneven, and many fighting demons and half-orcs have fallen to the ground.

Compared to the battle against the Burning Demon, the watchman has put in 100% seriousness in the face of the little girl who suddenly appeared in front of him. Although he cannot judge the true strength of the opponent, as a master, the watchman is worried and always has This kind of bad hunch.

"Fight fast!"

The watcher's heart moved, and he didn't want to, he urged the amount of violent violence again, his body shook, appeared in front of the bad demon, and punched him.

Compared to spells, the watcher is better at physical attacks. At this time, it quickly punches out and naturally wants to win the opportunity!

"I haven't finished talking yet, why are you attacking me? The master said, this is very impolite!"

The evil devil regards Chen Feng's words as a decree, and the Burning Devil and others treat Chen Feng as simply a servant's attitude towards the master, but only the evil devil regards Chen Feng as a true faith, a true god!

Erwin even has a belief in Rose, but the bad demon is different. Its life trajectory is changed by Chen Feng. For it, any enemy who touches Chen Feng's interests should kill all ~ ~ Cannot be pardoned!

The evil devil yelled loudly and made a sound. With a small hand turn, he rushed up and collided with the horrible fist of the watchman, shocked the watchman, but it is reasonable that the other party really It blocked its own offensive, and more importantly, it also found that the strength between the two sides was not equal.

"Although I hate this guy behind me, I want to eat it long ago, but you are the real big bad guy. When you hit it, you are the enemy of the master and the enemy of the master, you **** it!"

The inferior demon gnashes his teeth with a mighty look. It has a palm of his hand and a fist. He doesn't know if it is an illusion or what. The watchman suddenly saw countless heads biting at himself. Those heads had dragon heads and demons. There are humans and many unknown races, but without exception, those facial features are all distorted, as if enduring endless pain.

The watchman suddenly thought of the words said by the other party, and he always said a word of eating. Isn't all these powerful masters swallowed into the stomach by the other party, not only that, even the soul did not let go after death. Instead, they were enslaved and crushed!

The watchman thought he had found a new way of promotion, but He Cheng thought that in terms of eating, this little monster in front of him is the real expert!

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