The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1232: Full preparation

Of course, the **** of tyranny also has some differences from the **** of slaughter.

The Church of Hexto does not need to be as hidden as the Church of the God of Slaughter. In contrast, Hextor's temples operate publicly in many cities, and Hextor's priests generally wear black robes and are decorated with skulls or gray-black masks.

Hextor's priests are always planning or implementing crackdowns on opponents and good deeds.

They rebuked the good rulers because there were too many personal freedoms, and they always planned all kinds of tricks to weaken or even overthrow such a rule, and instead established a right to love conquest and violence.

When they get tired of war and conspiracy, they will train their combat capabilities and learn the art of war. Most of Rev. Hextor eventually became generals, staff officers, or practitioners of the warlike army king, and simply became the tyrannical tyrant itself.

The priest of Hextor will also attack the priest of Heronius at any time and anywhere.

Hextor's temple is often built as a sturdy fortress. Its absolute prohibition and its majestic heights often show the world the powerful power of Hextor. Most of Hextor's temple buildings are strategically located.

To put it simply, believers of the tyrannical **** have a calmer mind, and they use wisdom and mind to solve problems better than the **** of slaughter.

Chen Feng obtained a lot of the knowledge he wanted in the abyss knowledge base. For example, this time the action is weird. If it is the **** of slaughter, it will break the dimension with real brute force. It does not mind letting the dark elves know. Offensive, and even more, it will take the lead in blowing the offensive howling to let the dark elves know all of this in advance.

The **** of slaughter is synonymous with madness. Under this mad influence, believers are naturally not kind people, all of them are terrible like wild orcs.

In this sneak attack, Chen Feng smelled a breath of wisdom, which was not like the means of the **** of slaughter, but the command of the **** of tyranny.

Through the analysis of several battles, Chen Feng came to a conclusion, that is, this battlefield of aggression is likely to be jointly launched by the **** of slaughter and the **** of tyranny!

Shendi is not a barbarian. Even if a worm becomes a divine, it will have extraordinary wisdom. Except for a small number of divines who like to stand alone, most divines have their own small ones. circle.

The current situation is that the **** of slaughter and the **** of tyranny have a great chance of cooperation, which means that once Chen Feng steps into it, he will suffer the anger and retaliation of the two gods at the same time.

But Chen Feng also has his own plan ...

Compared to the God of Slaughter, the relationship between Chen Feng and Rose is undoubtedly more subtle. With its current strength, it is not yet possible to form an alliance with the other party. As for the previous encounter, Rose was simply pure curiosity.

Just like humans seeing a strange and powerful animal, they will also take a closer look, and even after the other party makes some funny moves, they will reward some delicious food.

Chen Feng knew the gap between each other, so he never crossed anything.

However, this relationship became more complicated after Chen Feng opened an auction in the Underworld with the help of Erwin. The impact of the auction exceeded Chen Feng's imagination and also exceeded Rose's expectations.

Human civilization and abyss culture have collided, and what is produced is enough to make the divine house feel greedy.

Greed is the original sin of all things, and Chen Feng warns himself at all times!

With the expansion of the auction and its popularity, more and more levels choose to trade with dark areas. This has led to the daily turnover of the auction even exceeding the sum of several weeks and even one month!

All these things are superimposed, and the income generated is far beyond the average person's imagination. In this case, Chen Feng actually offered to split 50% with Rose. No matter what they get, after the daily settlement, the human world gets half of the resources. And the dark areas can also get the same resources!

Life is earned, life is spent.

If the auction is held in the human world, even if the devil's crack is opened, Chen Feng is confident to hit it back to the abyss!

But the place where this auction was held was an abyss, a murky area, and Rose's site. It seemed that 50% of the gain was a huge loss, but it was the shelter of the dark elves and Rose's deep attention!

Therefore, at present, it seems that both order and dark areas or Chen Feng and Rose have formed an inseparable bond, and even Chen Feng's body has been labeled as Rose by some hostile forces.

Doomsday is never suitable for fighting alone, and the allies who can be ranked by Chen Feng are not small goods like Silver City, but veteran forces such as Rose, who have been involved in abyss for a long time, mastering tricks and not knowing **** How many enemies are truly powerful!

Although Chen Feng guessed that the **** of slaughter might have formed an alliance, he did not hesitate to stand on the side of Rose, because he knew that compared with the **** of slaughter, Rose had the same social ability Not weak.

Even the crazy **** of slaughter knows how to make allies, not to mention that Rose has mastery of trickery. For a long time, she has countless enemies, but her allies also exceed the **** of slaughter.

Although not many contacts, Chen Feng still clearly remembers the unique breath that Rose revealed, especially those eyes, seems to have seen everything, whether this war was Rose's plot from the beginning, in order to seduce the slaughter God and the tyrannical **** shot at himself?

As a mortal, Chen Feng couldn't guess the other party's true thoughts, but for one thing, he could choose to be part of this battle.

Chen Feng didn't hesitate because he had already made his own choice in his heart.

Glancing at the somewhat disturbed dark elf, Chen Feng could feel it. The **** rose in front of her was in a panic. In fact, after learning that Rose was charged ~ ~ she had lost Many judgments.


Chen Feng soothed the chaotic inner world of the Dark Elves. Chen Feng's words awakened the Dark Elves and looked up at his master.

"Go back and inform all the tribes that this matter does not have to be concealed. The aggression from the slaughter **** is definitely more than this time. Before the real war comes, you need to unite all the dark elves into the state of preparation.

"But ..." Erwin hesitated a little and then mumbled, "Even so, our power is still not enough. I don't know when the strong men in the dark areas will lose track of one another, and our defense will be at its lowest in history. "

"The strong disappeared one after another?" Chen Feng frowned, seeming to catch some key points, but instead of showing it, he continued: "Don't be afraid, because apart from the dark elves, order will also participate in this battle!"

"When the army of the God of Slaughter comes again, you will find that in addition to the arrows of the dark elves, there are human horrible civilizations!"

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