The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1199: Foresight

The sun was born, and a faint haze of blue fog was still floating above the sky.

During the time when people were still dozing off, the hunting team formed by Silver City had gathered outside the gates of Silver City.

In the battle against order, Silver City did not know how many strong men had died. The legendary strong man led by the army was annihilated. Coupled with a series of cleanup operations after entering the city, the number of remaining professionals was less than 100. For a city of one million people, it is faint to the extreme.

Whether it is distributing food or killing the people, Chen Feng has risen to a new highest point in the hearts of the people!

And all that builds a power is not just civilians, but also indigenous ruling classes like professionals.

Of course, Chen Feng will not kill all of them. After all, they are extremely familiar with everything in Silver City, leaving them behind, which will help rule here faster.


Do not.

All that Chen Feng did was to make the people here belong to him as soon as possible, and then become his followers!

This time the hunt, in addition to clearing away the monsters that lingered around and affected the people's lives, the most important point is that it is convenient for Chen Feng to make a judgment on the remaining professionals and see what talents are or are useless. fool!

No matter when and where, Chen Feng's most advocating sentence is to get rich and build the road first!

In the last days, what Chen Feng wants to repair is a path of peace that runs through to the end. As for those who resist on both sides of the road and in the middle, they are all executed to prevent future troubles!


There was no welcoming ceremony and no impassioned words of killing. Just after a simple breakfast, Chen Feng and his party set out on this new journey.

Even though half a month has passed, at this time, the tragic state of the day can still be clearly seen around Silver City, with countless dead bodies and scattered limbs scattered around.

Fortunately, the weather is cold now. If it ’s hot, there will be an endless stench and countless flies flying everywhere. Even so, Silver City puts the destruction of dead bodies first to prevent the epidemic, but what about the dead body? The number is huge. Even if it is burned day and night, there are still many dead bodies parked around, so that many strange animals such as carrion wolves, carrion dogs, **** birds, and vulture vultures are fed.

These monsters are unique creatures of the doomsday. Many of them are mutated from past animals, and their dangerous physiological characteristics are created by the dangerous environment.

In the face of this kind of beasts, the hunters have surprisingly let them go. Even if their mission is to hunt for meat to supplement the supply of Silver City, these disgusting ghouls are not in their range.

Leaving nothing else, just thinking that they both grew up devouring corpses, this makes people feel a sense of vomiting.

Chen Feng strictly forbids hunting and hunting groups to capture these creatures. After all, these scavengers have taken too many corpses. Who knows if there are any germs in the other person's body, but for those people who have been starving for a long time, those weaker beasts are undoubtedly Delicious cuisine.

Many people travel together to hunt down weak beasts, millions of people in the city, and many fish and dragons. For example, in the peaceful era, the law is strict, and many people specialize in finding time, not to mention the doomsday and silver. When the city was just built.

What Chen Feng can do is to send people over and over again to make clear the importance of prevention.

"Where are we going now?" Looking at the boundless desert in front of him, Chen Feng asked him, looking at the soldier beside him.

The soldier's ability to awaken is spirit exploration. To put it bluntly, it is the ability to search for life like radar. As the person in charge of the remaining professionals in Silver City, the spirit explorer said in the face of Chen Feng: "In front is the territory of the tyrannical baboon. They are huge and can grow up to three tons. They are the main targets of this hunt. "

In the original world, baboons were huge mammals. When they were adults, they rarely had natural enemies. Their arms flew with tigers and leopards offensively. They can be described as powerful animals in the animal world. However, they are naturally docile and eat normally. Food is only leaves or fruits. As long as they are not intentionally hostile to them, they will not attack humans or beasts at all.

But after the end, the species has changed drastically, and some can still maintain a gentle character, but some beasts are becoming more terrifying and perverted!

Some monsters have become synonymous with horror, and they will kill all the creatures they see.

For example, the tyrannical baboon that Chen Feng and his party are going to hunt is a typical representative of this. His character changed to docile in the past, and became manic and furious. He has a strong sense of territory. If an enemy is found to invade, no matter what kind of species, let alone. Swallowed.

According to the information of the Spirit Detector, the tyrannical baboon territory is 500 kilometers away, and the leader is two legendary baboons. As for His Majesty, there are hundreds of followers of varying strengths.

During the heyday of Silver City, although the tyrannical baboons were powerful, Silver City could still destroy them.

But this is completely unnecessary. One is that the tyrannical baboon is too far away from Silver City and it poses no threat to it. The second is that there is a creature called iron armored rhinoceros around the tyrannous baboon. Engage in battle.

This kind of mutual killing is a scene that Silver City would like to see. Because Silver City does not need to send a soldier and a horse, the tyrannical baboon and the iron armored rhinoceros will kill each other and control the number of their ethnic groups within a certain range. , There is no trace of harm to Silver City.

But ... Right now there is too much food shortage in Silver City, and Silver City can no longer consider that much, and can only start with the big tyrannical baboons ...

The war is about to start. Everyone is very heavy, but when I see Chen Feng leading the team ~ ~ I still feel a lot relaxed. After all, Chen Feng ’s reputation is not covered, not to mention, the other party is destroyed Prior to Silver City ’s rule, so even if there were a lot of strong and powerful men in the past, at this time, it was a very meek look, and they did not dare to feel a bit of bad gas!

However, unlike other people, Sun Yao's face was as white as snow, and she vomited no less than five times along the way, and even her stomach fluid was vomited. You must know that she lived in Silver City in the past. The tragedy of struggling to kill each other with food happened. When I saw this hell-like scene in front of me, there were all kinds of stumps and blood stains in Fangyuan.

This Sun Yao is the lucky succubus that Chen Feng had given to her before the blood sacrifice. She originally had a life track equal to death. Sadness is greater than death. This is her previous state, but Chen Feng needs to erect a civilian hero. Therefore, She became a new faith for the poor and miserable.

Seeing the other side's appearance, Chen Feng turned a blind eye. He wanted a strong man who could crawl in the dark, not a canary in a cage. If the corpse capital on the roadside in the next year cannot bear it, then , She will not be eligible to become a "civilian hero". At that time, Chen Feng will change another one. After all, what is lost is only a succubus, and for Chen Feng, he is not short of demons!

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