The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1191: Weird

Chapter 1192 Strange

In such a small area, use a shovel to fight six zombies at the same time? !!

Not to mention that the body is thin, the man who still holds the girl in his arms, even the orthodoxly trained soldiers in the army, may not be able to retreat all over. This situation is like a big mouse carrying a small mouse and facing a few big cats who are staring at each other.

Can mice beat cats? Doomed to be negative.

If you change to a master such as Feng Yuan, you can easily wipe it out with your hands raised, but for the poor ordinary people who have eaten and not eaten, the zombies are like tireless steel giants. There is no abyss they can cross.

"Dad, I'm so scared, will we be eaten by them like mom?"

The little girl looked at the zombie near her, her face pale, her body sullen, her arms wrapped around the man's neck, and she collapsed even harder.

"No, don't worry about dad, we will escape."

The man narrowed his eyes and did not look at the girl, but stared at the zombies in front of him. He tightened the shovel in his hands. The wooden handle was rough and cold, and stained with blood. That was his short story. For hours, the zombies were chopped and killed so much that blisters rose in the hands, and the blood flowing out after the blisters rubbed and burst.

Now he is very different from the cowardly look he had encountered before, and his face is full of bravery and fearlessness, but his eyes can't be suppressed, and he is deeply hopeless and unwilling.

Accustomed to lingering, he lived humblely like a mouse under the **** of others. He had long forgotten the word courage.

What started to forget? By the way, it was only after he saw his lover being eaten by the corpses that he became like this.

This was a happy little family. The lover came home from work. The man smiled and watched her return, but at this moment, the virus came, and a group of zombies rushed out and drowned her. She cried, and he pleaded for help in anticipation that the pillars in the house would rescue him like a god. However, the man was afraid. As most people saw when he saw it all, his back seemed to be close to the iceberg, frozen to numbness, and frozen to a loss, and when he responded, everything was too late, the beautiful and virtuous wife , Has become a piece of disgusting, broken pieces of meat.

Cowardice is the label that a man puts on himself, and self-blame makes the negative emotion even stronger. His neighbor was killed and his friend's wife and daughter were humiliated. Even his wife dare not save how to have the courage to take care of others. This sentence is the spoken word to escape his fault. All he can do is live like a mouse every day, humble, humble, and begging for a little food.

If he had only himself, he might have committed suicide long ago, but he couldn't die, because in his heart there was a bond that was difficult to give up-that was his daughter.

Daughter, is his only hope of living in the last days!

But today, the last glimmer of hope is also broken. He was too tired, and every time he waved his arm, he felt like he was about to be broken. If it wasn't for the obsession in his heart, he might have fallen down.

"Blamed Dad for not being able to make you suffer as much as possible. If I have the next life, I will give it back to you." After another round of counterattack, the strength of the man's body has been completely emptied. Tears fall. From the vague vision, he looked at the horrible zombies, and his mind rose in vain; he would rather die than leave them a trace of flesh and blood.

Turn your left foot hard, and you will jump downstairs.

Then, just as he stepped on the fence with his left foot, the sound of sour teeth chopped in the flesh came from behind him, forcing him to stop, couldn't help curiosity, and looked back.

To a professional such as Feng Yuan, ordinary zombies are like a piece of paper and have no resistance at all!

Immerse in the excitement of getting food right away, without feeling the crisis coming down from the sky. Some have just turned their heads, others are dull and screaming, and there is no time to block or resist. Feng Yuan's axe has landed on their forehead.

The head of an ordinary zombie is not hard, and it is impossible to stop this overbearing blow. The head of the zombie draws a dirty blood stain obliquely. The half-pulled head is directly removed, and there are some tumbling in the air. An organ that bulges, and that's the brain tissue.

A fierce attack, one blow will kill, and watching the companion die, this only made the remaining zombies react, but they were not afraid, they were only limited to the madness of food, and their sorrowful wailing and screaming inspired them The most brutal cruelty in the bones.

But will Feng Yuan give them a chance? In the eyes of ordinary people, it is insurmountable, at best, it is just a toy that will jump in his world. Two years of killing has already made him the fastest means of corpse killing, just a blink of an eye, covering the balcony Zombie was killed clean.

"God finally manifested its spirits." He held his breath, watching the last zombie fell to his own not far away, the man's nervous nerves finally relaxed, and he suddenly collapsed to the ground. He simply felt a little conscious, and His daughter was put on his chest so that he would not fall into the ground like a wolverine.

"Benefactor, thank you." The man escaped from the dead, the man kneeled on the ground, and the dry tear glands were moist again at this time, dropping a lot of drops on the ground, choking and saying thank you.

This kind of picture, Feng Yuan has seen no less than a hundred games, and his life has become the cheapest consumable in the last days. Even if I live today, tomorrow? What about the future? Even as a professional, I have a feeling of powerlessness, let alone an ordinary person who drags his family around.

Feng Yuan is not a fallen person. In the environment of order, he knows that at this time he was trying to comfort the other person. However, when he undoubtedly left the little daughter in the arms of the man with a light, he suddenly fell asleep, some Disordered.

The next second, when I saw Feng Yuan's shot flashing, he grabbed the little girl at once. The man wanted to grab it, but the opponent's strength was too great. The force generated in an instant was to drag the girl over, daughter Being captured, letting the man forget the reason, struggling to get back the only hope, but fell to the ground directly with one foot, immediately like a lightning strike, the five internal organs were almost moved, and he spit out a spit of blood, obviously Feng Yuan this The feet didn't show mercy ~ ~ Woohoo, bad guys. Don't hit dad, ohh. "Looking at the father who was full of dirt and spitting blood, the little girl was crying with pears and rain, hissing exhausted! She twisted her body desperately, trying to struggle out of the arms of the" bad guy ".

"Give it back to me." The man sat up struggling, his hand trembling slightly forward, hoping to find his own hope, and his mouth was mixed with blood and tears, sobbing.

Regardless of the man's plea, Feng Yuan stared at the little girl in his arms with a **** expression at this time. This is the little girl who threatened to be a bad person, with a blue complexion and white pupils. Even the heart stopped beating. Where is man ... it's just an infected zombie.

The strange thing is that the voice of the other party is still crisp, and even the expression is full of humanity. Putting aside the appearance, it is simply a real girl.

After a few seconds of stagnation, Feng Yuan reacted. He first asked a man with a plea to heal the injury. Then, he told the recorder on the side: "Notify the order. A major incident was found in area A. The zombie has human feelings … A preliminary analysis shows that the zombie is most likely to have a third genetic mutation! "

(End of this chapter)

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