The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1181: Strength over strength

The Eye Demon possesses good wisdom, if not, it will not become a slave-owner-like existence!

But perhaps it was the habit of prestige on this land. The moment the slayer's advance troops met the Demon Legion, a massacre began.


The Burning Devil picked up an eye devil's eyeball, felt the energy in it, and satisfied: "Continue to move forward. Destroy the enemy! Destroy here!"

Most of the energy of the Eye Devil's whole body is gathered in the eyes. For the demons, those eyes are undoubtedly treasures to enhance their strength.

At this time, a thrilling scene appeared. After killing the eye demon, the first reaction of the snake demon was not to continue to kill, but to open the mouth of the blood basin, pierce the eye devil's eyes, and a lot of blood. Sprayed on the ground, if such pictures are seen by ordinary people, they will definitely think that they have come to a real world of purgatory.

In just half an hour of killing, a total of thousands of eye demon were slaughtered, and the army of eye demon was advancing steadily until a towering fortress appeared in front.

As he approached the fortress, there were still a lot of goggles dying because of chasing.

The outer skin of the eye devil is tough, but unlike the carapace that covers the whole body, this part of the skin can be twisted at will. Most eye devil's eye stalks are as smooth and flexible as tentacles, and of course there are no completely different breeds. Some eye devil's eye stalks are connected one by one like worms, while others are connected piece by piece like insects. The middle is connected by bending similar to a joint and can be turned in any direction at will.

Eye magic mouthpieces have the same function as humans. They have a tongue, soft upper and lower jaws, and sharp upper and lower teeth. The teeth are long and pointed, which is suitable for biting.

The underground did not know how many corpses were buried, and the air was full of rich corpses.

The ogre buried his servants around. Some ogres even mastered the ability of the necromancer. When needed, they would awaken the bones of the servants around them. Even if they died, these servants could not get peace.

The Burning Demon's expression is a little dignified. It has smelled the breath of the beginning of a war. Although it has been promoted successfully, it cannot stop the resurrected undead. What it can do is that the demon has not summoned all the undead. When you come out and completely surround yourself, destroy this place and occupy it!

A low growl came from a distant fortress. A giant eye-demon lord snarled at the Burning Demon: "Why did you invade my territory?"

The Burning Demon stared calmly at the enemy and slowly said, "Because I need more troops, surrender to me, I can let your life go!"

The anger made the eye-monarch's eyes stare round. It said in a low voice: "Do you think you must win? This is my place!"

"Wake up!"

"My legion will wipe out all of you chaotic guys!"

The true identity of the ogre monarch is the eye of the nest mother. Although they may sound like females, they have no concept of gender, just like the ordinary eye-devil tribe. This title is actually derived from the special abilities they possess that can dominate other eye monsters. The Eye of the Nest establishes a large community of Eye Demon to serve itself, which is also the origin of the Eye Demon City. If it were not for their will to rule, the ogre would rather kill each other than live together peacefully.

The eyes of the nest mother, regardless of their huge size or violent temper, are all beyond the ordinary eye-monitors.

"Destroy these arrogant demons!"

The eye of the nest mother ordered to her Majesty.

And at this time, one mound after another suddenly appeared on the originally flat land, and then a stench passed to the battlefield.

A group of dead-eyed tyrants appeared around!

Dead eye tyrants are undead creatures that turn into eye monsters, which are very similar to zombies, but they still retain some of the magic abilities they had before their lives.

Dead Eye Tyrant's appearance is a rotting eye devil with mold spots on the surface. The surface of its body is full of small and large cuts-some are wounds before birth, and some are caused by post-mortem rot-from these breaks you can look directly at the internal structure of the body. In addition, it usually loses part of the eye stem, and some of the remaining eyes are covered with milky mold. Since it has become a zombie, it moves and turns much slower than ordinary eye-monitors, and it cannot use or understand any language.

The dead eyes are more weird at the same time. The huge body meatballs appear a dark moldy cyan color, and the tentacles dance around in disorder. The black, green, and gray rays entangle the body. The light of overflowing negative energy.

There are three tentacles under the dead eye tyrant, which are lifted from around the meat ball, and the flesh at the front end is cracked. It turns out that in addition to the main eye on the trunk of the giant meat ball, there are three dead eye tyrants that grow on the auxiliary eye on top of the tentacles. With the movement of the tentacles, all the secondary eyes faced the enemy in front of them.

Each one has a different color, full of colored rays of the thickness of the arms, crossing the plow across the ground, passing by the light regardless of the undead and the demon.

These dead-eyed tyrants gave the first death strike in the sense of the Demon Legion of the Burning Demon. In a round of counterattack, dozens of snake demon attacked were penetrated and **** fell to the ground!

It's no wonder that the eyes of the nest mother vowed, it seems that the creatures buried here, in addition to the servants, have a large number of dead eye demon. These eye demon have evolved into death because they have absorbed enough of the spirit of the undead. Eye tyrant such an evil creature.

There were huge figures appearing silently in front of them. The spherical body was suspended in the air, and a huge one-eye was located in the center directly in front of the head and the body. Below it was a large mouth filled with bayonet-like teeth. Striking are the ten twisted and twisted spheres, each with a small eye at the end, each eye staring dead at you-it will "kill you with your eyes!"

An unusually weird red light appeared, and the entire fortress was added with powerful magic. When it was activated, the breath of death began to spread, and then the countless corpses that had gathered underground were resurrected.

In addition to the crowd of dead eye tyrants coming up from the ground, many undead also dragged their decayed bodies from the ground and reappeared on this formerly enslaved land.

The long accumulation of time allowed this land to collect countless bones, and they were resurrected when the magic was activated.

"Just that?"

A Flor dismissed disdainfully. He was a demon who had retreated in the blood battle of the abyss, and now stared contemptuously at the eyes of the mother in the distance, and said in a deep voice, "Master! This incompetent guy is not worthy of you! Give him to me! "

Numerous undead encircled the army of demons, among them there are even many dead-eyed tyrants.

But none of the demons showed fear, but most of them showed contempt.

Compared with the undead ~ ~ Devil is also an expert in sea tactics. Even if the teleportation is started this time, the number of demons will only be more than 20,000, but these demons are no exception. Power, they have a cooler mind and more terrifying power than their peers!

These demons have basically experienced large-scale melee, and the eye-monitors watching at this moment have no feeling at all.

Floma gained control of the army as he wished, and soon afterwards, the fire demon gradually joined the battle.

They are like turrets of the Demon Army, each attack will bring a violent explosion!

There was almost no room for the Fire Demon to fight throughout the battle. More than ten legendary demons participated in this battlefield. As early as the beginning, this war was not an equal battle at all.

The Burning Demon and Chen Feng learned a lot of valuable qualities, and like this Lion Fight Rabbit also used full-fighting fighting methods, it was also learned by Chen Feng!


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