The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1163: Start offense

"Are you going to start?"

Wei Xun stood at the forefront of the deck, looking down at the entire fleet, and murmured, "I don't know if the evil devil is ready?"

Although Chen Feng's confidant had a very close relationship, Wei Xun also clearly realized that her relationship with Chen Feng was so close that she could no longer be close, but Wei Xun also clearly realized that she was in It is impossible to compare Chen Feng's position to the inferior monster.

But it has nothing to be jealous of. Wei Xun is very satisfied with the current situation. Chen Feng has given him everything he can think of, wealth, rights, and countless women trying to climb on his bed. less.

"Ready to open the dimension door!"

"Target the Silver City Fleet!"

A cold voice sounded.

Under the power of Saruman, a horrible dimension door was opened, and then Wei Xun heard the sensational ghost sound from it, there was an abyss, following Chen Feng for so long, for the dimension mastered by the Lord, Wei Xun was already familiar with the road. At this time, he looked forward with a pair of eyes and seemed to see the undead with the teeth and claws inside. Even his body could not help feeling a bit of cold, and even his breathing became unsmooth.

This is an abyss vs. Silver City battle. Chen Feng summoned Saruman, and the half-step promotion epic, who already has the ability to open up the Bone Plains dimension, has undoubtedly become the supreme general of this attack.

Chen Feng likes to plan ahead and prefers to make everything perfect. Except for the reinforcements from the abyss, the native soldiers of the order serve as auxiliary armaments. These people remain on the other side of the coast. It is the turn of the human warriors.

Wei Xun is extremely eager for war. He is eager to prove his existence with blood, but with his knowledge of Chen Feng, this battle ... he may not have the possibility to participate in the war at all.

"Poor Silver City, I hope you can win ..." Wei Xun looked into the distance, a grinning cold smile across his mouth.

The main force of this time's attack on the Silver City Fleet is not an orderly unit. Chen Feng has paranoid pity for his life, so mortals can be extremely useful.

Uh ...............

at the same time.

In the depths of the White Bone Plain, a looming dimensional space has been completed.

This portal was established as early as a month ago, but only opened today. With the emergence of blood red light, the portal locked the human world, and the confirmed area is where the Silver City Fleet is located. region.

In this battle, Chen Feng just summoned some evil spirits of the devil, instead of seeking the real devil's reinforcements, because the devil is not so trustworthy, they only care about their own interests and the benefits they can get.

In contrast, although the brains of the Undead Legion are relatively easy to draw, they are loyal to Saruman, and Chen Feng is almost desperate for this battle. If it fails, not only the fleet of the order will face a terrorist attack, even the order may be affected!

战 This battle is almost just a matter of success and no failure!

Chen Long has an inverse scale, and order is Chen Feng's inverse scale. Compared with other professionals who are murky and horrified, driven by the abyss and countless divine houses, Chen Feng already has a great goal, that is to become a god!

As the key to faith, population is the most important thing. Compared with demons and demons, human beliefs are extremely pure. Now, Silver City looks at its city and its followers with all its eyes. This undoubtedly wants to cut off Chen Feng ’s success. The Way of God!

No one can stop Chen Feng from pursuing more powerful forces. Therefore, Lin Ying and Ge Da must die! Silver City must perish!

Those lambs who are lost, Chen Feng will naturally accept it!

Uh ...............


A horrible group of Warcraft wandered above the deck.

As the fleet of Silver City, it contains nearly 90% of the experts in Silver City. If the order is desperate, why isn't Silver City a battle against the water?

Those horrible Warcraft are all the captives of professionals. They are fed a lot of meat every day. Do n’t worry that Silver City, which lacks food, cannot provide meat, and a large number of refugees die every day in Silver City. Adhering to the principle of no waste , Those corpses will become the daily meat for Warcraft.

Of course, in order to accumulate the ferociousness of each other, these Warcrafts are hungry most of the time, they crave food and crave flesh, and they are not friendly to any stranger nearby.

Then, at this moment, a dark crack happened to be on the deck.

The nearby World of Warcraft apparently noticed the breath of the portal, and then they started snarling frantically. All the Warcraft as a vigilant gathered, and they stood in front of the dimension gate waiting for the target to appear!

A skeleton soldier appeared.

It was obviously frightened when he saw so many **** dogs, but it was very surprising that so many Warcrafts ran without scaring it, and the skeleton soldiers were very timid of.

Skeleton soldiers are the most common cannon fodder in the Bone Plains. They permeate all corners of the Bone Plains. As undead with a certain instinct, they also start to run away when they are in danger ~ ~ But now, this skeleton But it looked very strange. It didn't escape, but the fire of the soul gave off a dazzling red light and took a step forward.

Warcraft are obviously not very satisfied with the prey appearing in front of them.

They are arranged on the fleet and are responsible for the most basic vigilance. This is the doomsday, which is not an ordinary time. There are also many monsters in the sea quietly boarding the ship at night. Some of the soldiers in charge of the search are dragged off the ship. , Has become the food in the belly of monsters, but these Warcraft are different, their strength is good, coupled with their keen sense of smell, they are responsible for patrolling the entire battleship.

The bark of the Warcraft has attracted the attention of the surrounding soldiers. Just when many people have gathered here, those Warcraft are further posted in front of the dimension door, and they are not satisfied with the food in front of them.

Because the skeleton soldiers are too small, and they have no meat at all, they are not dogs, and it is impossible to eat hunger by simply eating bones!


The portal was not closed, and the Warcraft knew that there should be prey appearing behind.

When food is stunned, Warcraft craves for food. At this time, their dozens of eyes are exuding the radiance of magic, just staring straight at the cracks, they are trying to find food that can fill their stomachs!


It seems that the dimension door is completely opened, and the light above has become even more bleak, and then in the case of Warcraft eager to try, the skeleton soldier appears again, but this time it is not one, but thousands!

:. :

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