The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1155: Trapped


Hundreds of professionals rushed forward, Zhenfei raised countless clods, dead wood, and countless fumes. The entire ground seemed to tremble, and the air was filled with an unbearable blood!

The dark yellow dust rose, but disappeared quickly under the cold wind and the wash of night, Tian Feng Senhan looked at everything in front of his eyes, and there was no emotion in his eyes.

The two sides met in an instant.

The low-lying depression played a role in mitigating the speed of the enemy forces. Although it was only a half-beat slower, it still brought them bad consequences like nightmares.


Energy and fire light instantly crushed the opponent. None of these cannon fodder for the skeleton warrior forgot to fight was complete. Fragments of stump limbs are everywhere, lung lobes, hearts, skulls, hundreds of zombies first entered the trap and were **** slaughtered in a short period of time, in an instant, they completely ended their filthy His whole life passed away in the yellow sand.

"That's it! Continue killing, Silver City, the final victory will be completed!"

Putian Feng looked at the front, sneer indifferently but cruelly, and there was an agitated killing in his heart!

的 Everything he does is for order!

He has paid too much for this, no one can deprive him of his efforts, no matter which force he is loyal to, at this moment, he is fighting for Silver City.


This is a group of arrogants favored by God.

The key to determining victory in this vast land today is not the generosity of the city walls, nor the advanced weaponry. In the final analysis, it is these fierce generations.

Giant Rock Warrior, Dragon Blood Cavalry, Skywinger, Skeleton Warlock, Frostfire ...

At this time, assault squads composed of hundreds of professionals, with more than thirty talents, cut the zombie offensive like a sharp blade.

At this moment, Tian Feng looked at the almost cruel battle before him, and said in a cold voice, "Kill!"

Tian Feng's eyes were burning, the suffocation like a wild beast, like the despair of the bottomless abyss, was fully transmitted to the professionals, this tragic military order made them roar, scream Heartbreaking roar!

The next moment, the blood mist was cut through, and two horrible figures appeared in front of the zombies.

The blind bear is less than one meter tall, trying to grasp every opportunity, his face is extremely twisted, like a ghost face, holding a huge double hammer, but the speed is surprisingly agile.

In the last days, weapons were very weak, except for those on the list of famous devices, such as swords and blades, which were scoffed because of their light weight and weak destructive power.

The bear blind.

The name has some ambiguities, is not outstanding in height, but is full of lush hair. The man is one of the masters left after Longmen Fish Silver City evacuates.

It is born with divine power, the awakening talent is also a pure power increase, not as fast as the ice shooter, nor as gorgeous as the dragon blood warrior, it is just like its name, plain and simple, bear blind matchless.

Adhering to the quintessence of breaking ten times, these two hammers have a net weight of one ton. If it is an ordinary weapon and chopped on a high-level monster, the small wound will not cause any harm, but the sledgehammer is not simple. In the hands of Xiong Blind and Blind, these two sledgehammers galloped, each hammer descending like a meteorite, and once hit, even if he survived, he would suffer severe internal injuries.

Don't look at the bear's short stature, but this does not affect his speed of hammering out. His face is dark and his cheeks are full of blood. At this moment, waving his arms to drive the face to tremble, making people look more like a sneer of a devil.

Before the last days, who would have thought that Xiong Blind was just a cancer patient lying on a sick bed and struggling with asthma. At that time, it weighed less than a hundred pounds. Because it was late, it could not even eat, but just lying down. Waiting for death in bed.

Being a professional gave him a chance, and gave him a chance to turn around and say no to fate.

The blind bear can't forget the pain and disasters of the past.

I didn't want to, but he didn't want to. He didn't want to survive like a wild dog, and he didn't want to be abused by himself.

He will rush to the forefront of every fierce battle!

他 He is a hero in the eyes of others! Is one of the top warriors in Silver City.

Alas, no one knows what this butcher who fights blood and blood ...

"For what?"

The blind bear smashed a corpse who blocked the road with a hammer, and his eyes were full of madness and cricket!

Before the end of the day, the blind bear was suffering from illness and was about to die. The end was coming and he was rescued from the hand of death. At this time, how could he willingly face the desperate journey of death?

Hit him ... just to live!

Whereever the zombies were killed by the bear blind man, he has never been spared!

He only needs a single force to create the crushing effect of the boulder, smashing all the resistance into minced meat!

This pure hand-to-hand force has created his reputation, so he was appointed by Ge Da to join forces with Tian Fengqiang to guard Silver City!

After a few strokes, the soles of his feet gathered into a stream of blood and water, horrifying, thrilling, and intimidating.

If the bear blind man's feet flashed with lightning, the double hammer sacrifice like a mountain, and he has a pure force that hurts his face, killing indiscriminately in the corpse.

"Woohoo ..."

At this moment, a dragon armor corpse noticed the killing of the bear blind man, and immediately became angry, and launched a fierce offensive towards him.

Dragon armor corpse 蟞.

This dragon armor corpse is an evolutionary form of the corpse corpse. Not only is it larger in size, but even its defense is greatly enhanced. A body-like defense pattern appears on the body. If it is replaced by an ordinary adult who wants to use a sharp blade Chopping the other person is simply stupid.

The horrible bug had swelled dozens of times after the second mutation. The sharp worm tooth was like a sickle, and it could easily harvest human life!

not to mention……

生物 This kind of creatures like to kill each other very much. After adulthood, the same species will swallow each other. Once all the similar species are swallowed, the corpse will change, becoming the one in front of the bear blind, evolved into a dragon armor corpse!

"Peng! Peng! Peng!"

Long battle, Xiong Blizzard has already fused the nuclear energy in his body. At this moment, he chuckled and raised his right hammer towards the other side and threw it!

Unexpectedly, the bear blind man did not retreat, and the dragon armor corpse hurriedly turned away, avoiding the horrible blow.

"good chance!"

If the blind bear is blind, holding his right hand tightly, he will slap the other side's eyes precisely and harshly, sharply, and revealing a decided momentum.


The hammer fell, blindness, and the eyes of the dragon armor corpse were directly blinded. Even the severe pain could not bear it, and a loud scream rang out through the sky.

The bear blind is good at finding the enemy's weaknesses. It is undeniable that the defense of the dragon armor corpse is very amazing. If he wants to bomb the flesh, it must be difficult. Therefore, the bear blind retreated and used this weak click to break the enemy to capture him. .

The blind man didn't chase after himself, but retreated at an extremely fast speed. This is also the true meaning of what he learned on the battlefield. He will not blind his mind for a short victory. What he wants is in the most Give your opponent the worst blow when you are calm!

The smashed eyes were like a deflated balloon, and they could only see a hollow cavity. At this time, the bright red blood kept flowing out was terrible.

The severe pain made the dragon armor dead like a madman, like a crazy rhino, ramming on the battlefield.

The blind bear retreated aside, his hammers dropped, and he looked calmly at the scene in front of him, suddenly his legs were forced, hesitated, and he lifted the warhammer and smashed into the opponent's head!

Double-hammer waved down, sealed the dragon armor corpse 蟞 escape direction!

I am full of energy, yes, this is the bear blind after the blood battle experience, he is confident that the monster in front of him who dare to confront him will be killed on the spot!


The sound of the skull burst sounded, the dragon armor corpse, this monster that relies on humans to devour and reproduce, so died in front of the bear blind!


the other side.

A young girl holding two colored ribbons, slamming on the sand, violently collided with force, causing the sand to sink deeply into it, making a sound like a thunder blast, and left on the sand for a short time. Several short pits.


The appearance of the young girl is absolutely upper-level, but in this Silver City, the name itself is a taboo, because ...

When the girl turned to kill the enemy, her hair fluttered behind her. Who could think that under the thick hair ends, there was a cheek exactly the same as the main body, and that cheek seemed to be suffering some kind of pain and was always shrieking. status.

Woman ...

I was originally a vulnerable group.

In the last days, a woman with a slightly weaker life is living a miserable life every day. She has no strength, no ability, and no ability, except to sell her own body. It is completely useless.

This is exactly the same ...

For men, **** is the only thing facing zombies and bugs, but for women, whether in the wild or in the city, it is no different from hell.


This beautiful woman, no matter how powerful she is, no man dares to provoke each other easily. After all, few people can withstand this bizarre awakening ability.

If you say that the blind bear has been reborn because of awakening, then both sides will change because of awakening, and his life will change towards a certain area.

Holding two colorful ribbons, the two sides quickly flipped on the ground like a chariot. The zombies on the side did not even respond, and they became two pieces. This one turned around and took away the lives of two enemies. .

"Woohoo ..."

I watched the same people being slaughtered. The fire of the soul in the eyes of a platinum skull flickered quickly. In the next second, it was like a python like a vine, and rushed out to the sides of both sides.

Although he tried hard to kill the enemy on both sides, he knew exactly what was happening on the battlefield. When he saw the enemy that came suddenly, his body turned counterclockwise and clenched the weapon in his hand, and turned madly in place. When he got up, all of a sudden, the soft yellow sand that had been declared by him was cut out by a shallow pit that was four inches deep. The horrible attack power was revealed at this moment!

Not only that, just as the Platinum Skull was approaching, the cheek mouth behind it suddenly grew up. Then, a sound that was dozens of times sharper than the previous cut through the space and spread to the Platinum Skull's mind, severing it. The opponent ’s actions,


There is a crackle that tears the brocade!

His Majesty the Skeleton Warrior, the Platinum Skeleton, who is a strong one with Dragon Armor Corpse, did not expect the other party to have this method. In the end, it was brought into the abyss of death by his own impulse and ignorance.

Like splitting firewood, it resembles an enlarged ribbon because of rotation. It just tore open its front skull and cut along the wound all the way to the top of the platinum skull!

The next moment, the platinum skeleton turned his head ... The beating fire of the soul looked at his body, then turned to look at the black figure still rotating, showing a look of despair and horror!

Soon after ...

A fine crack appeared on its forehead. Instantly, the skull of the platinum skull burst into tears, and the fire of the soul was instantly extinguished. It looked miserable ...


I just died!

Dragon armor corpse 白, platinum skull, these two left and right hands under the skeleton warrior are not less important than double-sided and other people are annihilated, very miserable, for the zombie side, this is a huge loss!

"Let me all go to hell!" Looking at the killing close at hand, blood on both sides was red, and the calm complexion finally had a trace of ripples, which was the resentment of superposition of 狰狞 and violence!

At this moment, she completely transformed into a prickly rose, with a sharp refraction around her body, like flames, which made people unable to bear to look directly at ~ ~ witnessing the successive deaths of his men, the eyes of the skeleton warrior showed a touch of destruction. breath.

The skeleton warrior is not stupid, even if it is just a simple undead, but with the increase of strength, it also has some wisdom blessing.

He has to shoot!

The cohesion of Silver City far exceeded the expectations of the Skeleton Warrior. In any case, it had to capture the city and nourish its body with the flesh inside.

I thought of it here.

The eyes of the skeletal warrior became more and more red. In the next second, it leaned forward and rushed towards Silver City.

The kicking force was huge, and there was a harsh sound of friction throughout the earth. I saw the skeleton warrior's arms straight, regardless of the existence of any road blocking!


Holding his breath, the skeleton warrior tried to use the most direct method to reverse the situation and kill the opponent's commander. This battle was half successful. As long as it can cause chaos to the enemy, it is confident of winning the final victory.

The skeleton warrior who has already entered the legendary realm, the entire body is like a lunar eclipse that invades the sky, and charges forward with a crushing trend ...

The corresponding Tian Feng, the commander-in-chief who became famous or died in World War I, also gave the final charge order.

没有 There are no heroes in this world, or ... everyone is their own hero!

:. :

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