The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1147: Entanglement attack

Xu Hongzhuang looked down at Li Xuan at her feet, and countless emotions flashed in her indifferent eyes.

Her excitement comes from meeting a powerful professional. At this time, Xu Hongzhuang also knew that the battle between order and Silver City was inevitable. Therefore, as the helm of a city, she needed to find some powerful fighters. Help order out of trouble.

Looking at the incomparable body in front of his eyes, Li Xuan's eyes narrowed into a thin line. He did not expect that the Thunder Dragon Dragon and Lion that had caused him great damage, actually stopped after hearing the reprimand of the young girl action.

Li Xuan's heart is worthy of being strong. Otherwise, he can't withstand the pressure of the family's death. Today, he raised his head and glanced at the cold and extraordinary Xu Hongzhuang.

"If you want to die, I will give you a chance, I wonder if you have the courage?"

谁 Who is he, where does it come from, and what is his purpose? For Xu Hongzhuang, this has nothing to do with it.

But only, Xu Hongzhuang is very interested in Li Mu's ability.

The presence of a toxin produced on the body can threaten the Thunder Dragon Dragon Lion. Once used properly, it is very likely to create a terrible killer.

Toxin attack.

This is a tedious and dangerous course, but once it is researched and cooperated with the magic martial artillery in order, then--

When the enemy is blocked, the effect produced is even more terrifying and cold than the legend.


After returning to order, Xu Hongzhuang first arranged Li Xuan and then came to the office. Don't look at the prosperity of other forces today, but there is a haze in the sun, except for most people who live for life. While working hard, there are still very few people who are lazy and make daily living by oppressing goodness.

What is order?

锋 Chen Feng took the lead, and even basic laws were established in the city. Those who were idle and stealing chickens and dogs were all put in cells. For a time, the streets were instantly cleaned a lot, and even the safety factor was greatly increased.

"I don't know how you are now?" Xu Hongzhuang stared at the documents on the table, thinking, as long as her mind wandered to Chen Feng!


Chen Feng waved it again!

一次 This time, it broke out with full force, and cut the semi-solid state mud directly, but strange things happened again. The cut bodies automatically moved toward the body, and then merged again.

"Really faceless Lord!"

几次 Chen Feng's several tentative attacks have almost clarified the characteristics of the enemy and murmured: "So, does the slime here really come from the abyss?"

As more and more corroded sludge was added, and it began to devour the surrounding corpses, so that the shape of the twisted monster became larger and larger, suddenly its body began to change, and his hands stretched out from a pool of flesh. Feet, head, blinking into a giant faceless face.

I have no eyes, no features, and no vitals.

On the surface of the body is a semi-solid sludge that slowly flows, and the head has only a vague outline. It spit out a sludge towards Chen Feng, which was wrapped by Chen Feng like a tsunami-like mud. This is not the end, just at this time , He raised his fist again and smashed it.

锋 Chen Feng's figure disappeared in place, and quickly distanced, murmured: "The strength is almost half a step epic, but because of its special attributes, it is not much more than the average epic strong!"

"In ..."

The weird demonic words sounded and pierced Chen Feng's heart instantly.

Unfortunately, such an attack is useless. Chen Feng's accumulated resistance for a long time is not afraid of this kind of attack that wants to control the enemy directly. After all, he is also a pure demon. With demon blood, he can naturally shield some chaotic blasphemy. Words.

The faceless master rushed towards Chen Feng.

I can feel that the power on this land is converging towards it, and it is far more powerful than all the slime monsters encountered before.


The faceless master's fist hitting the ground instantly was a huge pit.

Chen Feng flew past the side of the opponent, and with the hot sword light again cut an amazing wound, but the enemy's body quickly recovered.

"Blood is like a protective film! Attacking outside is basically useless!"

Kung Fu for a while.

The form of the enemy changed again. The faceless master's body was distorted, and the original outline was blurred. At this time, the nose and eyes suddenly formed. It grasped the ability of vision and smell, strengthened the body, and suddenly improved its charge ability. , Actually rushed to Chen Feng at an amazing speed.

Morphological changes.

It seems that the capabilities it has also changed!

In the face of such an enemy, Chen Feng is really a bit difficult to start, but he is not completely helpless. When it is absolutely necessary, Chen Feng does not want to use the summoned beast because he wants to impact the higher realm and always depends on the summoned beast. In terms of harm, there is no harm in doing so.

Therefore, at this time, Chen Feng pulled away from each other, then spread out his palms, replacing it with a flame.

The jumping flame emerged in the palm of Chen Feng, accompanied by his moving at an amazingly high speed, and struck through the strange flame aftershock in the air.


A violent explosion sounded. When Chen Feng raised his palm and smashed the flames of the meteor ~ ~ the enemy's huge body immediately exploded.

Flesh flesh splash.

明显 A clear pit appeared.

Chen Feng didn't stay in the slightest, one after another fireballs whistled out. In the deafening explosion, the faceless body in front of him was getting smaller and smaller, and the whole person had been pitted by Chen Feng!

Strengthen Fireball!

After a round of powerful fireballs were thrown out, Chen Feng seemed to feel that the lethality was not enough, and spread his hands directly. Then, countless flame elements gathered together. The effect of this explosion was even more amazing!

Originally, when Chen Feng had just mastered fireball, it was just a small fireball that was too ordinary to be ordinary. Now, with Chen Feng's promotion and a higher level of understanding of flames, the strength has changed dramatically.

Chen Feng tried to use it to consume the enemy in front of him little by little. Anyway, the opponent's speed is not as fast as him. In this case, it can be entangled without having to fight the enemy hard.




After a round of hot fireball is thrown, the faceless Lord's body is getting smaller and smaller, and his own regeneration speed can't keep up with it. The terrible burning damage has made it worse.

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