The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1127: Rely on the abyss

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The existence that appeared in the eyes of Chen Feng, with a body size of tens of meters, was like a giant who had been sleeping for countless years and was woken up. After seeing this Worm Emperor, a noun rose in his heart, that was disgusting!

He saw the giant's body, and there were countless bug tracks to look for. Those bugs adhered to each other, hissing and mourning, gathered together, making the scalp numb, and felt that there was an uncontrollable violent breath in his heart. boiling.

Is this the Emperor?

Who would have thought that the appearance of the other party was so strange, the true appearance could not be seen at all, because the densely packed bugs were attracted to the appearance, and there was no lack of gold-level bug kings.


This is the true face of the Emperor!

It has no appearance. It represents the guardian of the surrounding land. It is a great shore provided by countless insect beliefs. It fell asleep in the past and will only stand up again when the Zerg face the crisis.

At this time, Chen Feng was down-to-earth, but the surroundings were full of sores. Under the swallowing of the dimensional cracks, most of the bugs were inhaled. Chen Feng took a deep breath and felt that countless flesh and blood gathered in the mouth, which was indescribably pleasant.

Chen Feng ignored the monster in front of him, but closed his eyes. The jerky spirits engulfed in the joke, just when Chen Feng closed his eyes, the consciousness of those monsters rushed into Chen Feng's mind. Seeing the trend, Turn him into a true Emperor!

Chen Feng is now an epic master. If you mutate, you will naturally become the king of insects!

But he didn't care. Suddenly there were countless flames in his consciousness, and the resentment of those bugs disappeared and disappeared without a trace.

Chen Feng closed his eyes and did not go to the suddenly appearing Emperor Zong, instead he concentrated on refining the resentment of the remaining insects in his body.

And after the Emperor emerged, he also had a new action. He raised his body, and the worms attached to his body suddenly began to mourn. The sound of the thousands of worms radiating outward. This sound wave is very scary, not only for Chen Feng, but for The weak insects around it are even more devastating. Even the golden-ranked insects are not spared. Therefore, all the insects who managed to escape from Chen Feng's poisonous hands died of death!

Without standing, he stood still, waiting quietly for the sound wave to arrive!


A burst of vitality exploded, and Sonic turned this space into a powder. The Emperor stepped forward a full ten meters. In the face of Chen Feng, the Emperor Emperor came to the world with countless insects. Eyes locked on Chen Feng, murderous!

"I stayed at the epic level for a while, and the more I stepped into the higher order, the more I can feel clearly. Only through the baptism of killing and blood can my strength reach the next level!"


When Chen Feng spoke, he suddenly shot, and his body flashed, and he came to the Emperor Zong and punched him.

This fist seemed to blast Optimus Prime, the sky suddenly collapsed, and collapsed. The power blessed on a person's body, and the worm's spine rattled, and the body bent down, unable to lift his head.

When Chen Feng punched out, he was only the size of a sesame seed in front of the Emperor. When he was bombarded on the back, Chen Feng's body suddenly swelled wildly, and a radiant glow appeared on the outside to isolate everything.

The Fire Devil Transforms!

Not only did Chen Feng become the shape of the Burning Devil, he also rendered his power around his body, so that at this time he became a flame demon again!

In the face of the terrible insect emperor, Chen Feng shot violently, killing the king first.

In the moment, the Emperor Emperor felt the fist wind like a mountain, like an active volcano pressed directly towards himself, and his back had felt a slight pain. Fortunately, the Emperor Emperor was not stigmatized. At this time, his body contracted for a while. The bugs that permeated the surroundings gathered under Chen Feng's fist heart and became the most competent meat shields!

Countless insects turned into nothingness under the full force of Chen Feng, and the body completely dissipated in the void.

On his fist, a fiery flame, sizzling, and thick thoughts emerged from all sides, creating the abyss breath, punched out, the thick meaning on all sides, the hot power through the corpse of the insect Converged on the Emperor!

This is the power of the abyss!

Chaos and corrosion!

At this moment, behind the back of Chen Feng, there is actually an epitome of the abyss.

It was a huge bubble floating in the dark, dormant, waiting to rush into all planes, dye all the land into true darkness, and make everything fall!

The abyss represents destruction. If Chen Feng's strength can be taken a step further, maybe it can really connect the dimension to other worlds. However, Chen Feng is still sensible, unless he is about to die, when he has no worries. Chen Feng will only use this trick. Otherwise, even he would not dare to easily connect the world with the world.

No plane can resist the attack of demons!

Not even a dragon!

No matter how terrible the dragon is, it can be an enemy of ten. It is definitely an opponent of the abyss, because there are many dragons, but there are no demons in the abyss. There are countless terrible existences on the countless planes. Once the abyss is really related to Connected to other planes, then those demons will become the craziest executioners, assimilate them with chaos and destroy in the shortest time!

However, this place is not the human world, and Chen Feng does not have so many restrictions!


The moment when Chen Feng's fist bombarded and reached the Emperor Emperor ~ ~ they suddenly opened, the five fingers were condensed, the will of the abyss, the breath appeared in it.


The insects attached to the Emperor's body were under this hand, and every inch went out, and the fist was spread, and Chen Feng was like a bamboo shoot, attacking to the end.

A worm's limb waved by the Emperor Suddenly burst open, the turquoise blood leaked out, and his body retreated back and forth and was injured by Chen Feng. There is no way to continue.

There are countless bugs attached to the Emperor Emperor, looking strange and disgusting, but also weakening the speed and sensitivity of the other party, not to mention, Chen Feng himself is assisted by the cracks of the abyss in the abyss, such as the fish, the dragon returns to the sea, the tiger enters the mountain, the tiger howls Make the wind.

With one punch, Zongdi ’s palm broke and he backed up again and again. Not only that, nearly one-tenth of the worms in the body died, all those worms were burned to death by the flame of the burning flame carried by Chen Feng, and even the whole body was not left. under.

Chen Feng successfully pulled back a game, but at this time, he did not show the slightest expression of slackness, because he knew that Zongdi was by no means weak.

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