The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1116: Curtain

Eight thousand words have been updated today. [Setting up anti-theft] is fully open at two in the morning. There was something at home this month that delayed the update. Next month, the update will be resumed.

The duel between order and Silver City will take place next month.

Although helldogs flew with all their strength, they still couldn't match such terrible laser shots!

The speed of the emperor snake was too fast, and Yang Shuo was too late to even have a little defense.

At this time, the Emperor Snake also erupted. It had a larynx sac, brewed a black mist, and roared and spouted. It really took such a record, even Yang Shuo was not optimistic.

no solution anymore……

It seems that only other demons can be summoned!

In the long river of history, countless masters have died tragically. In addition to being brave and boasting, the most important revelation left to posterity is not to rely too much on external power.

As a summoner, the demon is important, but Yang Shuo knows that no matter how powerful the blue-eyed white dragon and the alien are, it is only an external force. Only when he is strong is he really powerful. This kind of overbearing existence of the emperor snake!

The purpose is to hone how much power and potential they can explode without the help of the demon!

And now ...

The attack of the three emperor snakes has completely ruined Yang Shuo's plan. At this time, he has only one way left, which is to call the demon to fight against the powerful enemy in front of him!

Of course, through these few minutes of fighting, Yang Shuo had a new understanding of his own strength and limits, devouring the aliens, and he gained the power of thunder and lightning. The summoner, who has the ability to use the element, can definitely be regarded as a hole card. When the critical moment is reached, it will most likely have the effect of reversing the situation!

The dark mist was diffused.

At this point, Yang Shuo was on the **** dog, and he hadn't even stood still. Where could he avoid it? Really want to be shrouded in black mist, I'm afraid that venom will enter the body, killing half a life!

In this case, only the light power of the blue-eyed and white dragon can disperse, Yang Shuo's lips moved slightly, and almost instantly, he was ready to summon.

Yang Shuo was stunned, but before he took any action, the **** dog under him took precautions and stopped suddenly, and Yang Shuo was thrown out a dozen meters directly under this inertia.

"Woohoo ..."

Although as a zombie species, the **** dog is more inclined to an unwise zombie, which can be promoted to his own life, and his IQ has increased a lot. Feeling the crisis, **** dog throws Yang Shuo to face the emperor because he is afraid of the owner's injury. Emperor Snake Offensive!


Quickly got up, Yang Shuo roared like a fire, but saw that the **** dog was sprayed with black mist and the skin was covered with rotten carrion, and his body was stiff, but he didn't fall to the ground immediately. I do n’t know whether he ignored the venom or had a protective master in his heart In a blink of an eye, it did not recoil and came to the side of the emperor snake!

Did not give up!

In the momentary charge, Yang Shuo saw the unwillingness and angry flames in the gray pupils of the **** dog. As Yang Shuo's first contract demon, Yang Shuo's feelings for the **** dog were extremely complicated.

This is just like the first chief disciple received by the master, who gave the other party too many expectations from the beginning. Similarly, Yang Shuo is no exception to the **** dog.


Compared to the abyssal monsters of the xenomorphous and blue-eyed white dragon or the light dragon species, the bloodline and growth of the **** dog is too low. If it was not sent to life and transformed into two skulls, then it would even be promoted A idiot who dreams, how can he catch up with Yang Shuo?

Although helldog is unwise, it doesn't mean that it would be so humiliating!

Although the **** dog cannot express his emotions clearly, since he was summoned by Yang Shuo's blood sacrifice, he has dedicated all his loyalty to the other party.

Rather than being self-improving, it is more like a chaotic attachment. From the moment he was summoned, the **** dog knew what his mission was.

Compared with other demons, helldogs are more simple. When other demons encounter strong enemies, they will have some fear. However, helldogs are zombies, except for Yang Shuo, all other beings are not seen by it. In the eyes, just like the current, the Emperor Snake had almost no threat and fear in the eyes of the Hell Dog. At this time, its eyes radiated a terrifying light, and it looked like it was about to tear the Emperor Snake!

The Emperor Snake hit Yang Shuo with such strange means, and the Hell Dog's attack was unexpected for the Emperor Snake!

The emperor snake saw Yang Shuo's fallen **** dog being attacked by poisonous mist, and scarlet eyes were full of tyranny. You must know that as a poison emperor, he is quite confident in his venom, those ugly foods that lived here before They touched a little and Qiqiao bleeding and died on the spot.

However, the reaction of the **** dog really scared the emperor snake, and it was too late to take any precautions. As for the black fog, it needs at least three seconds to brew, but will the **** dog give it three seconds?

The answer must be no!

The **** dog felt that his ankle was no longer conscious. The bones on his body seemed to be shocked. He was weak and weak. He wanted to fall down and fell asleep, but it became abnormal when he thought of Yang Shuo's danger. He was irritable, forcing his fainting, his teeth were almost bitten, but his fangs shouted and yelled, rushed to the Emperor Snake, waved his claws and fangs, and bombarded the Emperor Snake!

After all, as a zombie species, **** dogs have amazing resistance to toxins!


The scaled armor of the emperor snake was extremely strong, but in the face of the **** dogs who don't even need to die, they were directly pierced by the bite of the **** dog, and the **** dog's offensive became more and more intensive!


The **** dog roared angrily, and slammed into the bones of this sneak attack. His two claws suddenly inserted, and the sound of "噗嗤" sounded dull and easily inserted into the emperor snake's body!

At this moment, the emperor snake was shaking like a fatal wound. The tail shook the helldog's body wildly. Driven by pain, it seemed to have lost its mind. I saw the sticky stinky blood constantly leaking from his mouth, and the blood and water were mixed with broken meat pieces and organs ...

Yes, the defense of the Emperor Snake is quite amazing. However, its body is still flesh and blood. Without the defense of scales, it is no different from ordinary snakes!

The tail of the Emperor Snake is so fierce. It is no exaggeration to say that it is a stormy sea. The helldog ’s nose, eyes, and ears seep blood. Obviously, the internal organs have suffered boundless trauma, but at this step, it Still did not let go of the prey!


The intense pain deeply stimulated the **** dog, making it fierce again like a volcanic eruption, and a more violent power broke out in the bone marrow!

Between the gaps of the animal claws, a brown aerosol sprayed out, and at the same time it was full of energy, and it suddenly flew the Emperor Snake to a few meters away!

The **** dog was burning with fierce fireworks, his body flashed instantly, and the flash of light flickered to the neck of the emperor snake. Then he bit it down, the steel teeth collided with the snake neck, and a harsh metal sound broke out!

The snake neck was also densely covered with scales. However, the emperor snake was injured repeatedly, and its combat power dropped a lot. The scales were also weakened a lot under the weak flesh. They were directly pierced deeply, and the snake head was cut in half instantly!

An emperor snake ... dead!

However, the crisis did not end there. The creator of the spray companion also quickly arrived not far away. It saw that the companion was killed again, and his eyes were completely turned into a storm of fury. He bit his head towards the head of the **** dog!

Compared with the other two, this Emperor Snake's strength is also a high order of life, but its body is more burly and powerful, just like a centuries-old wooden stump, giving it an unshakable feeling.

The body was very toxic, strenuously exercised, and suffered heavy blows. The repeated blows had drained the last physical strength of the **** dog. Although he wanted to avoid the attack of the emperor snake, his limbs were completely numb and he could only watch. The emperor snake is getting closer to itself ...

"Animal! Let me die!"

He is not the opponent of Emperor Snake at all, but Yang Shuo can't take care of that much.

It is imperative that helldogs must be rescued. He can no longer let his partner die for himself!

Until now, when Yang Shuo watched the **** dog was almost brutally killed, the moment of negative emotions erupted, almost breaking Yang Shuo's head!

His eyes were red, and he didn't know whether it was because of extreme anger or the head that broke down on the ground and stained his eyes. When the **** dog was powerless to resist seeing to be pierced, Yang Shuo's hands strung out in vain Two Rays, even if both hands are blurred by the flesh hurt by this energy, he never groaned, because this is a tug of strength, which determines the safety of the **** dog, even if both hands will destroy him, he will not let the **** dog Mourning the mouth of the emperor snake!

At the critical moment, Yang Shuo even interrupted the summoning!


Yang Shuo yelled frantically. For a long time, he had a calm and calm expression, but at this moment his face was twisted like a demon, terrible and terrible. He could see the eyes of **** dogs. It was a nostalgia and a decisive one. Its body was poisoned by the black mist, and the displacement of the five internal organs was just pain in the bone marrow, but it still could not bear the pain.

"Go to death!"

Yang Shuo is still far away. The Emperor Snake didn't take him seriously. It looked at the Hell Dog fiercely, without fear, and was not affected by the hatred of the Hell Dog. It opened its mouth violently. Seeing that he was about to bite from the **** dog, he vowed to avenge his own kind!

However, the **** dog would not sit still, it roared to the sky, and suddenly fluttered the tail behind the butt!

This tail is almost the thickness of a tree, about one and a half meters long. The tail is covered with hard black hair, like a sharp steel barb. The tail comes out of the air at a very fast speed. The strength was so fierce that they brought up air ribbons in the void, as if torn the void!

The emperor snake stunned, but did not intend to dodge at all. It had seen that the opponent was at the end of the crossbow, and it could not pose any threat to itself.

It lifted up if it could swallow the huge mouth of heaven and earth, biting against the back of the **** dog against time, destroying the horrifying force of terror like a storm, and instantly let the wound be torn wildly, blood, broken bones, and minced meat all like The fountain generally rushes into the sky and splashes around, letting the hellhounds be damaged again!

However, the perseverance of the **** dog is so strong, it endures severe pain, the fluttering giant tail immediately tears open the air, carrying the momentum of ten thousand horses, and pumps heavily on the emperor snake ...


The instantaneous force actually bombarded the emperor snake directly to the ground.

The emperor snake's body shook like a thunderous body at this instant. The body fluttered and the lungs inside the body bleeded a lot. Under the huge force of the tail, even if it had scales to protect it. Body, but also difficult to withstand the full blow of the nether dog burning crystal nucleus!

"Oh my God!"

Yang Shuo's eyes seemed to be staring out. His bloodshot eyes were full of shock and bewilderment. He couldn't believe that the **** dog had such a terrifying power!

"Okay! It's such a **** feeling. I'm going to look at it today. Without the demon summoning, how long can I persist ..."

Yang Shuo's mind was full of unshakable firm convictions, much more firm than Jinshi!

At this moment, Yang Shuo ’s body was like a bullet that blew out, “Boom”, strode directly to the side of the emperor snake, and ran violently. Yang Shuo vomited a trace of blood red, his body shivered. He Blurring his eyes, he reached out and grabbed Yanmang's blade directly. He pulled it out the next second, and stabbed at the emperor snake again!

However, how strong the scale of the high-end emperor snake of the nuclear transformation was. Although Yang Shuo was full of angry blows, he only left a little scratch on it. The emperor snake shook his head and was hit by several meters. Far away.

Without stopping, Yang Shuo climbed up from the ground with scaly wounds and continued to rush forward. As a dragon, he walked on the dry yellow sand ground very deftly and walked around the emperor snake. Every emperor snake The moment when his huge mouth was about to bite him, he would avoid it dangerously and dangerously. Whenever most of the snakes rolled to him, he would accurately and accurately block the long tongue, and even cut a small piece again!

He felt his heart beating fiercely! He felt his blood boil!

After fighting closely with the Emperor Snake for half a minute, Yang Shuo found himself hanging on the line all the time. At every instant, he might die unconsciously, but I do n’t know why he always felt a heart-feeling heart deep in his heart. I do n’t remember. How long has the deadly stress of survival never been experienced!

It was a feeling that the realm had to be loosened. Yang Shuo felt it. As long as he fought so many times, he had a chance to touch the edge of the legend!

Perhaps my fate is on this battlefield of life and death limit!

Yang Shuo uses a walking tactic. Every time he finds a flaw, he will leave a deep sword mark on the nostrils, lips, and eyelids of the emperor snake! He sighed, the Emperor Snake's defense was invincible. Even if the Yanmang's blade was extremely sharp, it would not work at all, otherwise it would have suffered so many swords, for fear that it would already be slow.

"It's better to hurt one of his fingers ... to blind his eyes to resolve the battle!"

Yang Shuo made a crazy decision, jumped up, stepped on the tail of the emperor snake, and then stepped on the body and finally climbed the emperor snake's head flexibly. The whole process flowed in clouds and in less than a second. bell!

God-given opportunity, I never imagined that this crazy plan was more than half successful!

Yang Shuo's heart was surging and surging, and his dwarf drew his hands with the blade of Yanmang and fell on the red eyes of the emperor snake severely! The Emperor Snake ’s eyes were alive and painful and rolled violently on the ground. Yang Shuo pulled out the Yanmang Blade with his right hand, but supported the spikes on the head of the Emperor Snake to prevent his body from being thrown off. After the Emperor Snake lost his mind and frantically struggling for a few seconds, Yang Shuo was once again on time, holding the sword with one hand, the sword body was as clean as water, but it had been inserted into the last eye of the Emperor Snake!

"His hiss ..." ...

His eyes were blinded one after another, and he suddenly lost his light. The emperor snake was irritated more than before. I do n’t know how many times. It struggled frantically and finally threw Yang Shuo off its head!


Abolish its eyes, it is a tiger with a broken tooth, and it will not be able to do anything for a while! However, Yang Shuo knew that it was too early to be happy at this time, because at close range, the Emperor Snake still had a very sensitive sense of smell, and its accuracy of hitting would never decrease much!

Sure enough, it lifted its tail again ~ ~ and shot straight at Yang Shuo!

At this point, Yang Shuo had just landed, and he hadn't even stood still. Where could he avoid it? I really want to be shot, even if I raise the sword to block, I'm afraid I will be shot with a cracked body and die on the spot!

"Crisis! Great crisis!"

Looking at the steel tail that was getting closer to himself, Yang Shuo's eyes were extremely calm, and at this time, he could clearly feel that a taste of death filled the entire space.

"It's time to end it!"

The madly killing emperor snake may not yet understand that it is a giant python that blesses the Gobi and does not know how many powerful enemies it killed. At best, it is just Yang Shuo's whetstone.

Yang Shuo looked at the body of the emperor snake and merged all these negative emotions together. His eyes became red, like blood, and at this moment, he moved his hands and his lips were slightly open, and he was summoning the demons to fight against each other. enemy!

Yeah, Yang Shuo's character is Ning Weiyu rather than Watson. How could he sit so easily?

He has got the explosion he wants and awareness of the realm, so at this time, it is time to end the training.

However, the world is so full of unknowns.

Just when a gap had cracked around Yang Shuo, a huge five-meter-long lightsaber suddenly appeared above the sky!

Vast, sacred, turbulent, righteous, stunned!

This lightsaber seems to support the whole world!

The moment it appeared, like the same divine punishment, it stabbed towards the head of the emperor snake ...


A sore voice sounded. The emperor snake that pushed Hell Dog and Yang Shuo into despair was split into two. The internal organs and blood were like rain, and the whole surface was sprinkled!

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