The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1109: Tamed hard

"Hahahaha, although you have broken up one of my avatars, but I have re-condensed, I will let you see and see, what will it cost to refuse me? For me, the convenience of the sea has infinite As soon as I emerged from here, I set foot in the deep ocean, and in the words of your world, it is destiny! "

The chuckle of the youth rose up, filling every thought of Chen Feng.

At the same time, a turbulent breath suddenly rose from the bottom of the sea, and numerous water elements began to boil. These water elements were not accompanied by coolness like drizzle, but a sharp weapon that was bright and dazzling, as fine as a needle and sharp as Maimang's light is like a needle.

"Good idea!"

Chen Feng was running his thoughts, watching the root-like water droplets shoot out, and his heart moved, knowing that this is the ultimate of water, and each one did not know how many water elements were condensed. The power was immeasurable.

Sure enough, when Chen Feng completely exposed the demon's body in front of the enemy's eyes, a needle tip made entirely of water shot directly above Chen Feng's head.

Shining crystals, sharp objects like silver needles, suddenly exploded a distance of one meter from Chen Feng, almost instantly, the silver needles turned into a ten-meter wave in Chen Feng's eyes, as if drowning Chen Feng completely After that, I can never get ahead.

Rumble Rumble Rumble!

Just when a sharp blade like a silver needle touched Chen Feng's surface, it immediately exploded, and the power of the explosion was no less than that of a real shell, so that Chen Feng's figure was completely submerged in it, and it was impossible to see whether the body was safely.

A water element exploded, and then, the dense water element also exploded. For a moment, there was an ocean in the air, and the appearance was like an airplane falling completely into the deep water.

"You only have these means?"

When Chen Feng was surrounded by the ocean, he felt that the enemy was really powerful. If he did n’t have a tough idea and he was promoted to epic, I ’m afraid that the whole person will be completely wiped out because the pressure formed by the surrounding seawater can already It is comparable to thousands of meters of sea floor pressure.

At the moment of being wrapped, Chen Feng was thinking, and used all his energy. At this time, he was not a mere avatar, but the real body!

Just when the energy was used to the extreme, Chen Feng's momentum began to skyrocket, condensing into a huge burning demon with a height of more than ten meters.

The huge incinerator is in the deep sea, burning with flames. The approaching seawater cannot be approached at all, and they are evaporated and turned into water mist!

This condensate formed, no matter how violent the seawater splashed onto him, it exploded violently, and could not cause Chen Feng any harm at all.

"Unfortunately, my bloodline was altered in the later period, and it was a bit incomplete and could not be fulfilled at all, but I was promoted to epic and mastered a lot of weird abilities. One of them is the strengthening of blood sacrifice. Catch a few half-step epic incinerators for refining and fully infuse their blood into your body. By then, you will be truly successful! "

"If I complete the blood vein quenching, the seawater in front of me can evaporate completely at once, it doesn't need to be so complicated!"

Chen Feng previously obtained the blood of the devil through the blood sacrifice, but that was just the result of a powerful demon. However, after being promoted to epic, Chen Feng has a new epiphany. If he wants to perfect the blood, he can hunt.

"How can you, a mean man, escape from my siege?"

Seeing that there was no pressure at all surrounded by the seawater, but most of the water source was evaporated, making the surroundings completely hazy, the voice of the youth suddenly sounded.

This comes from an unknown dimension of life. The original sound was full of arrogance, but now there is obviously a hint of surprise.

As for Xu Hongzhuang looking at the heavy fog in front of her, she had already shrunk to a few kilometers. After the gods fought, mortals suffered. Originally, Xu Hongzhuang wanted to face each other, but she was almost shot to death. Anyway, Chen Feng's will has returned Xu Hongzhuang made it clear that even if she stayed, she made an impact. She simply hurried back and left everything to Chen Feng.

"I devoured a few people and grasped some news of this world from their heads. My people were born in the water. Here I have the help of God. How can a guy like you be my opponent? You must be the end of a crossbow! "

Seeing that the water pressure could not harm Chen Feng, the young man suddenly opened his eyes and then growled loudly.

The sea level that was originally filled with fog began to surge again. Then, two water dragons were intertwined, as if two dragons were playing together, and once again violently shot on Chen Feng's body. The power of the explosion increased even more suddenly. to make.

However, Chen Feng's body remained motionless.

He is just like a little sun. No matter how sloppy the seawater cannot be contaminated, the original surrounding temperature was dry, but Chen Feng and the other party fought each other, so that the residents of the inner city noticed a weirdness, only that today The weather became extremely cold, and a cold current plunged into the body along the flesh ~ ~ so that some people could not help but snore, and never dared to stay outside anymore, and all returned In the room.

"I don't believe it!"

Seeing Chen Feng like this, the alien screamed, and the whole person rushed forward, and the sea water under him was like a soldier called by the king, gathered around him and formed a huge water dragon of tens of meters. The position of the dragon head was angry and roaring, and at the sight of it, Chen Feng was completely swallowed!


Feeling the intense threat, Chen Feng finally opened his eyes at this moment, and raised his hand violently. The ten-meter-long burning flame demon who was condensed out also responded instantly, spread his palm, and grasped the past towards the water dragon!

After Chen Feng spread his palms, the flames on his body again flourished, completely covering the surrounding seawater. Not only that, the originally aggressive water dragon suddenly smashed suddenly, and the long roaring sound seemed to be dumb, and it stopped ringing.

And at this time, the stranger finally felt a trace of fear, and sent a trace of sorrow of a strong crossbow.

"You lurk around my order, and the crime is one, and you kill my believers, and the crime is two. I will kill you now, and use your flesh to jealous those who are strangled, but rest assured, I will waste it and take you Calling! "

I saw that the energy on the surface of Chen Feng suddenly shrank, and the giant of ten meters was restored to the size of an ordinary person again. At this moment, Chen Feng suddenly stood up, grasping the head of the alien with one hand, pressing one hand on the other's back, and probing with his left hand. Fingers penetrated the body, deeply rooted in each other's flesh ...


There is no sound of waves tumbling on the large sea, and some are just terrible sadness!

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