The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1089: 12 dead

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"Let me be your dog?"

When Ge Er heard all this, an unknown fire rose up in his heart. For a moment, it was like a volcano erupting, and then he calmed down, and his eyelids were raised slightly. suddenly. He laughed for a while. There were ripples on the ice-sounding ice.

Chen Feng looked at Ge Er and laughed. He didn't move or say anything, as if waiting for him to laugh.

"If I say no?" After Ge Er laughed, the laughter closed, and a deep chill came out of his teeth.

"Then die now, you killed so many of my men, I always have to collect some interest." Chen Feng quietly said.

"You want to kill me! Huh?" Ge Er popped a word out of Dan Tian. Suddenly he shouted, "Where are you here? This is not your order, but the Silver City that I and my elder brother established. Even if you are strong, here you are the dragon and you have to keep me in check! "

"I'll give you a chance." Ge Er's voice continued, "Chen Feng, as long as you leave now, we have time to meet on the battlefield, but if you continue like this, in the end, don't kill me, but die yourself. it's here!"

After Ge Er spoke. The body was motionless. But he was ready to go. Just waiting for a change, he backed up and gathered everyone's strength to fight back.

Don't say that Ge Er has no courage. Like before, when he searched around with his mental strength and found no trace of the other party, he was already appalling. The other party was the creator of order. To survive in this end, the most taboo is to despise others. As for Ge Er, he was not arrogant enough to underestimate such a person.

After all, he has his own intelligence network. After a period of searching, he has heard many powerful methods of Chen Feng.

"I don't care where this is, whether or not the order puts pressure on you. All I know is that you killed me. Now that this has happened, you must give me an account." Chen Feng was still light and light. Looks like he wasn't half shaken because of Ge Er's threat.

But Ge Er now calmed his mind. But I wasn't so annoyed by this look.

"So you really want to kill me?" Ge Er smiled coldly. Bite the roots of the teeth. The intention of killing in my heart gradually rose.

"Of course." Chen Feng felt Ge Erzhong's intention. Shaking his head: "What are you waiting for? Let me guess, you know my strength, so you dare not take the initiative, are you waiting for reinforcements? You are collecting my news, I am not completely strange to you I also know that the Brotherhood is one of the leaders here. You and Ge are both legendary powerhouses. In addition, there is an extraterrestrial creature that can transform the human body. Is this true or false? "

"You are so good at it, it seems that someone under me has already been bought!" Ge Er condensed his increasingly intense intentions into a ball.

"Buy? This is ridiculous. Why are you as simple as a child? Here is the end, even loved ones may betray between life and death, not to mention the so-called subordinates? Rather than betrayal, it is better than before Insufficient chips to be given. "Chen Feng shook his head and was extremely patient:" Originally, I just came here to see the situation in Silver City. I have a rough goal in my mind, but who can think of it, even meeting you here? You have a fate with me, so I give you the opportunity to be my dog. "

"Enough!" Ge Er suddenly interrupted Chen Feng's words.

"Chen Feng, what do you really think of me? This is Silver City. I will remove your head and make it into a wine glass. From now on, I will watch and play at my table day and night!"

"Make my skull into a vessel? You made a good abacus, but do you have the confidence to do it?" Chen Feng looked at the other side.

"If you have confidence, of course you have to try it, but you know that I am waiting for reinforcements, and you are still pulling tiger skins with me here. You are so proud. Even I have to praise you for being a bold artist. A man. "

"You misunderstood ..." Chen Feng shook his head: "I'm used to being cautious. When I make every decision, I think before I act, and it's not because I pretended to be with you until now. Calm, you have to believe me. I really have the confidence to kill you, so I plan to talk to you more. "

"A few more words? Hahahaha." Ge Er seemed to have seen something ridiculous. So far. He ascertained from Chen Feng's mouth that in the eyes of the other party, nothing was counted at all, so the other party stood in front of himself so resolutely and sarcastically.

Ge Er is not an ordinary person. If it was peaceful, it would be harmless for him to be hurt by a few sentences, but he is one of the leaders of the Silver City. In the past, the real people are more than 10,000 people. Because of the relationship with his brother, there is no such thing. The difference between master and servant is different today. Today, he has become accustomed to the flattery of others. At this time, Chen Feng's naked disregard and disdain, like a sharp blade, directly inserted into Ge Er's chest.

"You're like a school child. You want to play for a while, but you don't have the courage to walk out of the school. You just lie on the side of the gate and wait for your parents to come and pick you up. Injustice, where is the waste like you, who dare to attack my people? "

"kill him!"

At this time, Ge Er never listened to any of Chen Feng's words. He had established the facts in his heart and felt a sense of relief.

His body collapsed, and he immediately entered the guard camp. At the moment of his retreat, Ge Er gave a roar: "Kill me!"

Hearing some words from Chen Feng just now, Ge Er knew that this man was truly arrogant. He was not blindfolded, but had absolute confidence in himself.

Ge Er knew that it was no longer necessary to delay. First, the elder brother's reinforcements were already on the road, and it would not be long before he could support them. Second, Chen Feng knew everything, and threatened to personally Kill yourself, if you let it go and let the other side take the shot first, Ge Er and the team are likely to fall into the downwind. It is because of this that he gives orders, the purpose is to get the better first!

But assassination is not recklessness, nor suicide. Ge Er is clear that Chen Feng is definitely not an ordinary character, even more powerful than himself and his brother. It belongs to a higher level of existence, similar to that of extraterrestrial creatures. Super strong.

That's right.

The reason why the Brotherhood can develop from two people to the present, besides Ge Da Ge Er, the most important thing is a helper, not others, but extraterrestrial creatures.

Everyone in the world thinks that extraterrestrial creatures are only in the same order as Ge Da. Otherwise, Ge Da's energy cannot control each other. This is not to say that Dragon Gate is the person who the Brotherhood knows the real strength of extraterrestrial creatures. Only hands.

The extraterrestrial creature is the biggest card of the Brotherhood. On the other side, Ge Er can always understand what is called deep and boundless. It is a kind of, as long as standing beside the other side for a few seconds, the whole mind will feel the feeling of fluctuation, and at this time Ge Er felt the same feeling on Chen Feng, which made him have to guard.

This is the hunch in Ge Er's heart.

Since his promotion to the legend, his sixth sense is extremely tough and his foresight is getting stronger and stronger. More and more accurate.

Retreating back to his guard, Ge Er relaxed a lot in his heart, and he moved his mind to speed up the communication of his brother. He hoped that Ge could get to his side as quickly as possible.

Of course, Ge Er is not completely out of business at this time. What he has to do now is to concentrate all his strength! Leave Chen Feng here. Can never go back!

Do what you want!

Since the Brotherhood has joined the Dragon Gate Alliance and even destroyed the towering island, now, as long as the leader of the order is killed, and his head is returned to the order, the entire order may collapse and unpredictable things may happen. .

"You want to abolish my arm and let me be your dog? Come to get revenge for your men. I think you're talking out loud. This is my place. When I want you, you can't leave here alive!" Ge When the second crashed, the changes of mind were layered, and the last one was decided.

Doomsday does not pay attention to any fair contract. For Ge Er, as long as Chen Feng can stay here, it is a victory. As for how to stay and by what means, these do not have much meaning and relationship at all!

As long as Chen Feng can be retained in the end, these are enough!

Watching Ge Er's madness gradually, Chen Feng made a face, even if he knew that the reinforcements were on the road, but he was not scared at all, because Saruman's ability, if he wanted to leave, he could return to order within a second. In.

You are staring at the abyss, and the abyss is staring at you.

It's true that Ge Er is not fake at all. Ge Er is very intelligent. If the Brotherhood becomes such a behemoth, the three individuals of the extraterrestrial creature, Ge Da and Ge Er are indispensable. Ge Er is fierce. Ge Er Conghui, because of the latter, can rely on step by step to corrode other forces, and become a powerful force like today's parallel leader.

For Feng Ge's psychology, Chen Feng knows it well, but the purpose of the other party is very simple. He just wants to kill himself. Once he dies, then the order will be overwhelming. Silver City does not need to give much power to capture it. In the next city, not only will they get a new labor force, but even food will be enough to comfort them for years.

It ’s people who have bad roots. If the two sides change their identities, Chen Feng must do more than Silver City. When the two sides first contact each other, they will begin to prepare and work hard to conquer the other party.

But one thing is that Ge Er was so anxious to kill himself in order to weaken the momentum of the order. Why did Chen Feng stay? Even if you don't leave when you know that the big troops are coming?


The purpose of Chen Feng is the same!

As the second brother of the Brotherhood, Ge Er naturally has a lot of life-saving measures, but Chen Feng has been promoted to epic. If he wants to kill the other party, it is not too difficult.

At that time, if the big army comes, Chen Feng will just kill Ge Er. In that case, the party who should fall into madness and lose his mood will belong to Silver City!

"What's so bad about being a dog, at least it's alive ..."

Chen Feng looked at Ge Er, even though he was under siege, he still didn't say anything.

"what did you say?"

The endless killing intention that enveloped Ge Er's body suddenly changed! Seems to ease a bit.

Just after Ge Er's intention to kill, by virtue of his thoughts, he loomed the void in all directions, making the mind have a distorted feeling.

When facing the other person for the first time, it was discovered that Ge Er's strength was also quite good. At this time, anger and resentment were all mixed together, and the chemical reaction produced was far beyond ordinary people's understanding.

In short, it is very strong!

"Did you decide to shoot? Then let me play with you!"

Chen Feng flew in the air, and a pair of demon wings swayed behind him. He had a golden finger to master the gods of heaven and earth. As long as he could kill and summon all the way, he could return to the original other shore.

Chen Feng's feet lifted off the ground! It was more than ten feet away from the ground in an instant and did not fall down!

This is not the ability to awaken, but the power that Chen Feng has obtained from the devil, from the powerful body of the devil!

"Let's go together!"

Ge Er is a smart man. Even if he was angry again, he did not fight against Chen Feng alone, but commanded next to him. The next second, the guards surrounding him bravely moved forward, a look of death!

Normal people are not afraid of death, but the Chaos Army can. As Ge's brother, how can Ge Er not be equipped with some dead men?

The beginning of the rise of the Brotherhood also faced various opponents. Under the plan and fierceness of Ge Dage Er, they repeatedly destroyed the enemy's plan. If they obeyed, they would readily accept it, but if it was against the forces Then, Ge Shiquan will make him into an unwise person. At that time, he will be like a zombie, without extra consciousness, but only obeying his own master!

And these twelve dead men ~ ~ each has a legendary story, but at this time, these stories are no longer important because they have become an empty shell, as for the soul , Has long been annihilated and dissipated in this world.

The twelve dead men received an order to protect Ge Er, and now Chen Feng suddenly appeared in place, coupled with Ge Er's order, these dead men came forward one by one without any fear!


Because the strength is not weak, Ge Daming craftsmen create special armors for these dead men. This armor is refined from the ore found in different dimensions, which not only protects the vital points, but also has relative protection on the face, in order to avoid Break through these chaotic deads from weak clicks!

Masters and tricks are a moment of time.

In Chen Feng's eyes, they clearly saw that they pulled out their weapons, the muscles in their bodies rang, and the rattling sound of the curved bones, in which the huge force accumulated, and then burst out and released.

Twelve, holding a special blade with twelve handles, the target, pointing directly at Chen Feng's head ...

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