The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1080: Declare war

Blood, drop by drop.

The moan of the wounded was dying, and the howl of the hybrid dragon blood creature was excited. This sound made Lin Yan very annoying, so he picked up a javelin, raised his hand and nailed the crazy howling blood creature to the ground.

The entire battlefield was quiet. In fact, the battle was over. Lin Ye didn't look at the blood-stained **** creatures, but just stepped forward.

Seeing his soldiers all bend down slightly along the way to show his respect.

Not only are the corpses of order around, but also the chaotic legion from the Brotherhood. The unwise humanoids have completed their performances. When they are killed, they are no longer human, but more than wild animals. Crazy scary creature.


The magic dragon shakes the body, and the ammunition embedded in the body falls to the ground. This is the enhanced ammunition developed by order. Even if the skin of the magic dragon is broken, it only blasts the depth of the fingernails, regardless of the ammunition. How to strengthen, the dragon is a dragon, an unthinkable terror.

This magical dragon, powerful enough to kill nearly half of the order fighters by himself, muttered: "Lin Ye, your decision is correct. Those guns are terrible. Even me, if there are more bullets, You also need to be prepared for injuries. "

There was a strong **** smell in the air.

The elite from the Dragon Gate began to gather the wounded, while the dragon blood creatures and the Chaos Legion he brought were eating the human corpses. This picture made Lin Ying very displeased, because even if he was a fallen person, Already used to feeding pets with humans, but when he saw [humans] eating humans, he still had some inexplicable aversion.

If possible, he wouldn't have a little intersection with the Legion of Chaos.

"We succeeded ..."

Lin Ying stood on the high **** and looked down at the black earth in front of him. His delicate face did not show the slightest excitement.

Because this is just the first step to success.

This is where the Silver City's throat lies. The original purpose of the order was to limit Silver City, but Lin Lin was too fast. As soon as the order was not deployed, the island was taken away in this way.

Lin Biao slowly bent down, twisted the black dirt with his fingers, and put it in his mouth to taste its taste. It was a bitter smell. But Lin Yan's face showed a fascinating expression. He slowly straightened his waist, then raised his right arm and growled, ‘we ’re successful! ’

A furious roar sounded.

The elite warriors belonging to the Dragon Gate issued a burst of wild roar.

Dead body.

Dead body.

Still a corpse.

Thousands of corpses became the main food for a feast. The Chaos Legion and dragon blood creatures were eating their own food. This scene is full of evil and blood. If ordinary people come over, when you see this scene, Perhaps bile was vomited long ago, and even passed out.

Lin Yan's eyes flashed with excitement. He was not dazzled by a victory. This was only the first step of the war. He knew that from the moment the island was occupied, the order had been received. The news, while waiting for yourself, will be **** revenge!

In addition, there is another thing that affects Lin's mood. That is, until now, the Shadow Dragon has not responded, which is abnormal.

You know, each other has signed a fair contract. No matter how far away, they can learn each other's information through telepathy. But this time, Lin Ying has not received any news from the Shadow Dragon for more than a week. !!

Even though Lin Ling has absolute confidence in the Shadow Dragon, this time, it is inevitable that he will be a little worried because their enemies this time are so powerful that they dare not even ignore them.

Just when Lin Tong was thinking, in the Chaos Legion, a [human] stared at everything in front of him with scarlet pupils. It is stronger and stronger than other unwise people, wearing steel armor, they carry heavy hammers, and they are full of thick **** smell.

Heavy footsteps approached.

An unwise man approaching three meters walked slowly, and the armor on it was specially made to be immune to three attacks from the legendary master. From this we can see how powerful this armor is, holding a handle in its hand. The sledgehammer, heavy sledgehammer was stained with blood, broken bones and meat foam on it, and worms that were easily broken.

The burly leader of the unwise came to Lin Ying. He looked down at the Dragon Emperor with scarlet pupils. He did not show any fear because of the strength of the opponent, but instead said, "The enemy has failed. We must continue to attack ?"

"Kill all enemies, this is the order of the master!"

Lin Yan turned and stared at the unwise leader in front of him. Even though the opponent's body was so huge and full of an oppressive force, it still had no effect.

Lin Ling has several dragons, and even Long Wei can ignore him, how can he be afraid of a barbarian?

This is a different kind of wise man. I heard that he was a legendary master before becoming a wise man, but he was executed for violating the will of the Brotherhood leader, and then turned into this picture. At this time, the wise man The leader fully obeyed Ge Da. In the other's consciousness, the master's command was greater than everything else. He only had the ability to perform, not the ability to think.

"Look, Ge Da told you to obey me. You can't act without permission, because it will violate your master's plan!" Lin Ye looked at the powerful existence in front of him, and unspoken in his eyes, a little bit of scorn was revealed. It's just that there is no such thing. Even with strong strength, in Lin Yan's eyes, it's nothing.

It is impossible for Lin Ying to launch an attack on order now, because it involves confrontation between two forces. He can capture it all by suddenness and quickness. Now, order is ready, not to mention these people in front of him. That is, Silver City is out of the nest, maybe only five or five points, there is no possibility of direct victory!

Lin Biao took one step and three steps, so the wisdom shown at this time is far from being understood by an unwise person.

The head of the unwise watched Lin Ying in front of him, and after a long silence, Shen said, "What shall we do?"

"Continue to search here. There is a lot of material here. There must be fish that leak the net. We don't need hostages, so let them be your partner's food after finding the enemy."

Lin Tong spoke the most unacceptable words in the calmest tone. From this moment on, it means that the island will not have any liveliness.

And this is also equivalent to the official announcement of war between Lin and the order. As an action to declare war, he will prove his determination and courage with thousands of lives.


Unknown seas.

Chen Feng is flying towards order at a very fast speed. Some time ago, he learned the news of the waking up of the evil devil. Some regrets that Saruman was still asleep because at this time, the road from order was halfway. Once Saruman wakes up, he can directly open a plane channel and then teleport Chen Feng back.

The sea is not calm. The weather is only part of the reason. There are also countless terrible marine beasts hidden in the sea. Because of the vast sea, these beasts are far from the size of land creatures. Because recently, Chen Feng even saw a It is comparable to a humpback whale like a mountain.

The monster's size was beyond the cognition of human beings. Chen Feng even thought that it was a creature that appeared in mythology. The creature was terrible. Just looking at it made people feel powerless. .

Power is half-epic, but real power is difficult to describe.

This is the monster that spawned the doomsday.

This may be a different-dimensional creature that appeared in another world, or a monster that successfully advanced due to mutation, but for whatever reason, the other party was once one of the masters in this world, so that even Chen Feng was in a hurry When they went home, they retreated, without rushing to disturb each other.

It is inevitable that sailing in the sea will encounter wind and waves, and it is normal for some shipwreck accidents to occur.

But this has nothing to do with Chen Feng, and there is one thing that really makes Chen Feng unhappy, and that is the news that the evil demon returns to himself.

The island hit by Xu Hongzhuang was captured by Silver City, and thousands of people on that island died for this reason, not even a survivor.

So many people have died.

Family members also need to be comforted. Chen Feng has already established a pension system. Many soldiers are bachelors, but some have family business and children.

Even if the order has a certain economic basis, otherwise so many people need to be troublesome, but this approach of Silver City has undoubtedly disturbed Chen Feng. This is a naked declaration of war!


Guard against theft, refresh and restore normality later.

The killing of Guan Hai was a great feat for Huang Fumu, but for others, Guan Hai's reputation was not obvious. Nowadays, the other party is just a believer in the justice of the peace. hinder,

Gouzai Tuxian?

It is even more intriguing.

Although this matter sounds quite infiltrating, the evidence is just a piece of paper without a deposit.

Huang Fumu was worried that this matter might not have passed to Tianzi's ears.

Taiping Road has spread to the land of Bazhou, and has accommodated more than one million believers. In addition to the people of Li Min, there are also the shadows of officials and gentry.

Even more, even the princes and heavy men in the court turned against each other and worshipped under his door.

After the outbreak of the uprising, Taiping Road can set off such a stormy sea in a short time, and its hidden strength is more terrifying than that on the bright side.

It was a felony to shake the country's might and plot conspiracies.

The impact of the Equality Road, if it is revealed, will inevitably cause a stir in the world.

Believers in the court will not sit idly by and ignore them. By that time, they will surely suppress and hide the facts.

If this matter is suppressed, JP will inevitably investigate the matter thoroughly, and at that time, it will be exposed to the eyes of the enemy and become the target of criticism.

You can't expose yourself, at least, you can't expose your whereabouts when you go to Liangzhou.

Huang Fu is cautious by nature, and even if this matter is one in 10,000, he must strive for perfection and be impeccable.

The credit was given to Wang Feng, but he lost only a little fame, but successfully diverted the attention of the enemy. Even if they noticed it in the future, they have long been far away from Liangzhou.

By that time, Tian Gao was allowed to fly, and the world was so big that even if Peace Avenue wanted revenge, there would be nowhere to inquire.

"My son, the statistics have been calculated. This attack on the mountain killed a total of 209 enemies, captured 89 people, killed 36 people in Yingjiang battle, wounded three people, and killed 27 in Yingzuishan. People, seriously injured eight people. "

When Huang Fumu was losing his thoughts, Zhou Xiangqiu stepped forward to Huang Fumu and said respectfully.

Zhou Xiangqiu was abnormal, and his behavior was enough to be respectful.

"Ding Dong!"

[Charm contains two points, sincerity and mystery. You have proven your value with your strength, obtained Zhou Xiangqiu's loyalty, and achieved achievements: Mountain Thief Reaper]

A sudden system sound.

Zhou Xiangqiu was loyal to himself?

Huang Fumu glanced at Zhou Xiangqiu. Although he was a little surprised, he didn't show much marks on his face.

Unexpectedly, it makes sense.

Now, the three mountains of Yingjiang have gone to the second place, and only one mountain in Yingzui Mountain is left. This is an advantage, but it is also a disaster.

Zuoquan Village is a **** buried near Luoyang.

However, Zuo Quancun has a weak foundation. Even though he has many ideas, he cannot implement them. At this time, he urgently needs a force to **** him.

And that power is the Eagle's Head Mountain in front of me.

The dart is a bait. Originally, after this incident, Huang Fumu wanted to act as a lobbyist himself, but he did not expect that Zhou Xiangqiu was so knowledgeable about the current affairs that he had to surrender before he could speak.


Do not!

After so many things, Huang Fumu's state of mind has been transformed. If he said, he used to be full of fantasy about this world.

Well, after so many things, he already knew the darkness and danger of this world.


All factors are based on power.

If you say that you haven't destroyed Sheshan, you don't have the loyalty of Chu Yan, Han Chou and others, and you haven't hit Guan Hai with an arrow. May I ask, is Zhou Xiangqiu such a dignified bandit bowing to himself?

The answer must be no ~ ~ This world is cruel, without power, it is just a dog of a bereaved family, and no one will pay half attention.

For this world, Huang Fumu is just a simple person, far from the overbearing spirit. As soon as he shows up, countless literary ministers will take refuge in succession.

Huang Fumu is very realistic and practical.

After being polished by blood, he has already found his way.

Step by step, there is no rush, no humbleness, no humility, this road is full of thorns and dangers, but nevertheless, Huang Fumu is also moving forward, because this is his way, it is the way he must go.

Huang Fumu glanced at Zhou Xiangqiu and said slowly: "The casualties are huge. Now send people to the county town for a doctor for treatment. In addition, the prisoners should also make proper arrangements and warn their men not to harass. I have plans for them.

Zhou Xiangqiu looked at the horse head with a look of nostalgia, nodded, and turned and walked backwards.

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