The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1074: Scuffle

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Yang Shuo had a long dream.

In the dream, he not only saw the sacrifice he had sacrificed in the past, but also his arm was lost and recovered. This dream, like a quagmire, pulled him into the abyss, almost unable to extricate himself.

But just when he was about to sink ...

A call suddenly sounded in his ear, and after a moment, a beautiful little face slowly appeared ...

She has big eyes, two upright ears, and the corner of her mouth keeps a touch of pride and stubbornness. Behind her, she has a fluffy tail.


As this figure became clearer, Yang Shuo's will gradually began to recover.

What about the girl who used to block herself in front of her in times of crisis?

The violent offensive of the blood corpse wandered in Yang Shuo's body like countless blades. The more the memory was restored, the clearer the pain was ...

Just when this feeling was suppressed to the extreme, a light bloomed from Yang Shuo's body!


The light has a strong force, and it will shake everything around the first time. At the same time, there will be a coy hum.


Sudden changes made Qiao Yajing feel lost for a moment. The strong power was like flames, which made her feel dazzling, and she couldn't open her eyes.

After a few seconds, the white light slowly dispersed, and Qiao Yajing slowly opened his eyes and locked his eyes on Yang Shuo!


Because of the coincidence, he opted to fight against Bao, and made himself a strong woman who could sit side by side with Xing Jun from an existence that was lingering outside the Dajingmen forces.

It is Qiao Yajing!

Qiao Yajing is a well-known communicator in Dajingmen. Qiao Yajing uses her body more than ordinary women. Moreover, as an ascetic sacrifice, Qiao Yajing has some special abilities that cannot be expressed.


After entering the realm of life, Qiao Yajing realized some special abilities, such as the magical healing power now.

The kiss is healed!

By kissing the skin of the injured person, the loved one in the heart of each other is awakened, which greatly increases the desire for survival and autonomy of the injured person.

If it was replaced by someone else, Qiao Yajing would simply disdain. After all, although she is a social flower, after all, she is also a strong person in her own destiny. As a strong person, she has the pride of the strong person, especially in the flesh business for a long time. There is a strong resistance to men.

But Yang Shuo is different.

When looking at his dim eyes with other men, Yang Shuo's eyes were very cold when he first saw himself, and some of them were just as murderous and cold as ice.

Therefore, just for the first time, Yang Shuo impressed Qiao Yajing very much, and even forced himself to recognize the Lord. This practice refreshed Qiao Yajing's knowledge of men.

After all, in her eyes, the so-called men are all just a group of animals that rely on their lower body to think.

Later, Yang Shuo even pushed Xing Jun, who had no substantive power, to the position of the helm at the current Dajingmen by his own power.

For various reasons, Qiao Yajing completely thought that the other party was an object worthy of loyalty. Moreover, she thought that she was an attractive person. Compared with the little girls around Yang Shuo, she was more tempting and charming. The reason for the illness was an attempt to awaken Yang Shuo with a kiss.

In fact, she did.

However, Yang Shuo, who opened his eyes, did not have the gratefulness and surprise that he had expected. Some of them just shrouded his face with frost, and there was a terrifying killer in his eyes.

"what are you doing!"

Yang Shu spit out a sentence coldly, with an unforgettable killing in his tone, just like the **** cold wind blowing from hell, making people shudder.

Yang Shuo's murderous emerge!

After experiencing the sea of ​​blood in his mind, he is now full of endless violence and murderous power, not to mention that his thoughts are still at the time of the decisive battle, so after waking up, he suddenly provokes Qiao Yajing.

In the dream, his mood was already terrible.

He wants to know what's going on with Ibrahimovic? Is the blood corpse dead? Have the blue-eyed white dragons and **** dogs been injured!

and also……

What about the endless sea of ​​blood? !!

Damn it!

These chaotic thoughts, like dragon scrolls, roamed in Yang Shuo's mind.

Why is this woman here right now, a little familiar, right? Isn't this the gorgeous woman she subscribed to? What's her name?

"Qiao Yajing?"

Just after waking up, Yang Shuo's brain was still a little slow. After a while, he frowned slightly, looking at the other party and asking softly.

"Uh ... Master, you really want to scare people to death. You can wake up so quickly, thanks to the credit of others, but you're good, not only do you not thank me, but you are so fierce to me, you were so scary. It's going to scare everyone's soul out ... "

Qiao Ya swallowed a spit.

Just now, when Yang Shuo's eyes were staring at her, Qiao Yajing even had difficulty breathing. In those eyes, she seemed to see a sea of ​​blood like the ocean, even if she Being his own destiny is still shrouded in indescribable despair.

That feeling ...

It was as if suffocating, making her complexion flush.

Qiao Yajing took a step back, just smiled charmingly, and did not dare to step forward to do any intimate actions with the other party. Even, she did not dare to get up, and still lay half-on the ground with her head slightly raised, looking up at her eyes. Yang Shuo, as hot as the sun!

"Can you save me? If I remember correctly, you're just an abstinence sacrifice? Talents like you, men and women are quite good, where does the healing power come from?"

"Although my gift is abstinence worship, I still have some special methods, such as ..." Qiao Yajing turned her eyes, stabilized her emotions, and was preparing to explain to Yang Shuo.

"Okay, no need to explain, if there is nothing else, let's step back."

Yang Shuo's mood was extremely strange. If it was normal, he might still listen to Qiao Yajing's explanation, but now he is extremely confused and obviously has no patience to communicate with the other party.

He waved his hand, and gave Qiao Yajing a chase order.

"Is that so? I ... really don't need me to take care of you?"

"No need to worry about you, let's go now ..."

Yang Shuo's tone became more and more cold. At this time, he just wanted to be alone and the sea of ​​blood invaded his will. Today Yang Shuo is extremely weak and has no energy to communicate with the other party.

Qiao Yajing was a little lost, pouting his mouth, a look of disappointment, although there was some anger in her heart, but she didn't dare to show the slightest expression in her face.

On the day of the battle with the blood corpse, the strength demonstrated by Yang Shuo has shocked everyone. Among them, in addition to the godsenders including the Dajingmen, even Xing Jun and Qiao Yajing are included. Now in this place Qiao Yajing can turn his face with anyone, but he dare not touch the mold of Yang Shuo.

Except that the other party is his own owner, Yang Shuo, a man who has repelled the wave of insects and killed bloodskins during the crisis, has become the real hero of this land.

"Okay, master, please adjust your body first, I'll just leave ..." Qiao Yajing didn't dare to say anything, only Vinoy said, this expression that I saw pitifully, if it was changed to another man, early She hugged it in her arms and took good care of it, but Yang Shuo still turned a blind eye.


Yang Shuo looked at the other person coldly, and closed his mouth.

Qiao Yajing knew she was boring, turned around and took a step.

"Well, right ..." Suddenly Yang Shuo thought of something and immediately stopped Qiao Yajing.

"Master, what's wrong? Where are you uncomfortable? Right, you haven't been to the bathroom for several days. You must want to get rid of it, right? Rest assured, I will help you over!"

Qiao Yajing's expression changed instantly, and the previous second was slightly disappointed. In the next second, it turned into surprises and did not mind the taboo between men and women.

"What and what, I just want to ask you, how about Ibrahim? She, are you okay?"

Yang Shuo took a deep breath. He had adjusted his mentality. On that day, Ibrahimovic was knocked down by the blood corpse, and his body suffered a severe blow. Although the blood corpse was later destroyed, Yang Shuo was still a bit worried. Ibrahim's physical condition.

He didn't dare to imagine, if Ibrahim really had any situation, how should he face it.

Yang Shuo took a deep breath and recovered a little strength all over his body. He took a few steps forward, staring closely at Qiao Yajing, wanting to know the real situation.

Now that he has awakened from his dream, he must learn to face reality ...

Then, he can no longer act like wanton, he should learn to accept and express, can't just refuse others casually, take a step back and say that if you show your heart to Ibrahim earlier, when she is attacked by blood, Yang Shuo's heart wouldn't have that boiling remorse ...

Yang Shuo didn't know that his heart was getting softer and softer. If he replaced him, even if his teammates died in front of him, he could remain indifferent, but the situation is different now ...

He was really scared, and from Qiao Yajing's mouth, he said that he didn't want to hear anything ...

There was a hint of helplessness in Qiao Yajing's face, and he sighed, and said slowly: "Master, please rest assured. Although the girl Ibu was injured by the monster, the therapist was cured in time. She woke up yesterday. Although it is not yet possible to land, it is out of danger. "


Yang Shuo exhaled with a heavy breath.

Thank goodness, Ibrahim is fine!

The God-given body is extremely powerful. Even if it is not a regenerative person, it has a recovery ability several times stronger than that of ordinary people. Since Ibrahim can wake up, this indicates that she has been out of danger.

For Yang Shuo, this is the best news he has heard since he woke up, none of which.

At this time, Yang Shuo couldn't wait to see the situation of Ibrahim, but he also knew that he was just awake now, and there were still many hidden dangers in his physical condition. Since Ibrahim had nothing to worry about, he didn't have to be in a hurry.

"Well, I already know that, so you step back."

"Uh, okay ..."

Qiao Yajing is also a real strongman anyway, but now, like a girl, she was called to drink and deported again. She sighed and opened the door helplessly and went out.

Seeing Qiao Yajing disappearing in front of his eyes, Yang Shuo leaned back against the trauma and sat down idly, leaving those chaotic memories to wanton in his mind.

Now that Ibrahim has nothing to do, he has concentrated all his energy on his previous dreams.

"What the **** is going on? Why do you dream like that? Is it too much mental energy?" Lying on the bed, Yang Shuo didn't mean to get up, but thought about everything he saw in the dream.

You know, the main reason for dreams is human beings' own reveries. According to scientific experiments, people's brains are still in the operating stage in dreams, so people who love dreams are more tired than those who don't.

After Yang Shuo became a god-giver, he rarely dreamed. This stems from his powerful brain evolution. He pays attention to his rest at all times. As long as he falls asleep, he will enter the perfect sleep quality.

Yang Shuo understands dreams as exhaustion, but in the past he has suffered a lot of injuries, but never encountered such strange things.

The scenes in the dream stayed in his mind like a brand, the endless sea of ​​blood and the dead bodies floating above them were linked together, making Yang Shuo feel like he was in the night, unable to see What is all this.

"The holy spirit snake that has been dead for a long time was devoured by the altar and the countless dead bodies floating above the altar. What does all this foretell?

Yang Shuo opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he didn't know where to start. He wanted to try to catch these cluttered thoughts, but he was struggling because he felt like there were hundreds of nuclear crystal cannons in his head. Open, a mess, countless confusion, countless puzzles, countless pains come to mind, almost suffocating Yang Shuo!

Even now that he is awake, he still can't forget the scene of his broken arm in the dream, it's so real ~ ~ It's just like experience.

As he calmed down, Yang Shuo suddenly realized that after fighting the blood corpse, his mental strength not only did not decrease due to excessive overdraft, but also a touch of sublimation and growth.

Broken arms, altars, holy spirit snakes, and creatures sacrificed by themselves.

This picture, like a giant puzzle, flashed in Yang Shuo's mind. He seemed to grasp a key, but this key was so illusory.

In particular, when relying on the power of sacrifice on the altar to let the broken arm grow out again, Yang Shuo was like discovering a new continent, with a flash of light deeper than the incandescent light in the eyes. Be dazzling.

Although he can't explain what happened now, he feels that the altar is most likely inseparable from the summoner. As long as this secret is cracked, then he is very likely to peek into the real power.

That is……

Belongs to the summoner alone, and, besides being used to summon demons, is more mysterious and powerful!

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