The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1071: Lin Yan

Fighting against order is not easy.

There are no unreasonable allies in this world. Lin Ying holds four ace cards in his hand, corresponding to four dragons. It is for this reason that he can be like a fish in this silver city, from a weak professional, step by step to today Above ten thousand people.

The entire Silver City can only rival itself with a fraternity. Lin Ling is not arrogant. Even though he has four legendary dragons and dozens of silver blood dragon creatures in his hands, he has not been right. The Brotherhood does not have the certainty to win, but it is a fierce victory even if it wins. At that time, the existing cards will be greatly reduced.

The Brotherhood can share half of the resources of Silver City. Naturally, it is not an unknown person. The brothers Ge and Ge Er have been identified as legendary masters. In addition, the other party also has an extra-territorial life. It is said that it can devour everything. Substances, including: sundries, useful resources, flesh and blood to feed back.

The real creature that Lin Yan was afraid of was the extraterrestrial creature. The creature did not know which dimension it came from. Once it appeared, it was acquired by the Brotherhood. Since then, the Brotherhood has relied on monsters captured outside to engulf the extraterrestrial creatures, creating a batch of another For the silver masters who are approved, you must know that the predecessors of these masters are not professional, but a group of refugees that are too ordinary to be ordinary. Because of the extraterrestrial creatures, they have obtained magical abilities, but the price is no wisdom and ignorance. .

Those silver strongmen obeyed the extraterrestrial creatures and unified their actions. Even if the extraterrestrial creatures let them commit suicide, the thousands of silver masters would directly commit suicide without hesitation. Yes, the Brotherhood relied on extraterrestrial creatures to create thousands. Name the silver power without wisdom.

Compared to the advanced combat power, naturally, Lin Yong's dragon gate is better, because he has four heads alone, and there are many dragon blood creatures like the golden peak.

In contrast, the Brotherhood, although the legendary master on the bright side is only Ge Dage Er, but His Majesty has a whole silver-level master. Those masters, because they have no wisdom, can explode even more horrible lethality. They are better than Beasts are more flexible, zombies are smarter, and bugs are faster. They are innate killing tools.

The extraterrestrial creatures control those terrible unwise people, while the Brotherhood controls the extraterrestrial creatures. It is with this weird dimensional life in their hands that the Brotherhood can confront the Dragon Gate Chamber.

If it is said that Lin Ying's previous focus was on the Brotherhood, then his focus has shifted from the Brotherhood to the order that he has worked with Silver City several times.

Order is like having endless food, even if it has been traded twice, plus the old and sick who were sent by the original residents and Silver City, not only did the other party not have a shortage of food due to the increase in population, but not so long ago, it was even more Yan Ming held the third population transaction.

Seeing the darkness of the last days,

Lin Ying once believed that the purpose of order was to return these old, weak, sick, and disabled to human tests, and even rely on a large amount of blood to complete some sacrifice rituals.

Lin Biao is not a Form Two. Naturally, these things are not caused by the suspicion caused by previous life knowledge, but they have survived for so long in the last days, and he is the commander of half a Silver City. Naturally, he can see many scenarios that ordinary people cannot imagine Over a long period of time, Lin Ying killed the dimensional life more than once. In the course of the killing, he also collected a lot of [ethnic customs] and mastered a lot of other dimensional knowledge.

For example, some obligatory names that require blood to sacrifice, those powerful beings that linger in some dimensions are like some vampires. If they want to win the favor of the other party, they must sacrifice a lot of life.

These sacrifices are naturally not much tempting for a master such as Lin Ying. Coupled with their slow strength, they have a sixth sense instinct, so even if those evil ones offer sacrifices, Lin Ying will not If you agree, it will directly suppress or destroy the other party.

But ordinary people are different. They originally live in the depths of the water, coupled with the freezing cold, and may encounter mobs at any time. Therefore, what they are most pursuing is certain hope.

If someone told them that only by sacrificing some flesh and blood can they gain supreme strength, then the vast majority of poor people who were destroyed by the end will choose to be blackened and devote themselves to some evil means.

If it weren't for sacrificing life or something evil, in the end, those residents who were traded would completely disappear from this world in a short time.

This was Lin ’s original idea. But from then on, Lin ’s spies repaid the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled in exchange for food. Instead of sharply diminishing, they also got their own land and could fill their stomachs. Everyone lives in a brick house. They usually do n’t worry about the blizzard and cold weather outside. It ’s not that few people are there. There are no frozen people on the road.

In the face of the enemy, the most feared thing is to see through, but to the order and Chen Feng, who is in power, Lin Ying is in a state of incomprehension.

Can't wait any longer ...

Originally Lin Ye was still a little ignorant, and after the order proposed the third time to deal with the population, Lin Ye instinctively captured an important message, that is, the original intention of the order was to eat away Silver City.

Because of the cold weather, the food in Silver City can no longer be grown. For cities that lack food, this is no less than a disaster.

When everyone was short of food and worried about food, order suddenly appeared at this time. Not only did the other party have a lot of food, but they were very eager for the population.

If the first transaction, Lin Ye also thought that he had taken advantage, then the second time he had already been on alert, and the third time completely made him doubt.

Although I don't want to admit it, I must accept that I don't know when it will start, Silver City has become the target of order hunting.

Like a tiger hunting a reindeer in the jungle, orderly lurking aside, inadvertently in Silver City, go forward to eat a bite of flesh and blood, nothing will happen, but if you eat like this, wait until this end The bones of the reindeer are exposed, and when the flesh runs out, life will come to an end.

Now that Lin Ying has reacted, he is naturally ready to fight back. His idea is simple. Since order can hunt Silver City, then Silver City can turn his head to hunt order!

Of course, order is a city that also has a population of one million. Naturally Lin Lin will not act rashly. Therefore, he sent his Majesty to hide the best shadows for exploration. The other party has been away for three days. It didn't cause Lin Mao to pay much attention to him. For him, Cang Ying could not be found, because this is the confidence that has been established for each other for a long time.

Lin Yan wants to counterattack the order.

And before the plan is actually implemented.

Another important thing Lin Lin has to do is to meet some people next door.

The attitude of these people is the key to all of Lin ’s next plans. If they are willing to help Lin ’s, then Lin ’s do n’t have to start a backup plan, but if they do n’t want to help Lin ’s, then Lin ’s can only rely on the backup plan. Deal with order.

There are many loopholes in this backup plan. This loophole is based on more confidence in Silver City and a relatively degrading order.

Lin Ying knew that the latter was completely in an unstable state. Because Cang Ying would not return one day, he would not know the reserve power of the order. Naturally, the decision he made under complete ignorance did not have too many odds. Speak.

And the key factor that depends on Lin Ying's victory is the Brotherhood!

Lin Ye's attitude towards the Brotherhood has always been complicated.

As the two largest forces in Silver City, there are naturally many frictions between each other, and in certain matters, the two sides also have no small contradiction in the way of doing things and the way of doing things.

But for more development, Lin Yan has been avoiding obvious battles with each other.

For example, this time, although Lin Biao ’s purpose was to settle a dangerous enemy once and for all, it is undeniable that he is also ordering the infinite grain that is exposed.

On this trip, Lin Zhi went to the brothers' meeting to meet the high-level officials. He wanted to test the attitude of the other party and then make a small request.

This little request is to borrow [Unwise Legion]!

That's right.

Lin Ying wants to use the power of [Unwise Army] to solve the trouble of order!

It ’s like a child who knows allusions. As an excellent cannon fodder, which is constantly replenished with energy, the dragon under his own hands and the thousands of death squads will have a crushing order. Ability.

The unwise army has no fear at all. Even the most terrible enemies have no meaning to them. More often, they only take the attack as a command. Even after this command, their lives no longer exist. But it doesn't make much sense to the unwise legion.

After all, their wisdom has disappeared from the moment they were transformed, and now they are more like a group of human weapons and monsters with flesh and blood.

Therefore, when deciding to deal with order, Lin Zhi's mind immediately jumped out of the figure of the unwise legion. If this legion can be mastered, then Lin Ying's grasp of victory can be improved by at least 20%. Become the dragon's best partner.

With the help of the Unwise Legion, Lin's booking plan can be halved.

Even, he may not have to spend all his efforts to rely on Cang Ying to attack the high-level of the order, but to solve the other side at a time, leaving more drivable men after the siege.


Lin Ye could not understand the attitude of the brothers towards himself, and could not be sure whether Ge Dage would be willing to lend extraterrestrial creatures to himself.


Blizzard sky.

Lin Ye's figure appeared in a strange environment. Even in a city, the Longmen and the Brotherhood belonged to two forces, and there was no intersection at all in the past.

The howling of the cold wind is getting louder.

In the civilian cave, a group of half-old children are gathering together, and the surroundings are very cold, but the children do not care at all. They look at the front in a circle, and from time to time someone stands on the other side and follows the imitation, posing like It is a fighting posture.

They are stealing their fighting skills.

For these children living at the bottom, they don't have many ideals. Parents encourage them to come more in the hope that they can steal something and then do not bully in searching for food in the future.

The slums are the largest group in Silver City. Seventy percent of the city's poor live here. They cannot become professionals for a number of reasons, and thus become the cheapest labor. In this area led by the Brotherhood, these poor people It is also a substitute for the Unwise Legion.

It seems that extraterrestrial creatures will also be promoted. According to the news that Lin Ying received at the beginning, the so-called unwise legion had only a few hundred at first, and with the development of several years, the number of that legion has exceeded 2,000. What does this mean? It means that extraterrestrial creatures can advance, and then they can create more unwise people.

The Brotherhood is mostly a group of egoists. As representatives of the evil camp, those [Warriors] who teach children are naturally not good intentions, but have plans.

It is not without requirements to become unwise. Some old, weak, disabled, even if the mutation is successful, their strength will be greatly discounted. With countless transformations and failures, the Brotherhood has come to a conclusion that the physical strength is relatively ordinary. People, when they are mutating, have a great chance of mastering stronger power. The Silver Stage is only the initial stage. In the long conversion process, even because the host's strength is strong enough, there have been more than a dozen golden unwise men. event.

Therefore, these fighters were deliberately arranged here. They do repetitive actions daily, not for the children to master some self-protection abilities and to fight back when they are attacked by monsters. A good unconscious green tire.

Brotherhood ~ ~ evil.



This is the attitude of the vast majority of the power to the common people in the last days. More often, the upper stratum just treats the lower stratum as a group of fat pigs ready to be slaughtered.

There is no conventional mercy and tolerance, not only the Brotherhood, but also the Dragon Gate. It can be said that 99% of the resources are given to professionals, and like ordinary people, they are only the targets of exploitation. They do Working the hardest and most tiring job, but getting very little, even most of the time, life is not guaranteed, because I do n’t know what day will be unlucky, it will become the ration of the dragon, or in the unwise legion One of them.

For these things, Lin Yi has long been accustomed to it. For him, there is only one thing to do now, and that is to find the senior members of the Brotherhood as soon as possible, and explain his own meaning clearly, because for some reason, I know the purpose of the order. After that, there was a lingering feeling in his heart. It was an unspeakable urgency, and even mixed with some irritability and inexplicable fear ...

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