The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1064: Capture the Dragon


Xu Hongzhuang is not a person from a mountain village without a little knowledge. She stared ahead, only to feel that the dragon in front of her was full of strange weirdness like never before.

Because from her perspective, the dragon had no substance at all, more like a distorted shadow, like a scene made by a large projector.

But Xu Hongzhuang knows that this is not a product of a projector at all, but a real dragon, but the other party is not the same as those dragons that have been in contact with it before. Compared to those dragons with flesh and blood, they are now in sight This dragon has darker energy and has more weird abilities.

Xu Hongzhuang went all the way for justice. Even when she met even the most powerful enemy, she never retreated. She has always been so attached to one thing.

Just like now, no matter how powerful the other party is, he can't make Xu Hongzhuang feel afraid.

The Shadow Dragon is the agent sent by the Dragon Emperor to investigate the situation of order. It has a powerful ability by nature and can transform into a shadow and join the accompanying team, especially at night. This ability is even blessed. It was because of the darkness that the Shadow Dragon dared to investigate inside this enemy. It was originally intended to evacuate in time after collecting useful information, but who would have thought that Xu Hongzhuang was encountered here!

If they were replaced by ordinary legendary strongmen, such as Wei Xun and Lu Wei, those who majored in military force would not be able to detect the trace of the shadow dragon. Even if the other party sneaked into their own shadow, they may not notice it, but Xu Hongzhuang Different, the other side majored in Kendo, and was able to detect the minute and minute surroundings, which is exactly the same. When Xu Hongzhuang was in a state of calm just now, she just happened to find the shadow dragon, so there was a collision with each other.

Like the feeling of Xu Hongzhuang, the shadow dragon also found that Xu Hongzhuang is not a simple character. At this time, it snarled, the killing in his eyes appeared, and the glowing dragon tail was detected again. The huge darkness The follower of tail Ruying, who was so fast that he couldn't even see it, immediately pinched Xu Hongzhuang's energy sword.


The force of terror crushed Xu Hongzhuang's Jian Mang, and then interrupted her beam of energy beam, and directly squeezed this weapon transformed by energy into a diaphragm.

The next moment, the dark tail of that shadow dragon was a fierce shot!

Xu Hongzhuang's face changed and she tried to dodge, but I don't know when, but a large shadow gathered under her feet. Those shadows were like a quagmire that restricted its movement, so she couldn't dodge, and she was suddenly caught by the dragon tail and headed away. The stone pillar flew over, and with a loud bang, the large stone pillar became debris.


The Shadow Dragon has the wisdom not weaker than normal human beings. It knows its whereabouts have been exposed. If you want to leave here safely, there is only one way to kill the enemy in front of you. Only in this way can you keep your own hidden place. .

Only do everything to kill each other!

At this moment, the shadow dragon suddenly raised his head, the dark mist on his face condensed into a faint pattern, and the dragon's teeth became like substance, it seemed to be completely out of control and terrible, but the dragon scales on his body were brilliant. , Almost to solidify into a substantial general.

"It killed me?"

As soon as Xu Hongzhuang raised her sword, she broke up all the stones around her. She is no longer a little girl, but an agent city leader who leads a million people. Two years of growth has made her clear that this strange The dragon has murdered itself.

The masters' tricks are often instantaneous. Even if there is a noise here, the inspection professionals are trying their best to rush over, but there is a blank period after all. If they do n’t respond, they will most likely be opposed by the other party. kill!

Once the killing is successful, with the special ability of the other party, ordinary people have no ability to detect the other party. The order cannot be established. Millions of people finally have their own homes. How is it possible ... to let a little kid all these Totally destroyed?

Who is Xu Hongzhuang?

For justice, she does not hesitate to be indifferent to her [boss] for two years, and for the sake of justice, she does not hesitate to wage the war she most does not want to see. Now, for justice, how can the dragon in front of her do the same?


Between Xu Hongzhuang's reflection, the shadow dragon has begun to attack. No one can think of a sudden shadow of Xu Hongzhuang's shadow protruding from the side of the light. The dragon's claw is merciless, speed is like electricity, all at once She pinched Xu Hongzhuang's white neck.

The sharp nails are like blades. Even if they didn't do it on purpose, Xu Hongzhuang's elegant neck cut a thin wound, and the red blood ran down, flowing through the pink skin and dyeing her white collar.

It seems that only a pinch is required and Xu Hongzhuang will completely die under the opponent's claws. In fact, the shadow dragon did the same. No matter how beautiful Xu Hongzhuang looks, in the eyes of the dragon, there is only one other person. Identity, that is the enemy.

A hundred meters away, the shadow giant Yaguan still clenched tightly. The blue tendons on his right paw violently trembled and seemed to be trying to pinch Xu Hongzhuang's neck.

As a result, a crisp sound of fried beans burst out on that dragon claw, but unexpectedly, its dragon claw couldn't get close to the slightest, as if there was any force blocking the opponent's attack.

The shadow dragon roared, and his strength began to accumulate on the claws of the dragon. In addition, the violent atmosphere on his body became more intense.

Under excessive exhaustion, the shadow dragon shook the dragon's tail and hit the ground all at once. The hard ground was suddenly penetrated and set off a dust.

Feeling the sharp pain in her neck, Xu Hongzhuang was a little embarrassed, not because she was so weak, but because the method of the shadow dragon in front of her was too special, even if the two sides were hundreds of meters apart, the dragon could still control the shadow and kill herself. Blow.

At this time, Xu Hongzhuang even fell into a coma for a time, only felt that the neck was deformed little by little by the other side. The feeling was like, it would not be long before it would be completely pinched, even Xu Hongzhuang could not. Escape successfully under this terrifying power.

This is the shadow dragon, which is considered to be the left arm and right arm of the Dragon Emperor. It is precisely because of these terrible existences that the Dragon Emperor and the Brotherhood can divide up the entire Silver City, leaving everyone under the power of each other.

However, Xu Hongzhuang didn't want to die like that, not because she wanted to live. When the end came, all her family died in disaster. For the agent city owner of Silver City, she even committed suicide. Thought, but she survived it.

For what?

Xu Hongzhuang keeps asking herself, what has she been doing so hard for?

The answer is simple.

She just wanted to return the light to the human world, and it was for this reason that she was working as hard as ever to try to reverse the darkness.

After all, Xu Hongzhuang moved forward step by step, and with the efforts of countless people, order emerged, and millions of people have a new home. But now, some people are trying to pick the fruits of their victory, even ... To destroy everything here, this is simply an unforgivable thing for Xu Hongzhuang.



Suddenly, Xu Hongzhuang's soul came throbbing, her mind seemed to be awake and invigorating, and she just felt that something was suddenly in her mind.

At the same time, Xu Hongzhuang's body also folded up-the bursts of daylight, although very weak, but like a layer of soft armor, resisted the grip of the dragon claws of the shadow dragon.

"Giggle ...".

The white light on Xu Hongzhuang's body became more and more fierce, and the imaginary shadow on her neck was struggling, and a resentful roar was issued, but suddenly, a group of opalized giant swords emerged from Xu Hongzhuang's head, like The symbol of light gives a very dazzling feeling.

Xu Hongzhuang was also surprised to see the white light blooming on her!

She never thought that there was such a strong light in her body.


The moment when the dragon claw on Xu Hongzhuang's neck was refracted by this energy, she made a snarling roar, and it could no longer support it, because it faced too much resistance, there was Xu Hongzhuang's will, and this The sudden suppression of the lightsaber, even if it was just a ray of white light, was like tens of thousands of sword slashes on the body of the shadow dragon, making it feel very painful.

"As long as I have a breath ... I won't allow you ... to trample on order!"

Xu Hongzhuang didn't know what happened to her, but after standing back the dragon claws, she stood upright. Although there was a huge fingerprint around her neck, she didn't fall down but urged her with teeth. Physical strength!

"No one can destroy the prosperity of the order. This is the last home of humanity. Anyone who tries to destroy all of this should **** it, you ... all **** it!"

There was a pure white cold flame burning on Xu Hongzhuang ’s body, which was a flame that would only appear when life reached the extreme. She did n’t understand it until now, she had broken through the legendary rank and reached the desire of countless people. Half-step epic ...

After breaking through the legend, Xu Hongzhuang's power has finally climbed to the limit, an unprecedented height!

The shadow dragons narrowed at the corners all widened their eyes and looked at this human being who has been growing in strength quite incredible. It couldn't figure out how the other party did it. In the weak situation just now, not only Instead of losing, the momentum has been strengthened. Not only that, but its power is still rising. Who is the other person and how is the vitality so strong?

The air seemed to be completely stagnant at this instant!

There was suddenly a silver-white lightning flash across the sky, which illuminated the whole world, and also illuminated the calm and indifferent face of Xu Hongzhuang.


The shadow dragon felt that time was passing, and naturally he would not just sit still, suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and found his existence. His strength seemed to be more powerful than before. In this case, the shadow dragon could not choose. Ease, even if you want to escape, if you don't fight back, you will still be killed by being bombarded in the rear!

The shadow dragon decided to fight one another. At this time, a huge bomb of destruction was gathered on its head, like a little sun, emitting the icy light of destruction. All the stones that were illuminated were quickly The ground is eroding and destroying!

It can be imagined that if this bombardment is in a densely populated city of order, I don't know how many people will die in this despair.


Such a horrible move naturally requires energy storage, but Xu Hongzhuang knows that the power of this attack is infinite, so how can she wait silly?


Suddenly Xu Hongzhuang was in front of the shadow dragon. The shadow dragon had not had time to blink, and it was a white light of sword light suddenly. This sword light light seemed to merge the trajectory and truth of the road, although the power , But the Kendo realm contained in it is so scary that you can smash the void with just one sword!

This is the best state of swordplay!


The silver sword flashed past, and the shadow dragon's body was cut off by a layer of shadow. At this time, the shadow dragon also found the gap between each other. It roared, and black energy shrouded Xu Hongzhuang. And it took the opportunity to sneak into the shadows and try to escape the scene.

The shadow dragon is not an unwise beast. It can naturally see that Xu Hongzhuang has undergone a fundamental change in his body. If he continues to fight so blindly, he will only become the loser.

More importantly, I have been fighting with the other party for some time ~ ~ The shadow dragon has amazing hearing, and naturally can hear countless footsteps leaning here. If you come here, then, even if you want to There is no other way to escape.

The shadow dragon has the ability to manipulate the shadow, so when escaping, you only need to dive into the shadow to hide your whereabouts. At that time, as long as it does not show up and shield all your breath, naturally no one can find it. Yourself, and this is also the escape means of the shadow dragon!

The Shadow Dragon has already been determined. After a swift blow to Xu Hongzhuang, it plunged into the shadow under his feet and drilled up. The speed was scary, but just when it was about to escape successfully ...

"Did I let you go?"

Xu Hongzhuang stood in place, not like using the senses to comprehend the trail of the shadow dragon, but the dazzling white awns flashing in her pupils. Wherever those white awns went, the shadow dragon had nowhere to look.

Even more frightening is that Xu Hongzhuang's toes were a bit toe, and his right hand was swiped, and the space wall was cut directly. Then, he flashed in, and when he appeared again, he reached the top of the shadow dragon.

"No matter what your existence is, you need to follow the rules here when you come to order!" Xu Hongzhuang sang angrily, then the light on her body shone again. At the same time, the shadow dragon felt a strong dizziness and pain. Its soul is shaking, as if to break apart!

But at this time, the heavily damaged shadow dragon can no longer maintain the strange assassination ability of the past, and the body slowly emerges from the shadow, just like a big fish caught by a fisherman. This shadow dragon He lay flat on the ground like this, a sense of sight completely conquered.

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