The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1042: Attack on Erwin

Even if there are a lot of fallen mermaids, there is no possibility of threatening the fleet in a short time. The kind of magic that directly affects the outcome of a war is not absent, but most of the requirements are too high. The current situation does not allow them to be displayed at all.

Like some large fire magics, they are very powerful on land, especially in the jungle zone. The damage can even increase several times. But here is the ocean. Unless a magic can evaporate the seawater, otherwise, it ’s bad for the enemy. The lethality is minimal.

The ocean is a natural force. It can evaporate the entire ocean with its own strength. This may be a power that has not been mastered by the divine residence. Therefore, Chen Feng has no delusion to be able to wipe out those ugly fallen people in one fell swoop. All he has to do is But it is a deterrent to the other party.

What Chen Feng has to do is to psychologically exert influence on the other side, curb the motive force of those monsters, and stop peeping at the flesh and blood on the battleship.

"Fast forward!"

Chen Feng shouted loudly at the soldiers next to him. No one could know what was happening. From the moment he met these devil-like fallen people, Chen Feng had to admit that his party was already passive.

The mermaid is actually eroded by the devil. Of course, it can't be overnight to rot into the appearance of these monsters. It is like human beings infected with zombie germs. It also takes several hours of metamorphosis to get from humans with IQ. Become a bloodthirsty monster.

These fallen people are not just a change of face, Chen Feng can feel it, the bone marrow and soul of the other side are mixed with some decaying breath, those are the devil's original power, which means that the other side has been completely corroded, not just It fell into the quagmire, but has been soaked in it for countless years, and it has also become a part of the mud.

It seems that the mermaid family is not very peaceful.

If Chen Feng had the power of Pang Mu in the past, and the other side had a divine mansion in charge of the water system, once it broke through the epic half-step, in the vast ocean, even the power of the epic rank could erupt, but Chen Feng was burned. The fire demon's power, he simply grasped the power of the element of fire, the fire is in the state of suppression of water, so Chen Feng has not used the transformation, most of them rely on the power of the storm in the damaged plane.

Of course, Chen Feng now also has a method for once and for all, which is to release the power of the storm in a large area. Unlike the previous hidden releases in the deep sea, he opened the mouth of the damaged plane to the maximum. If this trick can be used, There is no doubt that this battle can be ended in an instant.


What happens when using this trick?

First of all, the terrible shock will destroy all these fallen people, then the storm will ravage the surroundings, and then the strong shock wave will sweep everything nearby, ships, reefs, and monsters in the deep sea. The power of the storm from a damaged plane means that With terrible destructive power, there is a possibility that the surrounding area will become a true restricted area.

In this stalemate, if you don't want to hurt your allies, the damage is now limitless.

What Chen Feng wants to do now, after all, is just to repel these fallen people, not to break the net with his fish, doing a thing that hurts the enemy by one thousand and damages 800 by himself.

There was a dragon groan!

Many soldiers looked up at the sky. Then his eyes widened, and as a mighty dragon descended from the sky, a bone dragon appeared on the battlefield.

Saruman is already a half-step epic powerhouse. Among the white bone plains, he has acquired some new land, and the new land means that he has more people. Saruman no longer needs to use some broken bones. To piece together the bone dragon, but to conquer a real, complete and powerful mount.

Legendary Bone Dragon!

Compared to the bone dragons that had been called before, the eyes of this bone dragon exuded a faint blue light, cold and biting, only a glance glanced over, many people's souls were frozen and frozen, without any consciousness.

— "Dragon Breath!"

The horrific poisonous mist dance shrouded the sea surface. The bone dragon has no physical body, but its strength is still enough to suppress many fallen people. After all, the dragon is a creature at the top of the food chain no matter which plane it is on.

Whether they are alive or dead ...

Erwin stopped shooting. Those fallen did not dare to stand up. Erwin with amazing shooting skills. As soon as the enemy showed up, the arrow would pierce the opponent's skull in one second, making it a weapon. Carrion, in just ten seconds, even three corrupt people who were not weaker than the golden rank were killed, and died for no reason.

In the face of the mermaids, they are undoubtedly the most terrible hunters, but in front of Chen Feng and the summoned beasts, they look like a group of little white rabbits who are helpless and can only watch their enemies slaughter themselves.

The Naya were proficient in shooting, and at this time also participated in the hunting team ~ ~ Maybe it is the hero ’s sake and the hero ’s sake. At this time, Li turned around and put his eyes on Erwin ’s body. Is this lady who is hot and attractive to Nayai warriors, also Chen Feng's helper?

Li only felt a little embarrassed. She stared at everything in front of her, the evil demon, the burning demon, Saruman, and Erwin now appearing. All of these warriors who are placed in the Naya are all strong middlemen. Actually, they all looked at Chen Feng first, and even Li could not help but sigh. Alliance was the most important and correct decision in his life.

Erwin was completely disregarded by her surroundings. She had not been called out by Chen Feng for a long time. Erwin knew that the value she now had was entirely because of the auction. Once the auction could not be launched, it might be the moment when she was abandoned. , But Rose's God fell, but let him fulfill his desires and become a legendary powerhouse.

Between Chen Feng and Rose, Erwin acts as a middleman. She knows that the ultimate reason for Rose's surrender to God is still because of Chen Feng. In this way, Erwin's promotion path is entirely related to Chen Feng, not only Promoting to the golden stage, even the promotion of the legendary stage is also handled by Chen Feng. If there is no other party, Erwin's final fate may just be a plaything of a certain big man, and nothing more.

A spell aura emerged.

Erwin was eager to express herself, seeing that she put away her bow and arrow, and then stretched out her hands toward the sea, and then some weird seeds were scattered by her.

Erwin belongs to the elf family, and has a strong affinity for plants. After being promoted to legend, her affinity with plants has been further improved. As for these seeds, she collected them on weekdays for special battles.

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