Chapter 1039 Conspiracy

Today is not anti-theft, but I quarreled with my girlfriend for two hours, so that I only wrote a thousand words. This is a question of the attendance award. I am cheeky and forgive you. I will stay up until two o'clock. Come out, no face.

Arguing every day, I really don't know when I can hold on, tired.

The cave was deep and dark, and the palace, which was a few meters underground, groaned and felt like hell, and the surrounding silence was a bit scary.

As Ding Ding's famous and bright messenger, Gong Qingmian could see Yang Shuo's physical problems at a glance. In addition to being severely persecuted, he also had a crisis of explosion!

The legendary emperor snake was dying, and the nuclear crystals were melted as a means to use the energy-containing liquid that contains most of the life essence of the emperor snake. If it were replaced by other people to bear such horrible power, it would have exploded. He died, but after all, Yang Shuo was not an ordinary person. When there was a problem, he gave most of his power to the major demons, so he escaped.

However, the power of the Emperor Snake is too strong. Even so, Yang Shuo still has nearly a half of the amount of violent violence in his body, so his danger has not been lifted.

Gong Qingmian didn't know Yang Shuo's hole card, only when he was about to suffer a body explosion crisis, so he looked for such a closed corner, so as not to be disturbed, what she had to do next was to attack the poison with poison. Since Yang Shuo will immediately If you want to explode, then she asks for many nuclear crystals to let him complete the transformation. When encountering a miracle, he may break the legend!

At the critical moment, Gong Qingyan didn't dare to delay a minute and a second, and saw that she inserted the high-level nuclear crystal directly into her mouth, and then extended her finger to Yang Shuo's forehead, and her fingertips radiated a warmth. White light, and a small white light ball infiltrated into his eyebrows, completely integrated into his brain.

The palace groans.

In the past, it was very low-key, but because of the appearance and family, no matter how low-key, it is like the moon at night, people can't help but watch and watch.

You know, she is a cosmopolitan girl, and her nuclear energy has long been integrated. In the city, there are some high-level people who like her, and even a prophet once said that the palace is a bright body. Not only can it awaken the angel's body, but even more, it has the opportunity to unify the world and drive the worms and zombies out of the human homeland.

Of course, this kind of prophecy originally meant that benevolent sees benign wise and sees wisdom. Whether Gong Qingyin has this potential has yet to be determined, but no matter what, Gong Qingyin has a lot of charm, even if she can't rule the world in a short time, In the city where he lives, it is definitely flashing like a star.

The body of light, the method that Gong Qingyin can master is not comparable to ordinary people. In addition to the lightsaber, she has one of the most powerful abilities of healing skills, which is the guard of light.

"Guard of Light" must be consumed to make it. It contains the purest power of light. After entering the human body, instinctively defends the blood and spirit of the host from invasion, and even more, with the time occupied, It can also stimulate potential and greatly increase brain cell activity!

Let the wounded being treated grow up in a coma!

However, things can be reversed. Such a powerful method can imagine the side effects of Gong Qing, from exhaustion to falling from the realm. She has only used it twice from the awakening to the present, once for her seriously injured father. Another time was Yang Shuo!

In any case, Yang Shuo was for the sake of his injuries. He should be rescued because of reason.

Accepting the baptism of the guard of light, Yang Shuo, who was originally complexion, showed a smile at this moment. I don't know what I dreamed in my dream, but it gave people a very relaxed feeling!

After a while, the black air on Yang Shuo's face dissipated a lot, and even his body seemed to relax a lot. However, over-exploitation of his potential has greatly reduced his will and spirit, so that, at this time, I can't open my eyes for a long time.

at the same time……

The dirt in Yang Shuo's skin was eliminated, making the smell on his body instantly unpleasant ...

Looking at Yang Shuo's dirty skin, Gong Yin was enveloped by a sacred light, which not only helped him eliminate the black oiliness on his body, but also the dust and sweat odor from these battles disappeared. No trace, the whole into nothing, just like a cream cake.

Watching Yang Shuo's complexion turned rosy again, Gong Qingyan sighed with relief, but her brows were full of doubts. It stands to reason that her "bright baptism" has melted several high-level nuclear crystals, and then added God The power of the imperial snake was enough to awaken Yang Shuo, but why ... why is he still in a coma like nothing else?

"The core crystal of the emperor snake is fake? How is this possible!"

Gong Qingyin shook her head, a cute look that turned over. Before she saw it with her own eyes, the emperor snake melted her nuclear crystal and exploded on Yang Shuo. The coercion and energy could not be adulterated at all.

"Since it's not a nuclear crystal problem, is it that he has too much knowledge? Suffering with such energy is not enough for him to wake up?"

"Well, there should be nothing. His breathing is smooth and his heart is beating well ..."

Yang Shuo's safety was not a problem for the time being, and Gong Qingyin also let go of her heart. She looked at the youth in front of her, only to feel that her opponent's sword eyebrows were raised.

She can't forget the first time she and him were chased by the emperor snake just like a bereavement dog. If it wasn't for his rescue, he would most likely be killed by the emperor snake on the spot. Until then, she only treated him as if he were ordinary. Passers-by.

But who can think that when he encountered a crisis, the other party appeared in front of himself again in such a manner, especially when Yang Shuo summoned the aliens, even that kind of horrible monster was controlled by the other party. This ability surprised Gong Qingming.

"Although my palace is a woman, I have great ambitions in your heart. Your life-saving grace is not to be forgotten. You can rest assured that I will repay you after you wake up ..."

With this in mind, Gong Qingyin suddenly felt a little weird and couldn't help sighing again: "I don't know if it was right or wrong to escape from the house this time. Presumably at this time, my father must be crazy."

"Forget it, come out, and think about what these useless troubles do?"

Gong Qingyin smiled a little, no longer tangled with this kind of thing. The next second, she took a breath and took out a nuclear crystal and put it on her mouth. Although the violent energy in Yang Shuo's body was resolved, the toxin in his body was not. Dismissed, so Gong Qingyin shot this time for the poisonous body of Yang Shuo!

Gong Qingyin stretched out Saitama's hand and placed it lightly on Yang Shuo's forehead. When she saw a white awn, it was refracted into Yang Shuo's body. At the same time, Gong Qingyin felt a piercing life. Energy flowed in Yang Shuo's body, reviving his physical vitality, and soon, the fiery breath hit her wrist, itchy, indescribable numbness!

Feeling the heat, Gong Qingyin couldn't help pinching Yang Shuo's nose with his wrist, and his movements were abnormally gentle.

However, just then, a hoarse voice came out: "What are you doing ?!"


The sudden voice scared Gong Qingyin, and the wings behind her shivered. Then she saw Yang Shuo opened her eyes when she didn't know when she was staring at her.

"Just now ... Didn't do anything just now ... Keke, you woke up !?

It was found on the spot that she rubbed her nose with her wrist, and Gong Yin blushed immediately. She had never done such a thing with pride. Even if she shifted the topic and pretended to be calm and calm, she clearly deceived her. My heart is like a deer, my thoughts are messy, and my mood is much more tense than doing wrong things as a kid.

However, Gong Qingyin didn't find out that Yang Shuo's open eyes were full of scarlet. He looked at her, his eyes full of desire and madness ...

The only mistake in this life was caught, which made Gong Qingyin feel extremely shy, but she is worthy of being a prince for a long time. She quickly transferred her target and continued to say, "Do n’t move, there is still no poison in your body. Almost there. "

After all, Gong Qingyin returned to indifference, groping near Yang Shuo's body in the dark.

Yang Shuo was lying on the ground, feeling the coolness on his forehead and the fragrance like a green lotus that passed into the tip of his nose. He just felt that his body was placed in hot boiling water, and his body was dry and uncomfortable.

Dragon soul revived.

During the heyday, Yang Shuo transformed his power into a yoke to suppress the dragon soul. Now, the snake venom of the emperor snake has invaded most of Yang Shuo's soul and will. Obviously ...

Today, he has become extremely dangerous.

Yang Shuo tried his best to control, but the dragon soul had already permeated his body like a bone spreading. At this time, Yang Shuo could not help but send out a moan.

"What's going on, the snake venom in your body has obviously been dispelled by 80%. It stands to reason that there shouldn't be any pain?"

Doctor Renxin, at this moment Gong Yin did not even think about the identity and gender of the two. She hurriedly reached out and touched Yang Shuo's chest to inquire about the injury urgently.


Gong Qingyin's touch at this time was almost like pouring fuel on the fire. If just now, when she found that Yang Shuo was not right, she fled quickly, and there might be a hint of vitality, and now, without her knowledge, she is simply It was like tearing a chain that sealed the demon king, completely releasing the evil in Yang Shuo's heart.

Therefore, Yang Shuo grabbed the body of the palace and groaned, and suddenly fell to the ground!

"What exactly is going on!"

The sudden outbreak of Yang Shuo made Gong Qingyin's body stiff, her eyes widened, and she couldn't believe everything in front of her.

At this time, Yang Shuo's soul had already been dyed, not to mention the impulse of Gong Qingyin, that is, he was chopped on his body with a knife, and perhaps he would not let him stop.

And the most helpless thing is ...

Gong Qingyin healed Yang Shuo and had already consumed ninety-nine percent of nuclear energy, so at this time, she was simply a lamb to be slaughtered without any resistance at all.

Gong Qingyin's eyes were full of desolation and pain, biting blood-stained lips, a flash of irritation flushed on her pretty face. At this moment, she was not a goddess above, but a weak one violated by the devil Girl.

Gong Qing's begging for mercy did not awaken Yang Shuo's conscience.

Next second ...

Yang Shuo's eyes were extremely red, as if stained with blood. At once, even the entire dark cave became scarlet ...


When the full moon is empty, this is the best time to sleep, but in such a desert, the eagle warrior has paid a hundred attentions, watching the dynamics in the cave.

Gong Qingyin has fallen into a deep pit for three hours. During this time, the eagle warrior is like an ant on a hot pot, both mentally and physically suffering from worries.

The trainer and levator are not a big deal, they are just in a coma. They are in the city far away, and they can be regarded as second generation ancestors. Compared with the rich children who grew up with golden spoons, a few of them are rare. There is no bad learning. On the contrary, there is a surging justice in my heart.

This is not ...

A few hot-blooded young people hit it off right away, and now they have the current runaway and stubbornly helping the weak.

But who knows, I encountered this kind of thing within a few days after coming out. Although the eagle warrior knows that returning to the city is the best move now, when he thinks that his partner is still under the cave, he really can't bear it. Here.

There was no light at night, and only the stars were companions. Looking at the corpse under his feet, the eagle warrior sighed. They grew up and could be regarded as brothers and brothers.

The eagle warrior dare not imagine how he would face the world if some casualties really happened today, and sure enough ... there was nothing wrong with his father's words.

"Doomsday, only the strong can control it. Little guys like you, it will take some time to get out of town!"

In the last days, although death is the last belonging of God-given people like them, but when they face it, they are full of sadness and unwillingness.

"Woohoo ..."

A painful sorrow alarmed the eagle eagle warrior, he looked back, but saw a horrible **** dog lying on the ground trembling madly.

Said it was horrible, because the muscles of the **** dog were swollen, and there were two heads around his neck. It looked like a zombie.

But now it's ... full of loneliness, full of darkness, like black charcoal, blood all over the nose, ears, and back, the spine collapses. Obviously, the spine bones are strangely twisted, as if they are under control. pain.

"Are you going to die?"

Watching the **** dog tremble madly ~ ~ The eagle warrior is indifferent to his vision, after all, as long as he is a living person, he doesn't have any good feelings for this creature.

"Ah? Isn't it right, he's promoted ?!" The next second, the eagle warrior seemed to have found something, his brows froze, exclaimed suddenly!

He found that after the **** dog trembled, the wound was recovering quickly, and more than that, his breathing became arrogant for a moment.

Oh my god!

At this moment, the Eagle Warrior couldn't believe his eyes. What did you see at this critical moment?

It turned out that a zombie species was temporarily promoted. This kind of power, this momentum, has a kind of **** bloodthirsty.

The eagle warrior took a breath, at this time, he didn't even dare to breathe too hard, for fear of annoying this ...

Fear exists!

(End of this chapter)

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