The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1036: Kosia

At this moment, everyone was speechless.

The translator has not passed on Chen Feng's eloquent words to the soldiers, but others could clearly see that just before, it was Chen Feng who killed a mermaid with his hands raised.

My lord ... I'm really not afraid of the other side, and I'm so angry that I drown the fleet?

Time is frozen at this moment, when everyone is ready to be submerged, the dozen or so mermaids in front of them are standing still, standing still.

Just a few minutes passed, the original undulating sea surface became calm again, at the same time, the huge phantom of more than ten meters disappeared, and it became an ordinary drop of water in the ocean.

"I hope you can fulfill your promise!" The charm of the mermaid is still very bad, and it looks gloomy.

"Of course." Chen Feng grinned, then let go of his right hand, and took the throne in his arms.

Seeing that the throne was so despised, a dozen mermaids once again showed their murderous eyes, but after the previous events, they have been completely deterred by Chen Feng, so they just dared not to speak.

"You follow behind. When I get to the shore, I will of course return the throne to you." After Chen Feng said this, he walked into the cabin without looking back.


"what should we do?"

A magnetic sound full of charm sounded, and then saw another mermaid rose from the bottom of the sea. If Karina's breath is grace, the mermaid was charm, then the mermaid who rises above the sea is a real enchanter. , The other party is exposed, it seems that an inadvertent action can reveal a piece of spring light.

The charm of this mermaid is indistinguishable from that of Demon.

The mermaid is also a matriarchal society. Therefore, the positions of the leaders are all females. As for men, they are mostly used as guards or purely fertility tools.

After seeing the mermaid behind him, the charming mermaid could not help frowning, and then his face changed dramatically: "Cosia, do you still have a face back?"

"Yes, I'm back." The mermaid named Cocia nodded slightly, his expression calmed like never before, and slowly said, "I'm back, and the blood sacrifice is aimed at people, not traitors."

Evil breath.

If Chen Feng is here, it is obvious that he can feel a familiar atmosphere in Ke Xiah, not the devil, but the devil.

The charming mermaid's expression was serious, and she slowly said, "What are you doing here?"

Kosia laughed, "Help you, you lost the throne. I just came back to help you save the throne!"

After saying this, Kosia's face became a little interesting: "Amanda, you are really a waste. The great opportunity just now was wasted by you. Do you think they will obediently return the throne to me?"

Amanda heard the expression but did not relax at all, but there was a kind of sorrow from her heart, and sighed, "What do you want?"

The charming mermaid is named Amanda. She did not refute Cosia's humiliation. Yes, she did stop the tsunami twice. Even if she knew that this was not the right choice, the throne was still in the hands of those enemies. Loyal men, she still cares about the safety of the throne.

Amanda glanced at the enchanting figure in front of him with a complicated look. The opponent's strength was more terrible than before. The other party had an identity besides the betrayer. That was the sister of the throne. The other party's strength was obvious to all. If it hadn't been for her wayward opening of the magic box, the position of the throne would have been hers.

Amanda faintly remembered that there was a magic box in the clan, and there were legends about the answer to the most powerful, but the opportunity was accompanied by the crisis. In the magic box, there was also a huge haze-like secret, no one It is clear what the seal is, but the mermaid still inherits this tradition from generation to generation. No one has opened it without authorization.


Kosia's appearance.

Unlike Karina, Kosia was originally the first choice of the throne. The other party is intelligent, beautiful, generous, and possesses all the characteristics of the throne, but the other party is also a brave person who seeks strength. Strength has shielded her eyes in order to pursue greater power. With the power of Corsia, he opened the sealed box of that generation, and since then, the kind and charming Corsia disappeared, replaced by an arrogant, jealous, sensuality mermaid.

Since then, the noble princess has been reduced to a humble person letting people vent. In addition, she has also bewitched many mermaids to share the same joy as her, and nearly a thousand mermaids have been deceived by it and become filthy. The unclean person, Kosia's existence affects the normal development of the mermaid. After a period of integrity and foulness, Karina called on the mermaid to expel Kosia. In addition, he executed hundreds of Ke Advocate of West Asia.

And with Cosia disappeared, there was the box of the seal of that generation.

For more than a decade after that, Kocia's whereabouts have been a mystery. No one knows where the other party fled. There are even many mermaids who suspect that the other party may have died in a deep-sea canyon to which no fish went.

Kosia is the humiliation of the mermaids. The other party is a rare black mist in the history of the mermaids. Just when all fish are about to completely forget it, the mermaids can't imagine that the other party will appear to themselves in such a posture Before.

"what do you want?"

Cocia asked in return, and then did something unexpected to Amanda. She actually bowed her head slightly to express her respect, and then said, "In my past days, arrogance, remorse, and jealousy blinded my heart. , I have no other requirements, I just want to come back. "


Amanda was a little surprised. Is this still the proud mermaid princess in her impression?

In Amanda's memory ~ ~ never seen the other side apologize.

Not to mention such a low profile. Tell about your past mistakes, while still looking so calm.

Amanda took a deep breath, and her expression returned to her indifference: "What exactly do you want to do, I don't believe you will come back for no reason!"

There was a charming smile on the corner of Kosia's mouth: "I just want to go home, just to rescue my sister. I can feel the strength of each other. I want to rescue your throne and need my help."

"Of course, before that, I want a team that is completely obedient to me. When I was defeated, you regarded my followers as rebels. Those rebels have been detained for more than ten years. I think it should be Let them return to the sun ... "

Kosia seemed to see Amanda's hesitation, and said quietly, "They have redeemed their guilt for more than a decade. The throne is important, or the law is important. I think you can make the right choice ..."

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