The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1034: Confrontation

Chapter 1035: Confrontation

The souls of other worlds also have true feelings. They are mourning, regretting, and mourning ...

"Let's go back!"

Karina was controlled by Chen Feng's illusion eyes. Just now she roared, maybe too angry, a mouthful of scarlet blood leaked from her mouth, and when the mermaids saw this scene, they turned and left. Here it is.

The mermaids let out their sorrows together, and finally finally speeded up and left the battlefield like a reincarnation, and soon disappeared from under Chen Feng's eyelids ...

Karina has a strong prestige in the mermaid group. Although the mermaids are unwilling, Wang's order can not be disobeyed, and can only disappear completely in the neighborhood in three steps, away from this place of right and wrong.

"How could this be……"

Many mermaids alive all looked at each other and smiled bitterly. They couldn't bring up a little courage to resist. It wasn't that they were unwilling to resist. There was no more fighting power ...

This group of mermaids did not understand why the throne would disperse their legions. You must know that the alien in front of him is not a so-called friend, but a real enemy. The mermaids looked carefully. Just now Chen Feng shot it. Living on the neck of the throne, the original troops arrived, which is a good opportunity for the Mermaid to flop, but everything that just happened has made this original trend of victory again changed.

Under the attack of the abyss monster and the deliberate ambush of Chen Feng, the morale of the mermaids was once reduced to a negative number.

When Karina was confronted, she was forced to squeeze the source of life and leapt to the epic realm. Chen Feng even almost died in the hands of the other party, but this time the goddess of fortune stood beside Chen Feng, just before Chen Feng's body was about to be When she penetrated, Karina finally lost her consciousness because she consumed too much power.


Chen Feng glanced at the scattered enemies, reached out to stop the evil spirits still entangled with the mermaid, and Shen said, "Go ahead first. Those mermaids who leave can be returned at any time!"

A civilization is not so weak!

If it hadn't been for Kalena's surprise, Chen Feng would not have been so easy to get out!


On the sea, Wei Xun waited anxiously for Chen Feng to appear. As the real master of the fleet, Chen Feng has been down for some time. The sea always makes people feel intuitively afraid.

Wei Xun's brow was a bit tight, he was ready, and in another hour, if there was still no news of Chen Feng, he would personally dive down to find the trace of Chen Feng. As the backbone of this team, the master's Safety cannot be compromised.

Wei Xun's mood affected the fighters around him, and besides human fighters, Li also thoughtfully stood on the bow and looked forward. Even though Li's strength had broken through the legendary rank, but how many meters deep in the sea, Even if your eyesight is strong, you can only peep at a distance of more than ten meters, and then go down, it is dark.

Just when everyone was in a mood, the calm sea suddenly burst into a water splash, and then Chen Feng rushed out from under the sea.

Cheers burst out!

The appearance of Chen Feng allowed many soldiers to retrieve the backbone, and many soldiers raised their arms and cheered for victory.


The next moment their cheer came to an abrupt end!

Because a distant wave appeared in the distance, a huge wave as high as ten floors high, this gigantic huge wave was like a blue sky approaching the battlefield, and dozens of miles of huge waves enveloped everyone in it. Under the terrible waves, almost no ship can survive.

The terrifying waves are advancing like a city wall, and all the battleships in front of it are so small.

Cheers turned into exclamations.

Either Li or Wei Xun, at this time showed an unbelievable gaze, especially the former. Wei Xun had also touched the sea in the human world before. He knew that the most moody and scariest in the world was the ocean at the foot of the ship This is the power of nature. Compared with nature, man and nature are just like ants and giant elephants. There is no comparable nature at all!

If Wei Xun had long been mentally prepared, then Li was completely in a stagnation state. She was trapped on the island during her life, and the sea she contacted was just the sea near the island. Perhaps it was because of the divine residence. I have never seen the ocean around. Because of this, after seeing the waves of the dozens of floors in front of me, Li just felt that it was difficult to breathe, and there was only a clicking noise in his throat.

All the soldiers on the battlefield, as well as the Naya people, fluttered like headless flies. They were all covered by the tsunami. Under the huge waves of ten floors, the so-called warships were so worthless. It's not hard to imagine that once the waves crashed head-on, almost even a wave could not emerge, and it would be directly smashed into the sea.

"Mermaid !!!"

At this moment, Chen Feng's face was quite ugly, and he seemed to have the anger that he wanted to eat, growling, "I didn't expect these guys to come so fast, is it similar to the spell of fit?"

This tsunami came so suddenly, Chen Feng firmly believes that this is not a tsunami formed naturally, but the reason why the mermaids are pushing hard behind it!

This tsunami may not threaten a strong man like Chen Feng. After all, Chen Feng can move freely in the deep sea. The tsunami similar to the one in front is just a small scene.

But if the soldiers and the fleet he brought over were submerged by the tsunami, the loss would reach an amazing level!

The ten-storey giant waves are enough to destroy everything. Both human warriors and the Naya people will be submerged under the terrible waves. What is more frightening is that there may be countless mermaids, human beings and Naya people hidden in the deep sea. If you plunge into the deep sea, none of the strong in the golden ranks can show their strength. A few silver mermaids can almost kill a golden strong!

In contrast, the mermaid is the same on the land. The mermaid is the darling of the sea. Once it enters the land, there is no water element. Even the legendary mermaid can hardly exert 100% of its strength, and with excessive consumption , Strength will slowly weaken.

Chen Feng's eyebrows looked forward, and a bright green light bloomed in his right eye again. He penetrated the waves and saw the scene after the tsunami.

Countless mermaids rushed forward fiercely, their eyes scarlet, like a bull who saw a red cloth, became extremely angry.

Sure enough, mermaids made all this!

When everyone was immersed in despair, Chen Feng suddenly raised his right hand. His wide palm was holding it on a white neck, and then he roared: "Stop, take a step forward, I will pinch her neck ! "


Time back to ten minutes ago!

When Chen Feng grabbed Karina and tried her best to start the action towards the sea, the mermaids who collapsed on the reef showed an uncontrollable look of despair!

So my throne was just taken away in front of me?

There were thousands of mermaids before the Coral Castle. Among them, the mansion of the guardian throne headed by the tower, but the abyss monster summoned by Chen Feng appeared so suddenly that hundreds of mermaids died in one face-to-face Among the tears of the abyss monsters, after that, the emergence of the tortoise turtle and the benthic demon fish has even made the number of fish casualties rise to a new level!

At this time, the mermaids around the coral fortress were just a group of disabled soldiers. Their homes were destroyed and the throne of admiration was taken away. All these subscriptions all showed their weakness!

A stern squeak sounded slowly, "We are all incompetent waste, just watch the throne being taken away by the enemy, once the throne is taken to the shore, there is no possibility for us both to rescue!"

"Preparing a blood sacrifice."

"Notify our people, we will trade our lives for the freedom of the throne, and let all the enemies be buried in the sea."

All the mermaids nodded, and then even the weird chants sounded. This is the mermaid's language. With their chants, their bodies slowly began to decompose, and a blood color appeared around the coral castle. Figure, and then rushed towards the place where the mermaid disappeared before!


The mermaids who had gone away because of Karina had a complicated expression at the moment, which seemed to be a little angry and struggling. His eyes were locked on the **** figure in front of him, and it seemed that he couldn't believe it.

A low voice came from the gloomy sea water, slowly saying: "The throne was taken away, and our tribe also carried out the blood sacrifice decomposition in order to inform us that we may be fooled.

"But leaving before means the throne ..."

A gloomy voice shook his head and said, "All this is no longer important. The important thing is that the throne is held captive, and we must respond. According to the information given by the people, the beginning of all this is what it was before. [Special creatures] brought us, we rescued the throne, and then killed them with the tsunami, they are all sinners and need the sea to purify them! "

"All peoples prepare, we need to gather the strength of the people and release a huge wave that can destroy the enemy. Those guys need to pay the due price!"

As soon as the words came down, the mermaids who saw the compulsive suicide in order to inform themselves, showed their resentful eyes, and they were bound to take revenge!


The terrible tsunami was approaching.

Many people closed their eyes desperately and grasped the ship's body firmly. Under this terrible huge wave, they could only pray to fate to care for themselves, because there was no way to escape within the scope of the tsunami.

The terrible tsunami is getting closer.

The ten-storey high wave made people feel desperate and suffocated, but when the tsunami in front of them was about to sweep them, a strange conch sound suddenly sounded all around.


I saw a wave rising in the middle of the battlefield. The seawater was stirred like a vortex. The azure blue water automatically gathered into a figure more than ten meters high. She stood in the vortex. Her appearance was similar to Karina. I saw her. One finger, and then I saw the huge waves floating in front of the battleship, as if everything was just an illusion!

A dull sound sounded in the sea water, slowly said: "Leave the throne, or we will ruin everything for you!"

The sound in the sea seemed a little anxious, and there were strange sounds in the dark and deep darkness.

Li was still standing in place, but the expression on her face was stiff at this moment, and there was still a kind of panic feeling. Because the illusion made of seawater in front of her was a sight she had never seen before. All this seemed to be the master of the ocean. As she floated, the surrounding tsunami stopped.

Li felt cold at this moment.

Her heart was full of fear, because she had never seen such a scene, and the other party was made up of seawater. It was like ... the true God?

Just thinking about it made her tremble, and her heart became panicky.


The terrible tsunami was dissipating.

The horrified warriors raised their heads and looked forward. When they saw the tsunami that stopped, they only felt that they saw the scene in the dream.

God comes?

This crocheted figure hangs above the tsunami. At this time, he seems to dominate the fate of all people. If they cannot meet each other's requirements, they will be drowned by the tsunami again and die in the next second. In the deep sea.

But now, the "goddess" didn't care about the surprised soldiers, but instead turned to Chen Feng who was not far away.

This gaze, as if looking at it with endless pressure, the tsunami moved forward a few meters, seemingly waiting for Chen Feng's performance.


On the other hand, at this moment, Chen Feng still did not show the slightest fear, but raised his head and stared at this cheek similar to Karina. In the eyes of the rest, this is basically the incarnation of the divine house. After all, it can suppress the tsunami, and ten Jimmy's body, this may be the ability of the divine house!

But Chen Feng has the eyes of illusion ~ ~ His eyes penetrated the sea and directly saw the essence of the scene. Under the tsunami, there were thousands of mermaids, and their bodies reflected the blue light, those The light condensed together, and then created this miracle-like scene.

In the final analysis, this is just a blind-eye method. It is okay to deceive ordinary people, but it is too far to cheat Chen Feng!

Chen Feng looked ahead and raised a sneer and sneered loudly: "Let this tsunami disappear, my patience is not good. If I count three times and this tsunami still exists, I will pinch the neck of your so-called throne, chance Only once, you can try it! "



Chen Feng did not give the mermaid time to think at all, and the tsunami gradually shrank when the number was about to be read.

The previously terrifying tsunami slowly dissipated and turned back into azure blue water.

Everything just seemed like an illusion.

(End of this chapter)

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