The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1025: throne

Chapter 1026: Throne

The crack connecting the abyss was closed, and the last abyss monster that had never come out was also clipped in half, but for the surrounding abyss monsters, their attention was obviously not put on it, and now they are fully devoted to the killing. Among them, in their eyes, only the delicious food of mermaids, nothing more!

The mermaid was born to be the darling of the creator. No matter the appearance of women or men, they can be regarded as stunning. It is no exaggeration to say that if a mermaid woman appeared randomly in peaceful times, the price would soar all the way, throw away the research value. The incomparable beauty alone can cause countless rich people to scout.

But now, the mermaid's opponents are a group of monsters from the abyss. They have no beauty or ugliness. For this group of monsters, food is their real goal!

Chen Feng closed the crack, but this did not attract the attention of the monsters. Even one of the king ’s bottom-dwelling demon fishes plunged into the killing instead of paying attention, and his own path was cut off.

In just ten minutes, the abyss monsters drilled out of the cracks were numerous, and even broke through a thousand. They came together densely, where a mermaid had just been killed, and the rest of the monsters rushed up like crazy. Began to eat and eat, even the bones were stuffed into the mouth, making a crunching sound.

Demon monsters have no human nature, no animal nature, but only the purest killing. In their world, food is the most important thing.

At this moment, the killing of the abyss monsters has just begun, and each monster is immersed in the thrill of this killing ...

The benthic devil fish caught the mermaid's flaws, and while they were in chaos, they suddenly threw out more than 20 tentacles. These tentacles curled up and down, carrying ground-breaking power, and suddenly accelerated. Each tentacle emerged explosively. The strength of the mermaid was pointed at the mermaid, and it fell down. The tentacles covered with scarlet barbs and pink suckers covered the entire area, and it was permeated with a bitter killer!




Every time these attacks reach above a mermaid, a burst of blood fog will rise, and the mermaid may not even escape, so they are pumped to death one by one and have no life.

At the same time, those mermaids will be rolled up by the tentacles of the benthic demon fish, and then sent into their mouths.

The brutal killing is still going on. The arrival of Chen Feng does not seem to affect the eating pleasure of the abyss monsters.

"Did you look down?"

The monsters have no wisdom. The death of their companions did not attract the attention of other monsters at all, so Chen Feng made a stunning appearance, but ended up a little cold.

Chen Feng sneered, waiting to use his strength to tell the monsters to despise the price. In the coral castle behind him, a cold gaze suddenly projected.

A figure slowly appeared in front of Chen Feng's eyes. She was wearing a simple and holy white robe with high openings on both sides, exposing a blue fish tail, skin-like in snow, and tender as a girl.

This mermaid has blue eyes and blond hair, and she is beautiful and has an indescribable charm.

Some characters in this world are born as protagonists, just like the mermaid in front of them. When Chen Feng saw the other person's first glance, he felt a radiance in the other person!

It is a radiance that cannot be covered no matter how it is hidden!

Is this the existence of all mermaids who also need to guard?

Chen Feng was observing this stunning appearance. At the same time, this beautiful mermaid opened her mouth and revealed a few notes from her voice. Chen Feng had the devil's horn and naturally could translate it completely.

"Frost Star!"

As soon as the voice fell, countless seawater converged into a rhombus-shaped ice cone, and then refracted toward the benthic demon fish. The killing power of these ice cones was extremely horrible, and it instantly struck each tentacle of the benthic devil To make it a little stiff. The tentacles also scorched black smoke. It seemed that many barbs and suckers were blown up and fluttered, and the flesh was blurred!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, many mermaids escaped the control range of the benthic demon fish, but at this time, they did not choose to continue to escape, but fled to the throne by instinct. Chen Feng expected it well. The mermaids that appear are undoubtedly the leaders of these mermaids!

Because of her existence, she reunited the courage of the rest of the mermaids, so that they no longer flew around like headless flies, but gathered together.


The benthic devil fish roared loudly, and a **** mouth spouted a foul smell, emitting sound waves visible to the naked eye. The mermaid and monsters shook the entire battlefield!

"It was you who broke into my camp. All the enemies present today cannot leave, no matter who invades it, they must pay the due price!"

The throne murmured, looking at the bottom-dwelling demon fish coldly. She stretched out her slim hands, and in a series of starlight, those diamond-shaped ice cones reappeared. This mermaid's strength is a little more powerful than the legendary rank, and she has even reached half Epic, once shot, it is a large magic, which directly forces the bottom-dwelling magic fish!

To deal with the evil creature such as benthic fish, the king of this mermaid naturally does not have any intention to keep her hand. Her plan is simple, to kill the benthic fish directly and save his men in trouble.

But the benthic fish is getting more frustrated ~ ~ Or, it has not released its true strength until now, and it may be the same. When we first met the tower, the benthic fish was more As if playing

Even if the tower fights the monster tortoise, it consumes too much energy, but the opponent is still a legendary master after all. If it is of the same rank, it can still support it for a period of time, but in front of the benthic demon fish, it is completely Crushing to death, almost without the ability to resist, just died directly.

It can be seen that this benthic demon fish must hide its strength, and now, witnessing the emergence of the throne, this benthic demon fish with some tentacles and strange blood veins immediately reflected a different kind of scarlet color in his eyes. It is full of the most evil thoughts and ideas.

At this moment, the bottom-dwelling demon fish regarded the throne in front of it as the object of capture, so there was no move at all. It directly squirmed the tentacles and directly greeted the throne. It was confident that it could crush the throne.

This terrible monster, I do n’t know how tedious it is hidden in my heart, but it is undeniable that once the throne in front of you is captured by the bottom-dwelling demon fish, then what is waiting for her is definitely the cruelty and torture of life!

(End of this chapter)

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