The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1015: Encounter

Chen Feng's figure stood high, his erect body looked like a mountain, and Yang Tian gave a roar!

The roaring sound of the sky sounded, and all the soldiers pulled out their weapons, with a burst of growl exaggerated.

Jing was responsible for staying on the island, gazing at Chen Feng's throat standing high: "This guy is just a master of juggling, and I can't help but feel an unprecedented excitement. enemy!"

The battle broke out!

External forces collided with local forces. This is Chen Feng's first step in exploring another world. Victory has more power to speak, while losers have no bones!


Wei Xun's figure appeared beside Chen Feng, his body reflected the coldness, like a giant beast about to move, about to wake up.

Promoted to legend, Wei Xun condenses all the beast souls together, so that the parasitic monster has completely changed. It is no exaggeration to say that Wei Xun can now completely decorate two legendary strong men. Weird ability, few rivals in the same rank.

"What about captives?"

Chen Feng looked at the blue ocean in front of him, took a deep breath, and then asked Wei Xun.

"The people you want are all tied up," Wei Xun replied.

"Okay, bring it here."

Wei Xun retreated.

Soon, rows of captives were crushed up. In ancient wars, they always liked to rely on blood sacrifices to increase the morale of their army.


An indigenous captive who had been burned on the side saw him, and immediately laughed and yelled: "We will curse you for life, and you will lose your life with a curse!"


The soldier who escorted the prisoner closed his mouth with a fist. He had die-hards everywhere. Although most of the indigenous people chose to surrender, there were still a small number of people who chose to adhere to their beliefs. They regarded humans as real. Devil, and Chen Feng deserves to be the leader of these devil.

Chen Feng walked to the captive without expression and said quietly: "I don't know if I will die, but I know that you will die before me!"


A cold cold light passed by.

Then a head murmured to the ground, and a lot of blood poured out, and the headless body plopped and fell.

Chen Feng's expression was cold.

He didn't look at the headless corpse under his feet, but motioned to his men on the side, and then the soldiers on the side continued to wave the sword and cut off the head of the second captive. Human heads fell to the ground, their heads rolled around, blood had stained the dock red, but Chen Feng didn't stop, just so cold, staring blankly at the head that fell in front of him.

A total of 78 die-hards became sacrifice before the war. All the captives who took the boat were beheaded and killed on the spot without leaving a living mouth.

There was a strong **** smell on the deck, and heads were stacked on top of each other.

These heads will stay here all the time, let anyone with bad intentions think twice, because as long as Chen Feng does not fail completely, they must consider the price of rebellion.

The price will be very high!

"set off!"

Chen Feng glanced at the others, stood on the high platform of the dragon-headed battleship, and looked down at the others: "I will make all the enemies **** and bloody!"


The desolate horn sounded.

As the warships taken from the damaged plane began to sail, several huge warships behind them also started to distant at the same time.

Deep sea area invisible to the naked eye.

A group of horrible undead also wandered. Most of them were some marine life, but it was definitely not a product of this world.

This big handwriting is from Saruman, the lord from the Bone Plains, who likes death, and is also good at making death.

As undead, they were given a new life by Saruman. They also need to eat, but they are not cereals or proteins known to man.

They feed on death, flesh and soul, they are always struggling on the front line of killing, and they have been eager for the opportunity to taste blood and kill.

The undead desire to die.


After a long time, Chen Feng and his team had completely left the island of dreamland, and it was at this time that Chen Feng saw the alien culture of this land.

If the sea in the human world is like a moody bear child, then the sea in this world is more like a house full of bear children.

It rains, thunders, winds, sunny days, storms, hail, sweltering heat. Can you imagine that this is something everyone experienced in just one day?

This may be an exotic scenery. This is an experience that has never been before. Even though Chen Feng started from the sea in the human world, he has never seen it. Such a sudden change of weather like this world.


The strange sound of conch came suddenly from a distance.

The inspector's face suddenly changed slightly and he shouted, "Be careful! There is movement under the sea!"

A dark shadow appeared from the bottom of the sea.

Then a medium-sized ship flanking the Chen Feng fleet trembled. It looked as if it would suddenly roll over and sink directly into the ocean floor.

In an instant!

Others finally saw the outline of that dark shadow. It was a huge whale, but it looked very different from the whale in the human world. The other party was very large, some were unexpected, and the body size even exceeded dozens. Meters, if standing upright, can be almost flush with thirty-storey buildings.

"Let me deal with it!"

Li was the first time to see such a beast. The female chief picked up a long bow and pointed at the giant monster underwater. Chen Feng reached out to stop the other party and frowned, "No need."

Damn sea monsters will always be a roadblock in navigation.

"It's over to you." Chen Feng said behind him, and then Saruman stood on the side of the deck. He raised the bone scepter in his hand, and a large amount of necrotic energy began to wrap the surrounding sea.

Time just passed a few seconds.

Saruman snorted coldly. There was a silent growl in Zhangkou, and with his call, a large black shadow appeared from the side of the enemy.

Undead Fusion.

No no no

This is not that the undead are all fused together, but that Saruman has used special energy to bring together thousands of undead souls to form the form he wants, and now the monster composed of white bones is a real The giant skeleton, Saruman condenses these undead together through strength.

The giant monster burst through the sea and appeared in front of everyone. At first, another monster was seen rising from the sea. Both the Naya and the human were stunned by everything in front of them. Why did this monster change? Into this picture?

A giant skull was suspended above the deep sea. This was Saruman's enveloping each other with energy, so as not to condense successfully, and sinking to the bottom of the sea like this.

And just when everyone yelled, somehow, the monster was in front of all the battleships, it ... it was a helper!

Cheers sounded.

The low morale suddenly recovered, because compared to the monsters lurking on the bottom of the sea, the condensed skeletons that ran on the rampage were more oppressive.

In the middle of the battlefield, the sea water on all sides suddenly separated to the left and right, and then a skeleton creature emerged. When the undead appeared, they suddenly saw cats like mice, so they flung up!

Naval battles are not easy.

Even for powerful spellcasters, such a combat environment also leaves them tied.

And a purely strong force like Wang Xudong cannot even exert half of his power on the sea. Once he crashes into the sea, there is only a way to become a living target.

The party had been sailing for a day and a half, and Chen Feng knew from the information he had learned that this had reached the place where the ship was attacked before.

That monster is likely to be the enemy's strategy to attract the enemy, in order to disrupt the fleet, so it seems that these mermaids really have two hits.

Chen Feng didn't like to sit and wait, so at this time, it moved all the dozens of muzzles on the deck to the giant whale!

Boom boom!

Boom boom!

Boom boom!

The dull artillery sounded.

The fire net crossing on both sides covered almost all the hiding directions of the giant whale. No matter how it changed its navigation position, at least more than ten cannons would hit the monster's body.

Chen Feng's expression was still quite calm. He stared at the front and calmly ordered: "Continue!"

The bone giant who had already torn a piece of flesh from the monster, suddenly found that something was wrong, and suddenly his body dispersed, and then he turned into a dense white bone undead, wandering around the sea.

With the end of the five-minute intensive fire, Chen Feng's eyes were empty, because the giant whale had completely fallen into the ocean floor under the baptism of the skull and artillery.

Even if this is a mermaid's trick, from the moment the giant whale was killed, it was Chen Feng who took the initiative!


The sea water on the side suddenly separated.

The observer on the deck suddenly changed his face and yelled, "Attack! Attack! Attack!"

What did he see that he was so disoriented?

It's a mermaid. The culprits who killed more than half of the crew have finally appeared!

"Kill me!" Chen Feng also discovered the mermaid at the same time, but at this time, instead of being obsessed with the other's looks, he looked on with cold eyes, and the murderous in his eyes was completely released in an instant.


Waiting for the mermaid is a series of artillery fire strikes, but Chen Feng will not forget. When fighting deep dives before, the terrible shells on the land did not have much effect in the sea, so Chen Feng knew that he wanted to solve the opponent and rely on magic Martial artillery is not enough.


A pair of blood-red dragon wings spread out.

The little girl who has been hiding beside Chen Feng levitates into the air. It is not as taciturn as Saruman, nor is it like the Burning Devil. Even if you sit there, it gives a feeling of [not easy to mess with], but this At that time, the little girl who unfolded the dragon wing was grinning, and there was no emergency situation at all.

The evil monster Mo fanned the wings of the dragon to rise into the air. Then the petite body swooped up under the action of the huge dragon wings. She raised her hand and threw a large piece of silt, which instantly covered the sea surface. The mermaid's head was also strange to say. In the material package, the mermaids looked extremely distressed, wobbled, and looked at a loss, but most importantly, they couldn't move a half step further.

The little girl's figure rose into the air, and as she stretched out Bai Shengsheng's little hand, a mermaid was pinched directly.

A tattoo-like moire surface emerged from the side of the evil demon, and a pair of wide dragon wings emerged from its back, crushing the mermaid from the momentum alone.

"Let's die!"

The little girl sighed, gathered her energy, and used her hand as a knife, all of a sudden she drew towards the sea under her feet.

The howling wind came.

Within the scope of being killed by the evil demon, the mermaid was like some natural disaster encountered on the sea surface, and the body began to shake involuntarily, but at this time it was to no avail.


Swipe it for five minutes. A piece of writing said that it would appropriately increase some piracy strikes. Let me try.

The war stopped almost at this moment!

Whether it was a guard, a mask servant, or Carter and the Episcopal, they were in a state of sluggishness at this time.

In this age of chivalry ~ ~ this kind of thing never happened!

Luman, who was fighting in blood, suddenly settled. He stared blankly at the blood on Harina and the dilated pupil, only to feel that the entire consciousness was slowly dissipating. If he replaced him, he would choose to stand in front of the lady, and Not with her as the object of block!

"Harvey, why ... why are you doing this?"

Luman knew that even if Harvey survived this time, it would be a hang for him!

Since you die anyway, why can't you die like a hero?

"Do not!"

On the side, the weak Carter roared, and the object of his protection was killed, and he was still a soldier in his own name. This was a strange shame for him. At this time, he tried to kill Yang Shuo in order to cleanse him. This unbearable humiliation!

The epee saw the trophy at his fingertips destroyed, and at the same time killed Yang Shuo. The coward in front of him ruined a humiliation ceremony against the church. He must die!

Suddenly, Yang Shuo attracted the collective attack of the two who were never dead. No one would survive in this situation, but Yang Shuo might be excluded. When the offensive distance between the two sides was less than one meter, he took the lead. , Chose to exit this world.

Everything turned grey.

He faintly saw that the soldier named Harvey was hit by two energies, his body was torn apart suddenly, and with that kind of injury, it was impossible to survive!

The memory of that world came to an abrupt halt, Yang Shuo's head became heavier and heavier, as if he had not slept for a few days and nights. Just when his consciousness was about to disappear, he faintly saw a series of vague words.

[Round Table Samurai]

Harvest: Healing

Do you study?

With his last instinct, Yang Shuo nodded and muttered to himself: "Learn!"

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