The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1012: Though far away

The battleship soon approached the port, and from a distance you could see a lot of blood stains, as well as some corpses gathered on the deck.

All are the elite of the former sea god's residence, some of them are the elite troops he impressed, and now they all become a dead body lying on the deck.

On the battleship, there are still many traces of collisions. It can be seen that a fierce battle has been experienced on it. It can be said that the entire battleship was seriously damaged.

"grown ups!"

The warrior in charge of the battleship came over. This is a gold-level strongman. Before being compiled by Chen Feng, his strength was at the peak of silver. After a period of cultivation, the opponent ’s strength has advanced, and he has a gold-level power.

The opponent performed well, so he was commissioned by Chen Feng as a warship to specialize in field exploration. For Chen Feng, he was curious about this area and naturally wanted to know if there were other living things around him or power.

Before the exploration, Chen Feng personally mobilized the warship. Because of the strangeness in the surroundings, Chen Feng had warned that whether or not other forces were found in the surroundings, the exploration time could not exceed three years. What Chen Feng could not imagine was, Time is only one day in the past, and this battleship has become like this picture, and even the elite among them is more than half dead and wounded, and becomes extremely miserable.

The strong man in the golden rank now looks extremely miserable. He is covered with bandages for first aid. When he saw Chen Feng, he threw himself on the ground and said with sorrow and indignation: "The incompetent!"

"We encountered an ambush on the road, and the brothers suffered heavy casualties. We barely escaped!"

Click! !! !!

The plank of wood under Chen Feng's feet was cracked, his face turned green for a moment, and a strong murderous anxiety made everyone uneasy.

"how is this possible!!!?"

Chen Feng almost yelled word by word from his teeth, angrily: "This warship is a voyage ship built with all its strength. Even with you, there are two gold-level strong men on board, let alone the rest Silver Tier and other elite warriors, and each person is equipped with a firearm. Even if they encounter legendary enemies, they have the ability to resist. Have you encountered some irresistible enemies? "

The soldier buried his head deeply, ashamed, "It is not a force, but a group of mermaids, a group of real mermaids!"

When talking about this, the soldier's eyes flashed a panic, but eventually calmed down, and he explained, "The first day did not show any state, but from the early morning of the next day, a white surface appeared. Fog, visibility is only about three meters. In order to avoid collision with the reef, I ordered the crew to stand by and take a short rest. "

"But ..." The soldier suddenly hesitated, then said, "Just while we were waiting, I suddenly heard some tunes, if not, I have never heard such a tune, full of tranquility, in that kind of In front of the tune, everyone felt heavy sleep, everyone fell asleep, including me ... "

Chen Feng gradually calmed down and Shen said, "You just fell asleep like this?"

The soldier's expression was a little dull, and he slowly said, "I was awakened by a sound of cutting. When I opened my eyes, it was all blood red!"

I saw a group of humanoids cutting our soldiers' necks with our weapons, and all of them fell into a coma. Almost half of them fell down without resistance.

"I see ... I see the monsters!"

The soldier's eyes clearly showed a hint of panic, which can make a golden-level strong feel such fear, obviously the previous experience is unacceptable.

"Those creatures have human features, even more handsome than most human beings, whether male or female, but they have fish tails under them. Those monsters rely on their tails to walk, and I used all my power to awaken others. A small half of the soldiers woke up. We drove those mermaids out of the deck. The other party did not have a legendary powerhouse, but they were proficient in the ability of the water system. Our staff was halved again. After the expulsion, I directed the battleship to rush back. Report to you here! "


When Chen Feng heard his words fixed his eyes, the ground shattered suddenly.

He expected that this is a real world. There are naturally other races besides the Nayya, but what he didn't expect is that the other party is so unfriendly, but just passing by the other party ’s territory, the so-called mermaid was created. Such a killing, if it wasn't for the captain waking up halfway, perhaps the entire ship's crew would be slaughtered in their sleep. Until then, it will be truly dead.

Chen Feng was never a passive person. His original intention was to explore the surroundings, but his actions caused a great deal of damage.

Chen Feng took a deep breath.

The extremely depressed atmosphere made other people nearby dare not show up. After a while, he lifted up the soldier in front of him, and Shen said, "Can you still fight?"

The gold-ranked powerhouse, who thought he would be punished, instantly raised his head, and looked at him as if he was dead: "Yes!"

As the captain, two-thirds of the crew members died unexpectedly, and his responsibilities are undoubtedly the greatest. If you can't make up for the work, you can't explain to not only Chen Feng, but also your companions!

"Well ~ ~ Chen Feng nodded slightly, and then commanded a deep voice to the people around him:" Call Wei Xun and the leader to have a meeting in the conference hall! "

A dignified atmosphere spread around.

After a period of promotion, Poseidon was promoted to many backbones. At this time, everyone was sitting around with heavy expressions on their faces, and apparently they heard the bad news.

Chen Feng stood in the middle of the hall. He looked around at the leaders who had reached Qi, and said in a deep voice, "We have suffered an ambush!"

The hall was quiet.

Everyone didn't know what to say, just waiting so quietly for Chen Feng's instructions.

Chen Feng continued: "It's always only we who bully others, and no one has ever dared to bully us. Even if this is not the world we are familiar with, no one can kill my people for no reason, whether it is a sea monster or a mermaid, which hurts my order Or die! "

Chen Feng's expression was ruthless, and his gaze swept around the hall, and he cried, "Calling people!"

"After a period of construction, we have three battleships left, integrate the team, and set off tomorrow!"

"We will go through the sea where the mermaids inhabit, find each other, and then ... kill each other!"


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