The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 999: Hunting ground

The shouts of humans, the screams of barbaric giants, the sound of cannonballs and machine guns, and the countless harsh chirping sounds of the soul, which sounded in the rainy night, formed a blood splash and sparks. The death symphony is like a boiling oil pan, rolling!

The barbaric giant encountered the most horrible attack after coming to the human world. The soldiers from order, adhering to the belief of annihilation, were intertwined with each other. Wang Xudong mobilized his men long before coming, this time to seize the island. , So there is no need to have any live words, to see the enemy, just three words, that is-kill without amnesty!


Xu Hongzhuang took the lead, and the sword in his palm spurted a long sword, sharp and sharp, shining in the night.


A savage giant was cut in half by Xu Hongzhuang with a sword, his bones and flesh spilled to the ground!

Xu Hongzhuang is a legendary master. Natural strength can not be overlooked. When attacking, each sword is like a dragon and snake in parallel. Every time you wield a sword, the life of a barbaric giant is harvested and annihilated!

"You all die for me!"

With a dull shout, Wang Xudong picked up a hammer of several hundred pounds and smashed it with a hammer on the head of the barbaric giant. This monster from another world even tried to stop it, but raised his arms in the other party. When you raise your head horizontally, your body is straightened.

"That's what I want!"

Wang Xudong snarled, stepping on the blood on the ground and Bai Sensen's broken bone stubble, just like a demon coming out of hell, rushed directly to the barbaric giant!

Looking at Wang Xudong exuding a **** smell from the front, the soldiers consciously gave way to each other. Wang Xudong adhering to the blood of the orcs, when transformed, the whole person will gradually fall into madness with the killing. This There are some orc-like rage techniques, even if consciousness will be suppressed, but the power will fully burst out.

Break into the heart of the barbaric giant with your own power!

Even though the soldiers around him had seen Wang Xudong fighting, at this time, they were still a little bit surprised, saying that good collective operations? Are you going to fight these monsters alone?

You know, the strength of those barbaric giants is not weak. The reason for this is just because they are scared by shells. Once they wait for the other party to come back, they may have an impact on their own.

Although thinking in his heart, due to the trust in Wang Xudong, Xu Hongzhuang and others pulled out uniformly and fled back, hiding a long way away.

"Let's all die!"

Wang Xudong raised a scream of sorrow in his hair, full of grievances full of endless pain, which sounded particularly scary in the dark, and many fighters could hear the cold hair blowing up.


At this moment, Wang Xudong really fell into a violent state!

However, Wang Xudong's move was too exaggerated. He has made a full charge and the speed has been developed to the extreme. Even if there are many confidants on the side who want to fight with the other side, but Wang Xudong's speed is too fast to catch up at all. Into the group of barbaric giants.

The savage giants are huge, and some of them are even on par with Wang Xudong after the transformation. Many of his confidantes, such as dipping in an ice cellar, are so cold-hearted that they want to stop, but wherever they can, they can only watch them desperately. Into this madness.

But at this moment, the mutation suddenly emerged!

Everyone only saw a silhouette of Mount Tai, like a mighty giant arrow on the ancient battlefield, cut through the void, and then hit the heart of the barbaric giant first.


There was a bang, and the whole land rang!

The two barbaric giants were smashed back ten meters away by the huge charge, and the wolves were fainted to death. Many people were stunned. When they were settled, they were shocked at the next moment!

Compared with Wang Xudong, the equally powerful and savage giant, now turned into a piece of paper, almost without a decent defense, was killed in this way, and then dropped aside.

If the only remaining barbaric giant, in order to defend the fighters of order, siege himself and his companions to a solid line of defense, then Wang Xudong will tear this line of defense out of nowhere!

Victory may be a foregone conclusion!

Xu Hongzhuang still had a backhand before to let the fallen angels guard, but now, after seeing the barbaric giant in such a disadvantaged state, it is clear that there is no need to hesitate anymore, what to do now is like gathering power into One point, and then slammed the back of the barbaric giant fiercely, completely breaking the backbone of the opponent!

"Come here too!" Xu Hongzhuang yelled in the direction of the battleship, and then, a gray figure descended from the sky, and saw the fallen angel approaching the barbaric giant like a flying swallow in the rain!

I do n’t know if it ’s an illusion or something. They just felt a flower in front of them, and the fallen angels spread their wings behind them. The feathers were like glittering blades, falling endless frost and snowflakes, gorgeous and pulling the wind, Just take a look and you will remember the wonders of thousands of miles of snow!


When the feather of the fallen angel is full of energy, it can be used as a weapon. In addition to her strength, the sharpness of the feather is not inferior to the cold weapon recently researched by order. It is even better than that!

When the fallen angel's body turned, the feathers were like lightnings, and the barbaric giants were chopped into numerous pieces in an instant. The other two barbaric giants reacted, but there was no other way but to let death cover themselves in the next second!

Their end is already doomed, the fallen angel slashed again and again, but just shaking his body, he completely killed the other two barbaric giants, and the corpse rolled aside.

The whole process is just over a second!

Seeing the sharp results of the fallen angels, and his fluffy white hair, many soldiers took a breath and did not know how to describe the current senses.

Xu Hongzhuang did n’t make many shots in the camp. Except when the order was just established, Xu Hongzhuang made many shots, because she needed to take people to clear the enemies and get food around, but as the order grew, many professionals Already able to stand on its own. Since then, Xu Hongzhuang has slowly retreated to the second line. Because of this, after just seeing Xu Hongzhuang's hands, many battles have a shocking sense of heaven!

Everyone naively thought that Xu Hongzhuang combined killing with art, but after they saw the fallen angel's shot, they realized that their insight was originally so short and ignorant!

If Xu Hongzhuang was shocked by the heavens and the heavens, then the fallen angel is exactly the posture of the heavens and the heavens, and the wings behind his movements are simply a real angel!

Fallen angels rarely go out, and even some middle and senior levels have never seen each other's figures. Since the angels have changed their beliefs from the altar, their personality has become particularly silent. Except for Chen Feng's orders, most of the time they are in a kind of [Withered] State!

She likes to be alone in a quiet room. This is a strange alien world. Her beliefs have also changed. The fallen angel is like a puppet without a future. Even if she has the ability to think, she can't say anything about the world. Interest, maybe only when she kills, can she fully shine and bloom herself!

The blood made the fallen angels regain lost happiness. Her cold eyes became a little warm at this time, and her tongue even licked the corners of her mouth, and then stared straight ahead, and slowly grinned. Cruel smile.

The fallen angel chuckled, and those clear blue eyes shone and rose to mid-air, and then the wings behind them suddenly spread out and turned into illusory energies, which penetrated the bodies of countless barbaric giants from top to bottom!

Xu Hongzhuang, Wang Xudong, and Fallen Angels, like the three sickle of death, suddenly cut through the barbaric giant's defense line, exposing the weakest part of the opponent to the soldiers!

There are three strong men in the front to support it, and the soldiers of the order will naturally not wait to die. In the rear, there are also many amazing soldiers who are engaged in the killing. Because of the different means of the professionals, the ability to perform is naturally also the same. Strange!

One of them was a worm-controller. The tricks he used were very special, which made people shine!

The insect control division is a special awakening among professionals. In the past, they have controlled insects to charge for themselves. For ordinary people, insects are synonymous with horrors, especially mutant insects, which are a few meters or even a dozen meters in size, dancing. Just like it looks, courage is completely dried up like a discouraged balloon, but for insect control divisions, bugs are their best companions or tools!

This insect controller is also a master of the golden order. He controls five insects in his hand, namely two sandworms, a sickle mantis, a purple cockroach, and a maggot-like worm.

The four bugs in front show the terrible side of the mutant bugs. They kill and have more destructive and lethal power than humans!

But the maggot didn't show any extraordinary skills from beginning to end, just slowly creeping, and gliding towards the barbaric giant leaning back not far away!

After a period of slaughter, the barbaric giant also noticed the fear of the enemy, so instead of charging blindly, he chose to unite together. The individual strength of the barbaric giant was not weak. After the reaction, the casualty rate dropped significantly. This means that Now, this plan is very feasible!

But when the barbaric giants gathered together and tried to stop the human soldiers, the creeping maggots suddenly appeared in front of their eyes. At this moment, the maggots opened their mouths, and suddenly a sweetness appeared in the air around them!

It's hard to imagine!

Because most worms have an uncontrollable stench, just standing for a while, they can't bear it and hide aside, but this maggot looks very ugly, but the smell is so sweet. The taste is even ten times sweeter than blood honey!

Humans are extremely disgusted with bugs. At this time, they can't help but let them sip, and they even want to lie on the maggots. As a barren giant, it is naturally more difficult to suppress the throbbing in the heart. After a few seconds, Ascaris, like a rose that attracts bees, encourages the barbaric giants assembled in a team to rush towards each other!

This maggot is more than four meters long, and the white body seems quite delicious!

The dozens of barbaric giants set the danger aside at this time, all lying on the maggots as if crazy, and began to bite, and the maggots didn't seem to have any defense at all, and let dozens of barbaric giants kill themselves. No defense at all!

After the maggots completely entered the barbaric giant's belly, the people around them who were attracted by sweetness awakened, but at this time, they felt a nausea afterwards.

What a joke!

I want to lick a tapeworm?

I must be crazy!

The maggot just gave off a strange scent. The scent seemed to have a temptation to the surrounding life. Not only the barbaric giant, but also human beings were attracted and immersed in the sweetness. After the killing, the people awakened. The tapeworm is the tapeworm. Even if it is sweet, it will not change the appearance of the other party!

When the onlookers of the unknown truth exclaimed, they were nauseated.

Sudden change!

I saw one of the savage giants that swallowed the roundworm suddenly went crazy ~ ~ lay down on the ground and rolled around, constantly curling the huge body, and making a sound like a glass scraping Sharp wailing.

Witnessing the barbaric giant's pain, the soldiers around him could not help frowning, which is also [the more beautiful the mushroom, the more poisonous it is? 】

The maggot may carry some venom, forcing the barbaric giant's intestines to gnaw through it!

And the situation is far more than everyone imagined. At this time, the barbaric giant's body swelled like a blown balloon, and then its huge body burst open every inch!


There was a deafening deafening sound, no flames, no smoke, some just endless toxins and shock waves!

It's just like dying and rotten!

The barbaric giants who had thought of a big mouthful at all did not expect that the companions who had eaten tapeworms would explode without warning. At the same time, the barbarian giants that swallowed tapeworms finally showed a hint of fear, when they were at a loss, An unbearable severe pain began to emerge in the abdomen!

In this way, in the eyes of everyone's surprise, the bodies of dozens of barbaric giants bulged up, without even a chance of sorrow, so it completely burst into pieces and turned into a corpse!

The island has completely become a hunting ground, the barbaric giant that originally occupied the land has become a sad prey, and the human being is a brutal hunter.

Everyone did not forget the ultimate policy of this mission ... kill without amnesty!

In this way, under the baptism of gunfire and the attack of soldiers led by Xu Hongzhuang, after a two-hour killing, when the last barbaric giant fell to the pool of blood, it foreshadowed that the war of aggression was finally painted with victory. A perfect period!

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