Chapter 772

That is a strange shop.

What is sold is not clothing, food, or other conventional items.

It’s something strange in shape.

Some things that are not even sure about their function.

At least.

For a while, Houhou couldn’t think of what those things could do.

Subconsciously frowned.

But in the eyes of Olga, the situation is somewhat different.

Because the prototypes of those gadgets are basically the products of the earth around the beginning of the 20th century.

As for the existing manufacturing process revealed by those imitations.

To be honest, it’s a bit horrible…

At a glance, Olga even felt that it was a recycling station for old waste products.

This situation.

Immediately made his heart more or less have some bottom.

At the very least, [Umbrella Company]’s ectopic counterparts came to expand their business, this option can be eliminated.

As a company or power, if they really expand their business to this area, then it must be impossible to use such low technology and craftsmanship.

Therefore, there is a high probability that the shop in front only belongs to a certain person who crosses.

And it’s still the kind of miserable traversing person who has nothing to hang on.

Otherwise, those things would never be so rough…

Just as Olga was thinking about things silently.

Due to the influence of appearance and other factors, many passers-by in the surrounding area also secretly paid attention to Orjuga and Houhou, and they were very curious in their hearts. This is not what ordinary people are doing.

There were so many onlookers that even the owner of the shop in the distance was attracted some attention.

Only the first second.

Although there was a large circle of people there, Zhao Hua, the owner of the shop, immediately determined who caused the onlookers.

Because the two situations are really too prominent.

First of all, the unknown woman was so dazzling that one might not dare to look directly at it.

That perfect appearance, just looking at it makes people feel self-confident, as if own gaze, not worthy of looking at the other person.

And the contradictory temperament that Sacred is inviolable and feminine and charming is even more instinctive.

There is no need for any superfluous reasons.

Zhao Hua directly determined that this was an existence he couldn’t afford.

As long as you want to live longer for two or three years, don’t think too much.

It is too high to climb.

However, even if the woman is so good, she still looks a little inconspicuous in front of the man whose hair looks like blood.

The appearance of the other party is second.

Although he is extremely handsome, he is not biased towards feminine or neutral. Anyone can see him at the first glance and determine his gender without any obstacles.

More importantly, there is a strange feeling in him.

Even if you don’t say a word, it is as noticeable as it is illuminated by countless spotlights.

Anyone, as long as he looks in that direction, his gaze will inevitably be attracted to that man.


The meaning is of course not very accurate.

But it can indeed be described in that way.

It is as if that is the center of everything and the maelstrom that attracts everything.

In addition, at the first moment when he saw the other party, inexplicably, a fear of fear emerged in Zhao Hua’s heart instinctively.

Sweat can’t help flowing down from his forehead.

Subconsciously, he retracted his own head automatically.

At this moment, if you can.

Zhao Hua even wanted to get his whole body into the soil, just begging to be a little farther away from the other party.

That level of fear, even if he encountered a big demon before, he was almost taken alive, and it was never given to him…

‘…Don’t see me…Don’t see me…Don’t see me…’

But soon, in fear.

He was desperate to find that the direction the other party’s eyes were looking at seemed to be the own shop.

This discovery caused his heart to be mentioned immediately.

at the same time.

Under the emotion of fear, a lot of unwillingness was also produced in his heart.

‘Damn it, if I had a plug-in, where would I fall into this field? ’

Thinking of this, for a time.

It can be described as jealous and fear in his heart, repeated over and over again.

What exactly is a traverser without a plug-in?

Zhao Hua had discussed related issues on the Internet with people before.

Some people think that since they and others have received modern education, they will not be too miserable.

Some people think that if the overall environment is okay, then it should be able to get mixed up. If the overall environment is bad, then the modern National People’s Congress will probably have to hit the streets.

To put it bluntly, it is said that it can be the king and hegemony, and it is also said that it will make life worse than death.

Anyway, their opinions are very different, and they are also very reasonable and logical.

At the moment, Zhao Hua used his own practical experience to verify the problem to a certain extent.

In these years of struggle.

His biggest thought was that he didn’t even hang it, so he was wearing a snakeskin!

Really come to suffer!

No internet!

No takeaway!

no warranty!

Every day I have to worry about whether I will be beaten to death by someone else one day.

Want to practice martial arts to protect yourself?

One has no way, and two has no qualifications.

He felt that he really came to be a stepping stone for others.

The only fortunate thing is that as a mechanical professional, Zhao Hua still has a good understanding of most of the commonly used machines with relatively simple structures in modern society, and he did not return all his knowledge and technology to his own teacher.

Therefore, relying on the strength of a skill, Zhao Hua barely managed to become a craftsman in the [Tianluo Real World].

Even after a period of time, relying on his excellent ability, he was quite successful in achieving self-reliance!

There is a feeling of suffering!

However, he was totally unhappy.

Because, he recalled another traverser he had encountered.

Thinking of each other.

In his heart, it can be said that he gritted his teeth with jealousy.

Different from the soul who passed through and didn’t get any benefits, he was a guy configured by the protagonist, a traverser with a plug-in.

The opponent is not just reincarnated as a direct member of a large family.

With the help of the plug-in, all kinds of problems in career and practice are smooth sailing.

From time to time, even as a very weak mortal, Zhao Hua could hear part of the other party’s rumors.

It can be said that in front of the other party, Zhao Hua is as miserable as a roadside beggar, and there is no comparability at all.

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