Chapter 734

Spells, artillery, and even all kinds of weird weapons and units.

It was the same as the exhibition being held, and at the same time appeared on the [Sixth Stage], which was not so peaceful.

The number of them is so large that people do not know which counting unit should be used as the basic value for calculation.

Even if it is judged by the amazing eyesight of [Travelling Mage].

Brigadier General Gufu can only call this kind of scene overwhelming!

As far as the eye can see.

Except for the madly rushing enemies and the attacks from the opponent, he couldn’t see anything else at all.

Even the Clear Sky, which had been repeatedly strengthened in many ways in advance, seemed a little too reluctant in the face of such a strong offensive.

Restored to the original size of the hull, under their impact, like a canoe tumbling in a huge wave, shaking like crazy!

Even, it’s a bit similar to the gambler’s pot upside down in the hands of a gambler!

That is to say, there is no weak person on the entire ship [Clear Sky].

Otherwise, just this shaking sensation can shake people to death abruptly!

“Main artillery! Fight back at full power!”

Under the influence of the spell, Brigadier General Gufu’s loud roar was accurately conveyed to the ears of every crew member!

Next second.

The dazzling shelling burst out from the main guns of the [Clear Sky]!

That kind of sight, that shelling is like drawing the dividing line of the world.

In an instant, with an absolute quality advantage, countless attacks and obstacles that were hundreds of times larger than yourself were annihilated!

Directly forcibly in countless attacks, temporarily opened up a safe area for himself.

And taking advantage of this short moment of being created.

The nine powerhouses present, as experienced generations, did not hesitate, and came to the outside of the [Clear Sky] in a short time.

The next moment.

Nine huge metal figures appeared here!

Under the weight of the Star, it was only the moment they landed.

A violent earthquake, like a doomsday disaster, directly forcibly shook everything within a radius of tens of kilometers into the air!

That kind of scene is like dust flying up on the sand where a giant has stepped on it.

Then, before the enemy reacted.

Countless attacks, like squally storms, were launched directly from various parts of the body of [Titan Engine]!

Facing the [Phyrexians] the overwhelming offensive just now.

At the moment, nine of them posture [Titan Engine] and chose to fight back in the same way!

Endless flames and explosions began to echo crazily within the [Sixth Stage Day]!

Countless evil, twisted, and corrupt things have been destroyed along with their creators…

Soon, as the battle began.

[Phyrexian World] In other regions, various forces are gradually pouring into here.

First of all, the fastest-moving enemy is a kind of terrible twisted monster whose nature is similar to a spiritual body, but its shape is like countless nightmares.

They were originally sentinels of the [Phyrexian World], wandering in [Third Stage Day], possessing the power to interfere with time and space, and capable of preventing [Travelling Mage] from teleporting freely. They also used Urza in the past. They have caused a lot of trouble!

But at this time, after receiving the signal.

They have no entity themselves, they immediately become efficient troops, and they traversed all the obstacles on the way directly and arrived at the [Sixth Stage] one after another!

When their huge groups floated in the sky, it was like a huge black curtain, making the already dark space around them even more pitch black and unpredictable.


It is a special creation specially used by Yogmov to target the [Travelling Mage].

Countless interfering forces have gradually centered on them, continuously madly impacting the [Travelling Master] present!

When Urza and the others are limited in their power, they will also feel quite uncomfortable.

If it is said that the ubiquitous power of time and space was originally the flow of water that could be used freely by them, then under the interference of the other party, it directly turned into an unknown liquid with glue, which is really disgusting!

Such a severe form.

Immediately let Brigadier General Gufu frowned.

After thinking slightly for a few seconds, in a special communication channel, he spoke to Urza with a serious attitude:

“It’s totally impossible to go on like this! If we procrastinate for a long time, we will inevitably be consumed!”

“We have only two choices now. Either quickly break through to a deeper area, or place the [Soul Bomb] directly on the spot, detonate it quickly, and then retreat!”

Faced with these two choices.

Urza, who knew what the other party said was true, even though his own reason was making him choose the second option, and he would accept it when he got it right.

But the feelings of unwillingness and resentment, and even the death of his own Little Brother, appeared in his mind one after another at this moment…

To know.

This is the time when he was closest to Yogmov for so many years…


After hesitating for a while, Urza still replied:

“I think we have to break through to a deeper area!”

“If we miss this opportunity that can cause serious damage to Yogmov, next time, we may not be able to get in successfully!”

Although the words are sound-sounding and reasonable, the classic stud dog gambling attitude that can’t let go of hatred can be clearly heard by him or Brigadier-General Gufu.

To this.

Brigadier-General Guff is also a bit difficult.

In his opinion.

Now that there is a guarantee, after a problem occurs, a quick and timely stop loss is the king!

But the [Soul Bomb] and the detonator are in Urza’s hands…

This makes him very painful…

Originally, he thought that other [Brigade Masters] would lose their chains and even betray them.

But I never thought that the guy who had the problem first was Urza, his own person who suddenly became confused…

“NMD…What kind of trash teammates are this…”

Although I was a little annoyed, I wanted to give the opponent two spells to calm him down, but at this moment, he knew that he would not be able to persuade the opponent, and it was even less likely that the Brigadier General Gufu, who fought on the spot, was in a little mood after his face twitched twice. Quite helplessly agreed:

“In that case, then we try to create opportunities for you…”

In the end, he still felt a little uneasy, and did not forget to add:

“If something goes wrong, you must ensure that [Soul Blast] can be activated normally!”

Hear the other party agreeing to own request.

Even though he knew that the other party wanted to slap him twice, Urza was still slightly relieved.

“Understand, I have a bottom in my heart.”

It’s okay not to say this.

As soon as I said it, I was forcibly pressing down the angry Brigadier General Gufu, and he almost didn’t hold back and beat Urza first…

‘You have a hanging bottom! ’

Apart from swearing secretly, Brigadier General Gufu could only communicate with others by pinching his nose.

Begin to try to help Urza make a plan to break through [Phyrexian World] deeper.

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