Chapter 719 [Red Dragon]

Standing in the endless void.

Looking at the burning giant tree in the distance.

The black giant wolf’s originally rather cold and unforgiving gaze, after witnessing the complete destruction of own [home], he couldn’t help showing a little strange color.

As an intelligent creature.

Although the existence of the [World Tree] greatly reduced his freedom, it also carried his past life.

Therefore, at this time, his mood is also a bit unavoidable with mixed feelings…

After being silent for a while.

He turned his head and looked at the giant snake beside him staring blankly at the burning scene of the [World Tree], and whispered:

“We should go, or there will be additional risks.”

The scaly armor was illuminated by the red fire light and turned into a fiery red giant snake, and he nodded slowly:

“I understand, just go to another world according to the original plan…”

In the crevices of his scales, there are the [fairies] who have restored the form of [Aniil Protoss].

It is different from the [Protoss of Enil] who is immersed in joy and cheering frantically.

Both the giant snake and the giant wolf can clearly feel it, and in that fiercely burning [World Tree], there are two terrifying forces that are increasing crazily.

They are the [World Destroyer] who achieved the [Destiny], and the [Devil] who successfully destroyed the [World Tree] hundreds of thousands of [Realm], and slaughtered an unknown number of Jingzhao beings.

At this moment.

Although under the characteristics of their respective powers, the giant wolves that control [Killing] should not need to be afraid of each other in theory.

But he instinctively had a deep and ominous premonition in his heart, urging him to leave as soon as possible.


He could vaguely feel that the increase in the opponent’s strength was extremely wrong, far surpassing him, as if something was being catalyzed insanely…

Therefore, after looking at the burning [World Tree] for the last time, the giant wolf had no choice but to turn around and leave.

The giant snake took billions of [Protoss of Enil] and disappeared into the depths of the void together with them, and disappeared…


A few days later.

The [World Tree] resembling a giant torch suddenly resounded with a violent explosion.

Originally the sound was sparse, but as time passed, the bursting sound became denser.


After a sudden loud noise, two dragon wings burning with black flames extended from the trunk of the [World Tree]!

Their size is like two boundless sky domes!

It can completely cover dozens of worlds!

Then there was an even more intense popping sound.

Even though it had been burning for several days, the [World Tree], which had been standing still, finally collapsed at this moment!

Against the backdrop of countless fires, a body of scales appeared dark red, and the body was extremely majestic. The red dragon with a crown composed of ten long horns on top of his head slowly showed his body shape gracefully!

This is the result of Olga’s fusion of Niederhogg and his Devil form clone.

After he appeared.

The surrounding void immediately began to crazily distorted, as if it could not carry [Red Dragon].

This is a power beyond the imagination of mortals.

Just exist, you can destroy all neighboring time and space!


When the fire on the wreckage of the [World Tree] completely dissipated.

Everything falls into nothingness.

[Red Dragon] also disappeared in the depths of the void, quietly waiting for the end of this plane…


【The World of Tarkir】

Since [Dragon Race-Journey Master-Wujin] has fallen.

The dragons here have completely lost the ability to reproduce.

Subsequently, the humans and many other races secretly planning, after confirming the weakness of the dragon race.

Facing his own ambition and the brutal rule of the dragon clan.

Relying on the dragon-slaying knowledge obtained from a certain secret treasure, they raised the anti-flag.

It took hundreds of years.

They have completely beheaded the entire world of [Pure-blood Dragons], and only a handful of mixed-breeds that are not threatening have been left behind.


【The World of Tarkir】has ushered in the second millennium belonging to mankind.

As for those alien races that launched a rebellion with humans to exterminate the [Dragon Race]?

It’s already on the street.

After all, only one overlord race is enough!

The history of the [Dragon Race] left over from the past has already been regarded as myths and legends by the new generation of humans in the current period of time.

If it weren’t for the various [dragon clan] bones that were still stored in the family treasury of various nobles, perhaps someone would have begun to wonder if there was a real “dragon clan” in this world thousands of years ago.

The vast majority of people want to understand the existence of [Dragon Race], basically they can only make up for themselves by relying on various ancient books.

And those ancient books all have some of the same characteristics.

For example, the dragons recorded in it are powerful, smart, and fierce without exception…

As for the reason?

It is the rulers who want to use this to brag about the past dragon-slaying achievements of their ancestors, so that as the descendants of the dragon-slayers, they can achieve the purpose of stabilizing their own status!

However, this not only strengthened the Sacred sex of their dominance, but also gave birth to some specific groups of people.

Some crazy admirers of [Dragon Race]!

They believe that the reason why a race as powerful as the [Dragon Race] suddenly lost its original absolute dominance and headed for mass extinction must have great secrets!


Under the circulatory force and various brain supplements, many careerists believe that although the [Dragon Race] is destroyed due to some factors, it must be somewhere in this world that it will leave behind enough power to change everything!

Anyone, once they get it, they will become the ruler of the world!

Similar stories, as many as thousands of versions!

Even if there is no basis, after the number of people who blow it has increased, there are still many believers.

So, driven by greed.

Countless careerists have just searched for all kinds of secret materials and rummaged through various corners, large and small, with the intention of finding the so-called treasure.

Even a lot of things happen every year!

The rulers are also a little bit painful.

And [Travelling Mage-Kezakhanwo] was born in this world under this somewhat complicated situation.

Since he was young, he has always worshipped the powers revealed by the [Dragons] in various legends.

Even, I often have dreams about [Dragons].

Dreaming of becoming a giant dragon, flying freely in the sky, hunting all kinds of prey at will…

That feeling made him very addicted!


After getting into the prime of life in Kesakanwo.

Maybe it’s talent, maybe it’s luck.

He successfully obtained the apocalypse!

[Pure-blooded Dragon Race-Marz] The [Dragon Race Ceremony] left over thousands of years ago gave Kesakkanvo special power and knowledge, enabling him to continue to pursue his dreams!


It took him decades to successfully awaken his own [Spark] and gain the power to manipulate time and space.

Then he traveled for hundreds of years in different worlds.

Now, after experiencing untold hardships, he finally gained the power to change the [Takir World], and once again returned to his long-lost hometown!

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