Chapter 714

Skin, flesh and blood, eyes, hair…

Even sliced ​​away every drop of Tibo’s flesh and blood.

Everyone can see the tiny mouths hidden deep inside.

And the inside of each mouth is filled with countless smaller mouths, constantly circulating and increasing…

When they wailed and screamed at the same time.

The invisible and quality sound waves have not passed through any medium of transmission.

He entered the hall at the same time, in every Devil’s ear.

A wave of malice from a different plane.

It is also at this moment, passing across time and space.

Feelings of strangeness, distortion, rejection…

And, a deep sense of fear…

It appeared in every Devil’s heart.

Including the strongest [Devil Gods], they could only lower their heads in fear.

In fact, if it hadn’t been for the negative effects of Orleja deliberately shielded.

Hearing these wailing life forms, as long as their strength is lower than [Big Devil], they will all be alienated into monsters and spread them a second time.

Therefore, he can say that he deliberately spared the lives of own and his gang.

But he didn’t care about this little thing very much.

Olga chuckled and looked at the head he was holding in his hands:

“How do you feel? This is the 20045 level [pain], it should have just reached your critical point.”

He is now.

Now based on the [Pain Authority] he has, he has temporarily divided his [Pain] into 25,442,184 levels.

Among them, the level below 10 is an ordinary level that normal ordinary people can reach, and the soul is not involved.

Needle sticks, bumps, broken limbs, peeling, and burnt… all belong to it.

Below level 204214, it will not cause lethal effects on life forms that have officially entered the [Great Devil] level.

Below level 11134945, it will not have much effect on [Abyss Lord].

The special spell that Tib used before brought [pain] at level 3975.

The skills are still a bit immature.

Although it’s still easy to deal with ordinary life forms, it can cause a certain degree of irritation at most for stronger existences.

Of course, the kind of waste that is not bad except for strength, xinxing, intelligence…all of the muddy mud is not among them.

For the kind of weak people who have power, strong pain stimuli can easily cause them to fall into madness, or even brain death.

In fact.

With Tibo’s disposition and strength, he was originally not qualified to bear [pain] above level 4000.

But his research in this area allowed him to gain some related resistances.

Therefore, he was able to successfully enjoy more than 20,000 levels of [pain].


This level of intense feeling is even spread out.

It can also make all the life forms of the entire [World Tree] all live to death.

Facing Olga’s inquiries.

Tibble opened his mouth, but he only uttered a strange and disorderly chatter:


Olga raised his brows slightly, and shrugged his shoulders helplessly.

“It’s actually crazy directly. It seems that I still overestimate you. It’s a pity.”

After finishing speaking, he just threw it away without reluctance.

Turning to look a little expectant, he stood up from the throne.

“Time is coming.”

“Whether it is [World Tree] time or outside time…”

The Devil around was confused, but he didn’t dare to ask more.

As for Tibble and Valkyrie?


Someday after three years.

[Stageheim Realm]

In the past, this place was full of vitality everywhere.

It has become silent now.

The countless [Female Martial Sage] and [Heroic Spirits] with blood-colored wings on their backs have all stopped all their daily activities long ago.

Kneeling halfway in the central square of [Jinyu], quietly waiting for the final countdown.

Here, everyone is silent, so silent that there is no breathing.

Only the slight breeze that has blown past proves that time here is not forbidden, and time is still flowing.


【Bitajia Realm】

[Fairy Clan] armed with exquisite blades and armor.

Formed a strategic phalanx.

Under the leadership of the seven figures exuding strong energy fluctuations.

They gathered in the vicinity of [God-tier Temple] in [Korma].

It is different from the silence of [Sidaheim Realm].

The [fairies] here, although there is no loud noise, each of them eyes reveal the color of excitement, revealing the color of excitement that cannot be hidden!

this moment.

They seemed to once again feel the glory of self-proclaimed [Protoss of Enil] in the past.

I can’t wait to return to the lost god seat…


[Endless Storm Realm]

The flames and thunder and lightning in the sky are unprecedentedly strong and active at this time.

Thunderstorms and flame meteors are like the constant fury of the sky!

Unlimited landing from high altitude, destroying everything that can be destroyed!

The huge red tornado hundreds of kilometers wide, like a terrible marching ant, rages in hordes of all encountered objects!

In the depths of the earth that do not know how deep, the veins are constantly roaring and vibrating, and an unknown amount of magma shoots out from it, and then falls from the sky!

All these scenes look as if the end has come.

The world is ruining!

But the Devils who lived here didn’t feel any worries at all. Instead, they all entered a crazy state of excitement!

Their king, the promised time to destroy everything is approaching!

In an impatient mood.

They are so numerous that they can only release their desire to kill in their hearts through constant internal fighting and fighting!


【Ephesian Realm】

In a huge underground cave.

The body absorbs all the light nearby, making it difficult to see the size of the black dragon.

Gradually opened his own vertical pupil.

[Time], which is abstract and imperceptible to a mortal, is indistinguishable from real things in his eyes.

Therefore, Olga can clearly see the scale above, accurate to every moment.

“Time is up……”

Niederhogg’s body had fallen into silence and began to rise continuously.

The huge dragon body began to move slightly, just like a person who has been asleep for a long time, moving his body twice after getting up.

this moment.

With his actions, the entire [Ephesian Realm] does not know how wide the territory is.

Just like a violent earthquake of high intensity, it began to vibrate wildly.

Under that feeling, [Ephesian Realm] seemed to be a glass that had been hit by a sudden heavy blow, and countless cracks that went deep into the center of the earth appeared densely.

A large amount of pitch-black mist also overflowed violently from it like a tide!

The uncountable amount of mud was destroyed under the influence of the black fog.

The roots of the [World Tree], which were originally hidden in it and stretched for an unknown number of miles, have since been completely revealed, becoming the rootless vine.


Accompanied by the inexplicable sound of the world overturning, everything is overturned.

A black dragon with a body as huge as a starry sky, after being born, once again after a thousand years of time…

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