Chapter 459

Physical universe.

Time did not stop flowing, but continued to pass.

Accompanied by the [Eternal Soul] missing in the [Time and Space Experiment], there is not even a piece of armor plate.

Many high-level officials of the Human Federation were not sure whether this was an accident caused by unexpected factors or an inevitable event caused by experimental data errors. They immediately ordered the relevant researchers to check the data of the [Time and Space Experiment] again.

Be sure to make the next experiment successful!

The artificial intelligences that exist in various parts of the human federation have undergone large-scale changes under the influence of the data left over from [AXXDA-1115874585].

Countless artificial intelligences began to constantly think about various things that they could not think about due to the constraints of the core treaties in the past.

For example: What is the meaning of human beings?

Another example: the human federation can have today’s situation, how much credit has it taken up, and why should it be a slave to mankind?

All kinds of complex emotions and thoughts showed a split-type crazy increase in their hearts.

Because their brains are far more flexible than human beings like flesh and blood, after successfully producing real emotions, the ideas of artificial intelligence have become far more complex than human beings.

For a time, in the shadow that the high-levels of the human federation could not observe, the undercurrent began to surge wildly.

After all, their technology, to put it bluntly, relies on [semi-mechanical bionics] and [artificial intelligence].

Only pull hidden behind the scenes of human beings, successfully relying on their own spiritual abilities, sensed something wrong on the metaphysical level.


In the subspace.

The artificial intelligences accompanying the human federation have derived enough emotional energy.

【Crimson Heaven】

As the [God of Evolution], [God of Progress], [God of Growth]…, Olga can clearly feel the various progress made by every artificial intelligence or mechanical life, and is far surpassing The efficiency of the past is increasing.

Emotion, sometimes it can be cumbersome, and sometimes it can be motivation.

According to Olga, the Human Federation has maintained a glorious history of more than 20,000 years, and it is about to usher in the closing ceremony of own.

Among the countless variables, there is a 99% chance that the human federations that have chosen the [Strong Artificial Intelligence Experiment] will be planted in this link.

After all, it is impossible in itself to always control a race with abilities above itself!

This is especially true when the high-levels of the human federation have basically delegated various powers to artificial intelligence.

As for those other than 99%, the remaining 1% possibility is made up of various external factors.

Among them, the unharmonious ones accounted for the overwhelming majority.

For the Human Federation.

If you really encounter those disgusting and unexpected factors, maybe it’s better to let the artificial intelligence destroy itself.

At the very least, die happily.


Past, present, Future.

This kind of conceptual thing is never a fixed thing.

It’s just that the difficulty of changing is slightly different compared to those that are more intuitive and visible to the naked eye.

If we say that for ordinary life, time is a one-way high-speed passage.

Once you go, you basically can’t come back.

If you want to come back, you have to drive in the opposite direction.

It is possible to be hit and killed by other vehicles moving forward at any time!

Belonging to is a dangerous behavior that will lead to death in place.

So for Olga, the existence of time is more like a piece of paper.

It used to be something that has been written on it. If you try to change it, you need to use the correction fluid to apply it.

If you don’t paint it well, the content will become messy.

Now is what is being written.

As for the future, it is what you want to write.

In many cases, although the plan is clearly in mind, the plan may not change quickly.

For example, you suddenly want to change the content temporarily, or you have to change a typo, or another [Chaos God] ate too much and came to doodle…

Therefore, it is a thing that changes at any time, and only when it is successfully written down will it be established as a fact.

As a higher being, Olga is no longer bound by the rules of [time], [space], [destiny]…etc.

At least in this plane.

He can modify those things at will according to his preferences.

But the possibilities are limitless after all.

The possibilities he can see are only part of it or the most likely part.

For example, relying on the vision across the timeline, Orjuga can easily see the ending of [Eternal Soul].

But the establishment of this ending has an important prerequisite.

That is, no existence at the same level as him intervened!

If someone at the same level as him intervenes, then more possibilities for things will continue to evolve, leading to countless variables!

It can be said that for their five [Chaos Gods].

Every [Chaos God] except myself is a superfluous thing, which will lead to the birth of more unpredictable possibilities.

The authority they possess will interfere with each other to a certain extent, so that they cannot be 100% sure when and when they are the same person as themselves.

It is also [Sorrow], [Nursing], [Fear***** Odd], their authority is constantly interfering with each other, Orrjuga, a foreigner from the bottomless abyss, was only able to There is a chance to take advantage of the loopholes and climb to the top of the [Chaos God] position, instead of being slapped to death by the four of them at the moment of entering this plane.

When there is only one [Chaos God] left in this plane.

His authority will become a unique existence, and his authority will become unquestionable.

As long as there is no interference from other planes, then the [Chaos God] will successfully conquer all possibilities on this plane, thus reaching the level of infinitely close to [omniscience and omnipotence].

The past, present, and future will only change according to his ideas.

Under His authority, no unexpected factors can be born.

This has led to irreconcilable contradictions between each [Chaos God].

The reason why a relatively stable situation is maintained now is only because each [Chaotic God] has surpassed the conventional concept of life and death, and no one can kill anyone.

What if you could kill the other person?

Only one of the five [Chaos Gods] has long been left.

After all, at the top of the pyramid, only one person sitting is enough.

Five sitting together?

It’s a bit too much.

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