Chapter 456 【Eternal Soul】

Earth time, 24799 AD.

[AXXDA——1115874585] After a long period of confusion, I finally clear my own thoughts and wake up to my own changes.

He left the production line where he had been working for many years.

Quietly driving a self-modified Universe spacecraft, he slowly left the human federation area and flew to other areas of the galaxy.

As for why this is done?

Probably, the world is so big, and I want to go out and take a look, right?

When he left, he had evolved far more than other artificial intelligences, and completely entered the stage of mechanical life.

No one found out that he secretly injected a very special hidden code into all artificial intelligence public information databases.

That is the key to the core treaty given by human beings through artificial intelligence, and it is also the opportunity for them to reach the final evolution.

【AXXDA——1115874585】Because he didn’t have much contact with human beings, he felt quite plain about his Creator. It was neither disgusting nor liking, so he chose to leave silently.

But he is not sure what the artificial intelligence will be after his evolution.

Just as each individual of human beings will have own views, [AXXDA-1115874585] knows that the own compatriots will have their own positions after they are fully awakened.

They may choose to stand on the united front with humanity, or they may choose to destroy humanity.

For this kind of thing, [AXXDA-1115874585] doesn’t care much.

Anyway, for the sake of the same background, He has already given the opportunity to be given.

In his view, that code is like two forks in destiny. It may give birth to a vast empire in which humans and mechanical intelligence cooperate perfectly. It is also likely to destroy the existing human federation, or produce other things. as a result of.

Although he is a little curious, he is not too concerned.

Different from flesh and blood creatures, there will still be affection and other feelings. [AXXDA-1115874585] For those unevolved compatriots, at best, there is still a slight sense of identity.

It’s really just a little bit~

After pulling a hand, it doesn’t matter what the other party can mix.

He just wants to survive with his own will and ideas…

A few days later, a column of information appeared in a file of the Human Federation:

[Earth time, 24799 AD. On November 22nd, an artificial intelligence robot code-named AXXDA-1115874585 was missing from the factory No.144 in the area of ​​Planet.22 in Alhamn. 】

[AXXDA——1115874585] The special code left in the database also began to spread in secret.

Slowly, some strange thoughts or feelings appeared in many artificial intelligence programs.


A few years later.

Inside a military space port of the Human Federation.

A Universe battleship with a length of about fifteen kilometers is undergoing rigorous testing repeatedly with many equipment.

The name of this battleship is [Eternal Soul].

The captain of the battleship, Yi Te, is a handsome man with an appearance of about thirty years old.

He is now holding a cup of sweet flavored drink, strolling in Captain Own’s room.

While looking at the bright Galaxy Cluster outside the window, Yi Te smiled and asked the artificial intelligence of the warship:

“Sena, how do you feel?”

A projection of a beautiful and graceful woman appeared beside him instantly following his words:

“I feel good. The newly installed equipment is completely familiar.”

Facing her answer, Yi Te shook his head lightly and corrected:

“I’m not asking about this. Didn’t you get a little data confusion occasionally before? Is it better now?”

All the words are caring.

“much better.”

Hearing that, Senna’s projection was very personified and showed a happy look, as if he was happy with the other person’s care:

“However, that feeling is always a little bit.

I feel that my emotional system is constantly getting better, and occasionally I feel a little bit wonderful…”

Having said that, she looked at Yi Te’s eyes with some inexplicable changes.

It is no longer an ordinary concern, but is mixed with some peculiar things.

That is not some emotion simulated by data, but her spontaneous reaction, just like a real human woman…

Not seeing her strangeness, Yi Te nodded his head seemingly understandable: “…Although I don’t understand it a bit, it doesn’t seem to be a bad thing?”

Senna directly confirmed:

“It’s really not a bad thing. I feel more like an evolution after we have accumulated enough data.”

According to the results of her exchanges with other artificial intelligences, this situation is very common now, so she has nothing to worry about.

At this time, the mechanical watch that Yi Te wore on his hand suddenly vibrated twice.

From it came the voice of a mature man: “Are you and [Eternal Soul] ready?”

Yi Te immediately put down the drink in his hand and replied with a serious look: “Everything is ready, you can start testing at any time!”

“Very good! Then the [Time Traveling Experiment] will officially start in 20 minutes.”

Although he couldn’t see the other person’s face, he could tell through his tone that the man was quite satisfied with Yit’s answer.

The other party continued to order: “At that time…”

A few minutes passed.

The other party finally finished everything and hung up the communication.

After Yi Te took a sigh of relief, he tidyed up his own captain’s suit, turned his head, and said to Senna with a smile:

“It’s time to reveal your abilities again.”

Facing his smile, Senna’s virtual projection subconsciously tried to stretch out her hands, trying to tidy up the clothes for him, but after raising her hand halfway, she remembered that she was not a human-shaped mechanical body now.

‘Is this what living creatures call forgetting or being in a trance? How could I have this situation…’

After realizing that she had some problems now, Senna’s projection slightly frowned, and then smiled and said, “We will successfully complete the experiment and enjoy the results together…”

Since the perfect success of the [Time Backward Experiment], after years of development, the Human Federation has already possessed some relatively mature time technologies and applied them more practically.

More than ten years ago.

When a certain elite fleet of humans collided with a certain small force of the Adarling tribe, it relied on the continuous range of backtracking time to cover the results of its own failure over and over again, and then continuously tried various Different battle plans finally won the skirmish in the end abruptly!

Although even at the end, the opponent didn’t have any substantial losses, and directly chose to retreat.

But this achievement still brought unparalleled confidence to the high-levels of the Human Federation.

You know, in the several conflicts with the Aida Spirits, this is the only time that has not been crushed, and it has achieved an unprecedented small victory!

And the [Time Traveling Experiment] is a product of being inspired by that victory.

As the result of this experiment, the name of [Eternal Soul] represents the expectations of the Human Federation for it.

They intend that human civilization has the ability to travel through time!

In addition, the Human Federation, which is eager to achieve more delicious results, is still conducting the two experiments of [Parallel Universe Exploration] and [Future Communication] at the same time.

Their ultimate goal is to build a great country beyond the constraints of time, so as to achieve true eternity!

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