Chapter 450: Gap

The Human Federation, the headquarters of the Northern Border Force.

Under the protection of layers of protective measures, the medical center is located in the depths.

Accompanied by the successive deflation sounds of Chi Chi Chi.

One by one, metal objects resembling dormant cabins opened their heavy doors that could withstand electromagnetic guns.

One by one, different figures also sat up from it as if they were waking up from a dream.

And on their faces, there was still a dazed emotion.

They didn’t understand how they died before.

The identities of these people are the Human Federation Fleet that was annihilated by the Aidaling Scouting Forces not long ago.

Under the influence of the soul transmission channel.

After their deaths, their souls were directly teleported here, and their bodies were constructed again.

It’s not just them. With the ability to remotely transmit data, even the fleet’s semi-mechanical bionics and artificial intelligence have also been successfully preserved.

In this battle, the actual loss of the Human Federation is at best more than a hundred warships.

There is no problem at all.

Of course, things have not ended here yet.

When Colt and the others were defeated, a human Federation fleet, which had already been on standby near the battlefield, sailed directly towards the fleet of the Adarling tribe with a clear target.

The purpose of this fleet is not to find trouble in the past.

But with the sincerity of the human federation, to apologize to the other party.

Provide a reasonable explanation for this ‘misunderstanding’ between the two races.



In a huge and empty special metal room.

Watching the video transmitted by the quantum communication technology when the warships were at war with the Aidaling clan.

The Federation Chairman’s expression was a bit dazed, and he said somewhat unclearly:

“All the warships were hit and destroyed at the same time. This means that their previous actions that failed to hit our warships were just a disguise? Playing?”

Originally, looking at the opponent in a short time, there was no way to take advantage of his own elite troops, and he still had a little pride in his heart.

But before long, the sight of all the battleships being instantly wiped out by others directly hurt his face.

Obviously, the gap between them and each other is still as big as there is a gap between them.

Regarding his remarks, the artificial intelligence that controls everything in the room just replied calmly:

“Maybe, maybe not.

There is too little information to refer to.

Our understanding of the Aida Ling tribe, a race with a history of tens of millions of years, is still too simple.

However, in this battle, they still revealed a lot of information that we didn’t know before. If we can come a few more times, it would be great…”

In its view, even if it did not succeed in obtaining more information, it would not be a loss to just look at the attack and defense methods of the Ada Spirits!

As the scientific technology of the human federation continues to advance, their development speed has gradually slowed down.

More and more technical problems are directly exposed.

Even artificial intelligence and semi-mechanical bionics cannot easily solve them.

After all, they have their own limits, and it is impossible to carry out Ascension indefinitely!

The existence of the Adarlings is equivalent to a pioneer walking in front of the human federation.

And through the various development trends that they have shown, the human federation can know a lot of things in advance.

For example: in this battle, through the attack method displayed by the opponent, the human federation knew that electromagnetic weapons still have great development value at the current level, and the upper limit contained in it is far higher than expected. .

In the face of its reply, although he could understand the meaning, listening to the other party’s tone of expecting several battles with the Aida Spirits, the Federation Chairman still refused without thinking:

“Don’t even think about it!

A fight can be said to be an accident.

If you come twice more, you will definitely attract unnecessary attention!

The current human federation is not suitable for attracting the attention of the mainstream Adarling group! ”

Listening to his strong refusal, the artificial intelligence in the room could only say in a very regretful tone:

“This is really disappointing.”

Its performance in character is almost the same as that of a living person.


As for the Aida Ling tribe fleet.

After successfully solving the opponents he faced, he hadn’t waited for them to have any next moves.

They discovered that another fleet of the Human Federation was slowly appearing on their radar.


Seeing this situation, the commander of the Adarling clan immediately muttered to himself very incomprehensibly:

“The speed of support is so fast, are we right in their central hinterland?”

Then decisively ordered the weapons of the warship to be aimed at those newly emerged human fleets, ready to continue the battle.

But The next moment.

The news from the other party made her look stunned.

That is a letter of apology.

[Honorable Commander of the Unknown Aida Spirit Race, I am the Vice Chairman of the Human Federation Gran Nabka. I sincerely express my sincere concern to what happened not long ago…]

Among them, the senior officials of the Human Federation expressed their apologies for this incident in a very sincere tone, and bluntly stated that they could give a lot of resources as compensation.

Facing this somewhat unexpected situation at the moment, several question marks appeared in the head of the Aida Spirit Commander.

Serve softly, nothing.

Because in the Milky Way galaxy, it is a matter of course to surrender to the Ada Spirits.

She just didn’t understand how the other party’s soft service efficiency was so high?

Just after the fight, these guys actually came over.

It was as if they had been waiting patiently nearby.

This unusual situation made the commander feel puzzled and puzzled instinctively.

Years of survival experience directly flashed multiple possibilities in her mind.

She faintly guessed in her heart that the high-level human confederation might have foreseen the conflict just now.

But it is impossible to be sure.

I didn’t even understand what was the purpose of acting like that.

Finally, after thinking about it for a while.

She still chose to release the fleet of the Human Federation, and calmly accepted their apologies.

Obtained a bunch of special resources that even seemed to her to be pretty good.

Although I don’t understand what the top leaders of the Human Federation are making.

But it is obvious that she herself did not lose…

In this way, after a lapse of many years, the second informal encounter between the Human Federation and the Aida Spirits came to an end.

The Human Federation lost hundreds of the latest battleships, and the Aida Spirits were the same as last time, still intact, from beginning to end, they looked extremely easy.

Although the gap between the two sides has narrowed a lot compared to when they first met, it is still a one-sided level…

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