Chapter 415 Ambush

The third year of the war.

The battle between the Zerg and the Eldrazi still never stopped.

The current intensity of war is not a problem at all for those who can continuously recover and re-use corpses.

And as the battle front continues to stretch, their situation has become fighting each other on the countless fragmented battlefields.

In order to replenish energy and matter, the two sides have made a mistake with the nearby planet, and they have not let it go!

Even fighting on it while mining resources.

Therefore, the onlookers came to a profound conclusion.

The Eldrazi and the Zerg may not have trouble.

The onlookers should have something to do!

Faced with this very cheating situation.

In this Galaxy, the indigenous people with long-range interstellar navigation capabilities have chosen to make Universe spacecraft to leave this Galaxy.

After all, waiting like this is definitely not a solution.

If you can’t beat and beat, you can only run away.

However, what they didn’t know was that there were almost all Zergs in the surrounding Galaxy of this Galaxy, and they were also being attacked by them.

And the Zerg in those places might be stronger than here.

So, unless it’s the kind that runs very far, very far!

Otherwise, even if you leave here, you will still hit the Zerg’s hands sooner or later.


In the solar system, various countries of mankind are building colonies on the moon and Mars.

And in order to divide more land on it, they are constantly arguing!

Over the years, the Universe spacecraft carrying technology workers and construction machinery have been coming and going back and forth like taxis, constantly moving to those two places, transporting manpower and materials.

The entire human society is now showing a enthusiastic and progressive attitude.

Burst out an unprecedented passion.

Everyone, under all kinds of propaganda, is full of different expectations for this vast starry sky.

It was as if countless resources were beckoning to them there.



The Zerg and the Eldrazi are still fighting in the Galaxy.

And [Time Sky] is the autumn breeze from time to time.

As for the solar system.

The moon and Mars, thanks to the technical assistance provided by Mr. La, who did not want to be named, have long become beautiful ecological planets.

The entire planet is full of plants and animals of all kinds.

The cities, large and small, are also evenly distributed on it.

They belong to various countries.

And human civilization also looks at the other planets in the solar system!

In the past, although they used to mine resources from time to time, due to their needs being met, they never set out to transform it into a habitable planet.

Now, the time to transform those places has arrived!

4685 (Zerg and Eldrazi are fighting).

Mankind has a few more colonized planets.

The total population has reached 170 billion.

Because biotechnology has made great progress.

The average life span of human beings is now as long as 300 years, and there are almost no Xiantian diseases.

4799 (The Zerg and the Eldrazi continue to fight).

Because of various internal contradictions, the war began to break out.

One colony was destroyed, and a large number of humans began to die.

4811 (The fight between the Zerg and the Eldrazi continues).

Most of the human civilization, after being destroyed.

Under the secret intervention of Mr. La, who did not want to be named, one of the parties obtained the fruits of victory.

The war was officially declared over!

During this period, as many as thousands of cities were destroyed, and the population of Death accounted for a quarter of the total number of human beings.

However, due to the final bottom line, no one dared to use the means that could destroy the colonial star.

Therefore, the losses suffered by human beings are still within the acceptable range.

4837 (The Zerg and the Eldrazi kept on fighting)

After more than ten years of rest and recuperation, the human civilization, which had beaten itself severely, barely recovered.

And after this period of continuous running-in and intense discussion.

In order to prevent war incidents from happening again, various countries of mankind have publicly announced that they will give up their original names and collectively call themselves [Human Federation].

Human civilization has completed the great unification for the first time.

The following year.

The Galaxy where the Eldrazis fight with the Zerg.

As the battle lines between the two sides are getting longer and longer, the battle has already expanded to the entire Galaxy, and it has become more and more intense.

However, the number of both of them has not decreased!

On the contrary, it has become many times more than it was at the beginning.

The price is that the number of planets in this Star system is only about half of the original number.

The remaining Stars are basically equal to Death Stars due to over-exploitation.

As for the native creatures in Galaxy?

Including bacteria, they are basically completely dead.

Either they were eaten, or they were transformed into their own soldiers by both of them.

This huge Galaxy with a diameter of more than 100,000 light-years was completely disabled by both of them.

Eventually, with the reduction of available resources, the forces of both of them began to move toward the other Galaxy.

While moving, continue to fight.

The two races, like two huge mouths of the bottomless abyss, swallowed everything on the route they traveled.

For them, the isolation zone between Galaxy, like a moat, is not a threat at all.

Go straight through the body.

But soon, a new situation emerged.

What the Eldrazi didn’t expect at all was that they had just migrated, and a large number of Zerg troops suddenly appeared in the new Galaxy.

The newly-appearing Zerg army and the Zerg army that came with them, directly under the control of [Worm’s Nest Will], formed a siege, forcibly enclosing the Ozarki Legion!

At this time, the Eldrazi discovered that all the available resources in the surrounding area had been emptied in advance by the local Zerg.

There is nothing that can help them to supplement their consumption.

In addition, the local Zerg who had already predicted their route in the area where they were staying, planted a trap in advance.

Countless Eldrazi derivatives and even Eldrazi, in this round of attacks, all suffered an instant death!

In the absence of time to respond, the local Zerg tribes directly caused a lot of losses to the Ozarks.

The situation immediately began to lean towards the Zerg.

Then, without giving the Ozarchis a chance to breathe, the Zerg immediately began a brutal siege!

After decades of fighting.

The Eldrazi Legion only managed to escape the encirclement after losing a third of its troops.

Even their three chiefs died in this incident.

The one who died was [Ulamo].

The cause of death was directly besieged and beaten to death.

The hundreds of resurrection opportunities granted by various talents were all consumed by the Zerg troops.

He was kicked back directly to Orrjuga.

Started to read the cooling CD, waiting for Orjuga to help him resurrect him.

Behind the remaining Eldrazi troops are the Zerg troops that continue to pursue.

It can be expected that they will not have a very good life for a long time to come.

It is precisely because of this incident.

One thing woke up the senior officials of the Eldrazi.

Compared with the Zerg, the current Eldrazi’s ethnic background is much weaker after all.

At the very least, other people in the surrounding Galaxy have troops that can provide support.

And they can’t do it at all.

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