Chapter 261

Slightly moved his hands and feet.

Roughly adapted to the current physical strength. For example, factors such as jumping ability and body reaction speed.

Olga began to measure with his naked eyes the height of the building he was in, the distance between the building and the building next door, and the protrusions on each floor.

After everything is ready.

Go directly to the edge of the building and take a step beyond, and all parts of the body are directly operated at the same time in the best way of exerting force.

Wind speed and air resistance are all offset and reduced by the body’s swing frequency and angle.

As a result, with the physical fitness of an ordinary person, he flew over a distance of nearly four meters, and stepped on the window edge of the opposite floor silently.

Next, just like the most vigorous cat.

The gaps between the bricks, the convex metal frame, the smooth window edges…all things that can be used are used as steps by Olga, making his height drop continuously.

A building with more than ten floors was lowered to the second floor by him in less than ten seconds.

As for the middle-aged addict who hid in the shadow of the alley and sucked up fans, he was completely unaware, and he didn’t even catch the slightest movement.

He was happily immersed in the refreshing feeling brought by the medicine.

He said to himself with a silly smirk:

“The medicine that guy sells is really effective…”

Before he could say that he must take care of the business of the conscientious business next time, he felt a sudden tingling sensation in his neck.

After a subconscious shiver, he fainted with a grin on his face.

With a calm face and one hand on the opponent’s neck, Olga took out his wallet and mobile phone from his body.

Then he threw it into the trash can next to him.

Saved the other party’s life.

There is no choice to kill the rare ones.

The reason is also very simple. The other party’s dress is pretty good, and he thinks he should have a certain degree of status.

If you kill it, there will inevitably be an official investigation.

That would cause him a lot of trouble.

Problems such as robbery and loss of property are nothing.

After all, a wealthy addict who was knocked unconscious and robbed while taking drugs is not a matter of words.

Most of them dare not even call the police.

However, as a black household, Orjuga still dealt with some things that had to be dealt with.

Make sure that you will not be exposed.

After opening his wallet and taking a look at the banknotes in it, Orjuga put them in his own pocket.

[Oljuga——Account balance: £+1527! 】

As for things like bank cards and ID cards, after a few glances, he just threw them into the trash can.

It can be regarded as a take and a repayment.

Then he turned on the phone.


The above shows that fingerprint unlocking is required.

no way.

He lifted the guy in the trash can again and pressed his finger up to unlock the phone.

As soon as he opened the phone interface, the first thing he saw was a series of English.

To be honest.

In his previous life, he couldn’t figure out how many English letters were in 24 or 26 in bulk, and he could only recognize a few of them sporadically.

In this life, as [Abyss Devil], his own natural ability [Common Language] allows him to understand any language without special effects without difficulty, and gives him the ability to communicate with each other.

It seems that there is no problem.

But this way, there is still a flaw.

Others speak to him, others speak English.

He speaks to others, but he speaks Devil.

Although in the case of the bull’s head and the horse’s mouth, according to the characteristics of the [common language], both parties can still understand, but as long as the other’s brain is normal, then both can detect the error.

Therefore, Olga now has to learn English, which has not been used for two hundred years.

You have to learn everything from pronunciation to writing.

So he opened the application store of the mobile phone and started downloading various dictionaries and language teaching.

【A, b, c, d, e, f, g……】

All the information is only read once, and then grasped instantly.

Two minutes later.

When he looked through enough English words like a scanner, and figured out the grammatical connections and other elements between them, Olga had mastered the English language roughly.

Excluding some of the more rare words and proverbs, he still can’t understand.

Olga has reached the level of being able to communicate with others in English.

Although there will be a taste of translation…

ten minutes later.

He also learned French, Russian, Arabic, and Spanish by the way.

Then he released a software similar to Baidu Baike and Wikipedia.

Fifteen minutes later.

He has already read the general history of the countries in this world, as well as the development information of all walks of life.

And found out a lot of information completely contradictory to his previous life.

For example, companies, events, leaders that have a deep impression…many of them are different.

“Parallel world or something…”

After thinking about it for a while, he didn’t bother to delve into it.

After all, this kind of problem is something for him, he is just an abyss Devil.

After learning these things, looking at the mobile phone under high-load use of own, only 2% of the remaining power is left.

Originally planning to learn the world’s vb, c, c++, net, java… so as to invade the official database and create a legal identity for himself, Orrga, immediately frowned.

A little disappointed, he threw the phone into the trash can and returned it to its original owner.

“It’s really troublesome…”

Rubbing his aching eyes, Olga’s heart flashed with impatience.

Under the force of the plane’s suppressing force, he himself was only a normal person, and his current state was really a bit weak.

This is true whether it is the body or the soul.

This flesh and blood body without the power of Transcendent made him feel tired and tired easily.

It also restricts his already weak soul.

Let him exert no soul power.

If he can slightly use some soul skills, then he can directly read the memory or devour the soul.

So as to quickly grasp the information of this world.

There is no need to use such primitive means to learn these low-level knowledge.

And because in the current body, the brain has not yet been developed, and its operating mode is too inefficient.

After absorbing too much knowledge at one time, he now vaguely noticed a little pain in his head.

If you continue, there is a certain probability that you will burn your brain.

It can be said that the software and hardware can’t keep up with the rhythm, which makes him feel a little restrained.

After sighing, Orjuga didn’t bother to worry about anything. After a short rest, he walked directly out of the alley.

‘2047… the near-future earth, I hope it’s a bit interesting…’

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