Chapter 212 Customized Soul Crystal

The next moment.

A humanoid abyss Devil appeared in the field.

When he appeared, he had already been familiar with his own power on the outside viewing platform, and he did not directly attack Olga.

Instead, I felt the energy remnants around me.

From this, judge the actual gap between himself and Olga.

Two seconds later, his figure disappeared directly, and he gave up fighting with Orjuga.

Anyway, there are still four places, there is no need to choke Olga.

Seeing this situation, Olga didn’t say anything, directly manipulated the platform and put another opponent on it.

This time, the opponents were a combination of eagles, tigers, humans, and spiders.

After the two looked at each other, they didn’t say much, and slammed into each other directly.

Relying on the difference in body size between the two sides, the opponent’s limbs directly pressed Olga.

The claws, teeth, and spikes directly bit the outer armor of Orchga at zero distance with the greatest strength, slashing out sparks, and biting out bloody scars.

Toxins, curses, and corrosion began to damage the wounds from the inside.

In the face of this situation, Orjuga did not make any defensive means. The tail behind him directly penetrated the opponent’s scales and pierced his body, frantically extracting the opponent’s flesh and energy, and the eight wings were like closed flower buds. Same, cover him and the other party.

Countless magic runes light up automatically.

The highly corrosive hematitis is like a flowing liquid, covering both of them completely.

The huge pain swept through the opponent’s body and mind, making him subconsciously want to break free from the shackles of Olga, but in this time of mutual imprisonment.

This kind of thing is not his only decision.

So after breaking free, as the pain continued to increase, the opponent’s sanity began to decline, and the instinctive ferocity of Abyss Devil began to gain the upper hand.

The original attempt to break free turned into an even more frenzied bite attack, biting Olga’s armor to pieces.

But Olga didn’t care at all, as he continued to increase the intensity of the blood inflammation there.

It made them two look like a giant fireball.

Continuously dissolve everything around.

A few minutes later, as the wings that were tightly enveloping everything slowly opened, Olga’s figure was revealed.

The whole body is intact, without the slightest injury.

As for the opponent, he never saw him again, he had been completely digested.

Sitting on the sidelines, watching this scene, Alison’s eyes flashed with shock.

She didn’t expect that it was only a few decades, and that she, who was able to play against Olga before, might not even be able to beat the opponent’s projection.

For a while, I felt a little discouraged.

But after complaining about herself for a while, she quickly returned to her normal state of mind.

In the bottomless abyss, although the security is not comparable to before, the various resources are also many times more abundant than before.

In the entire multi-dimensional universe, I don’t know how many planes’ resources are gathered here. Many things that are so precious that they cannot be added in other worlds are here too numerous to be sold at street vendors.

In this case, no matter how fast the progress is, it is reasonable.

And since the injury was healed by Olga, Alison has clearly felt that the blood of the gods in his body has been revived.

Become healthier and more full of potential.

Thinking of this, a haze flashed through her eyes.

As a descendant of a god, she naturally understands what a descendant with a sufficiently high bloodline means to a god who has fallen.

That is the key to resurrection!

It’s not impossible to be resurrected again directly through the connection of blood.

After thinking about it, Alison didn’t do anything in the end.

Because [God of Glow] is not only her ancestor, but also her belief.

Because he didn’t know that the coffin board of the [Glory God] had been nailed tightly by Olga, Alison was also inexplicably complicated for a while.

There is a feeling of suffering.


After dozens of minutes.

There are only five [Upper Devil] in the conference room.

All the rest left.

Of course, they did not leave willingly.

It’s just because the Kororoa Chamber of Commerce itself is backed by other strong players, plus the five strongest [upper Devil] on the scene, as vested interests, will stand on their side.

So those Devil who failed in the competition, knowing that it is meaningless to say more, might as well just leave.

With the final victors being determined.

Errol put away the five floating platforms and patted his hands three times.

A team of waiters immediately walked in with five covered trolleys, and then placed them in front of the five [Upper Devil] in order.

“Congratulations to all of you for your victory. To thank you for your cooperation, this is a little heart.

They are all specialties of our Kororoa Chamber of Commerce, so please enjoy them with peace of mind. ”

Following Errol’s words, the waiters lifted the curtain on the trolley one after another.

A strong smell of blood rushed over his face.

Soul crystallization, fresh flesh and blood of unknown creatures, unknown blood-red thick drink decorated with a few eyeballs.

Alison and Golaner frowned as they watched these things, subconsciously showing a sense of disgust.

Errol introduced there: “These soul crystallizations are customized products, produced on the fourteen planes of our Kororoa Chamber of Commerce, and the raw materials for each one are those who have practiced the special ability system. Transcendent.

Since those ability systems have been specially modulated by our Chamber of Commerce, the soul crystals made with them add a bit of flavor compared to ordinary soul crystals.

Those flesh and blood and beverages are derived from the dragons domesticated by our Chamber of Commerce. They have good dragon bloodlines, plus special potions that are regularly fed on weekdays, so eating them will also be a good treat.

If after this incident, if you are interested, you can also use the world ownership to exchange for these products with us, I believe the price will make you satisfied.

Next, I will explain to you the general situation of the middle plane [Seven Seas World]. Please also listen to it while eating…”

Listening to the other party’s speech, Olga picked up a piece of cut dragon meat and asked Alison and the others: “Would you like to try the dragon meat?”

Their two heads shook quickly.

The branch of the elves they belonged to, although they ate meat, they only ate cooked food. Raw meat was never eaten.


Faced with their disgust, Orjuga threw the piece into his mouth casually.

Then I took a few sips, which should be a drink made from the blood of various creatures.

After licking the blood around his mouth and analyzing the specific ingredients, Olga calmly explained to them: “The taste is okay, and this dragon blood should have a little strengthening effect on you. You definitely don’t want to try it. ?”

This level of dragon blood has no effect on him, but for Golaner and the others, it can be regarded as a tonic.

“do not want!”

Faced with their refusal again, Olga shrugged his shoulders and put a soul crystal into his mouth.

Immediately showed a satisfied smile.

‘I really didn’t lie, it seems that these raw materials are all specially trained…’

He clearly felt that each of the souls had cultivated a special power system, which not only gave them some Transcendent power, but also made their taste more suitable for the taste of the abyss Devil.

It’s the same as pickled.

It belongs to the best way of self-seasoning practice!

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