Sakura smiled aside and didn't care about Illyasviel's words. In her eyes, Li Xuan was just like Tosaka Tokiomi, whom she respected. As for the person she liked, it was Emiya Shirou ( Give the coyote a way to survive).

After calming down Illya, Li Xuan couldn't help but get a headache. Because of his intervention, although Emiya Shirou learned projection magic early and it was much stronger than in the original work, he could at least project his machine. With the Pioneer Suit, plus the Sinful Rose Dual Guns, you can basically protect yourself, and you won't be as powerless as in the original work.

And for his own personal wishes, Li Xuan deprived Emiya Shirou of his Master status. The reason was that Emiya Shirou was too young and he would be very sad if he was involved in the Holy Grail War and ended up being implicated.

With Avalon and the Command Seal, he is also qualified to summon a heroic spirit. After all, he lives here as a human being summoned as a heroic spirit. In addition, he has super huge magic power, and the summoned Saber must also be The strongest strength!

What worried him was that neither Illyasviel nor Sakura, who were supposed to be masters, were chosen as masters by the Holy Grail. Li Xuan vaguely felt that this had something to do with him, perhaps because of the previous Qi Tian The Great Sage has been seriously injured before, so the danger level has increased. This time there will be an extra heroic spirit to deal with him!

The other Masters, namely Caster's Master, Mr. Kuzuki, and Assassin's Master Caster have all been confirmed, plus Archer's Master Tohsaka Rin, and Saber's Master Li Xuan, that means four masters have been confirmed. .

The remaining Rider and Berserker masters are not sure. It is very likely that these two guys will join forces to deal with him, and Lancer's master has been killed. If there is no accident, then it should be in Kotomine Kirei, plus Shangyan Kirei himself summoned Avengers who were not part of the standard Avengers class, but his true form was the Hero King Gilgamesh, so this gave Li Xuan a headache. Even the eighth servant Summoned, it is likely to be chaotic now. Although there are three servants on his side, he still has to fight the remaining two Master's servants.

In this case, it is equivalent to leaving Saber and Archer to fight against Lancer, Avengers, Caster and Assassin!

Moreover, Assassin's identity as Sasaki Kojiro is destined to be that the current Sasaki Kojiro is far more powerful than the guy in history, so the secret sword Engai he uses does not have 10% of the power he used.

Before figuring everything out, Li Xuan didn't want to get rid of Caster and Assassin and let the Avengers and Lancer concentrate on dealing with Saber and Archer!

After all, Archer is at a bit of a disadvantage against the King of Heroes. After all, his Noble Phantasms are all projected, and their power needs to be next level. The Noble Phantasms that should be A level or A+ level are just as powerful in his hands. It will become a B-level or B+-level Noble Phantasm, whether it is a Noble Phantasm or armor, it will be like this, so this makes him worried about whether Archer, who has been restrained in front of the King of Heroes, can hold on until he comes over.

Are you ready to summon? Uncle. Shirou Emiya looked at Li Xuan and couldn't help but ask.

Ah, yes, but I can't take care of you and Sakura these two days, so I hope you can move to Teacher Dahe's house next door for a few days, pretend that you don't know us, and try to escape the pursuit of other heroic spirits this time. . Li Xuan looked at Shirou Emiya and Sakura, who were interested in having a concubine, and couldn't help but said in a deep voice.

Although Emiya Shirou wanted to refute, the other person was his uncle who had taken care of him alone for five years and was the closest person to him. This made him unable to refute. In the end, he could only nod unwillingly.

Li Xuan didn't care about Emiya Shirou's reluctance. If this guy saw Illya and others in danger, he would take action no matter what, and he couldn't stop him.

Chapter 25 Li Xuan’s familiar

After eating, he sent Emiya Shirou and Sakura to Teacher Taiga's house. Li Xuan walked into the warehouse, took out Avalon from the inventory, put it aside, and then crazily poured energy into the ground!

I declare.

Your body lies beneath me, and my fate depends on your sword.

Under the Holy Grail, with this intention and this reason, obey the call and answer!

I swear an oath here.

I am the one who gathers all the good in this world, and I am the one who punishes all the evil in this world.

The seven heavens that surround you are the three great speaking spirits.

From the Wheel of Inhibition, Guardian of the Scales!

After Li Xuan's energy infusion, the magic circle originally drawn by Illyasviel with mercury on the ground became clear. A dazzling light emerged in the warehouse. The magic power converted by the magic circle made Illyasviel She also felt a sense of fear and panic. The magic power pouring out like a torrent made her feel that it might have more magic power than the Holy Grail itself!

I am the familiar Saber. I came here in obedience to the summons. Answer me, are you my master? The silver armor, the blue dress, the short golden hair tied up, and the familiar sword, Beautiful appearance, green eyes.

After a while, Li Xuan finally came back to his senses and said with a smile: Yes, I am your master. Long time no see. Artoria Pandoragon, do you still remember me? Li Xuan, that The Demon King of another world.”

...It turns out it's you. I don't recognize you even after being far away. This time you summoned me as Master. Artoria looked at Li Xuan lightly, not saying much. surprised.

Li Xuan has too many tricks. If he wants to be resurrected and become a real ordinary person, he probably won't have to pay a big price. She just treats it as normal. It doesn't do any harm to herself anyway. If Li Xuan wants to get the Holy Grail this time, then He needs to cooperate with her, because during the last Holy Grail War, Li Xuan was constantly pestered by Berserker and had no time to pay attention to the Holy Grail.

Lia, it shouldn't be a problem to call you like this, right? Li Xuan smiled mischievously, not caring about Artoria's feelings. This time, she is his familiar. If nothing happens, , then they will definitely get the Holy Grail!

Moreover, it is precisely because Artoria has become his beginning and end that he can be like this. Otherwise, Artoria would have struck him with a sword.

Sure enough, Artoria just frowned and said, Why do you call it that?

Li Xuan came closer and said mysteriously: Isn't it more friendly to call you this way? I said it during the last Holy Grail War. I am very interested in you. It's interesting, because last time we were each for each other. Lord, that’s why I have to stand on the opposite side with you. Now, aren’t we already on a united front?”

Artoria recalled for a moment, and then she remembered Li Xuan's unconditional support for her in the last Holy Grail War. Although there were differences later on the Holy Grail issue, Li Xuan's direct involvement in the Holy Grail in the end puzzled her. But this is similar to giving up the Holy Grail to her, although in the end she was interfered by Emiya Kiritsugu and therefore did not actually obtain the Holy Grail.

So after listening to Li Xuan's words, Artoria blushed slightly, and then pretended that it was nothing and said: Master, do you have very specific information about other magicians and familiars? It's best to With their weaknesses, it’s better to defeat them in one fell swoop and get the Holy Grail as soon as possible.”

Li Xuan frowned slightly, and in the end he could only sigh helplessly: What we can confirm now is that Caster, Lancer, Archer, and Assassin are the betrayal witch Medea in the myth and legend of Olympus. Archer is the heroic spirit that my nephew will become after his death in the future, and he is from our side. But you should not say it out loud, because he has some things to deal with his past self. For a moment, Assassin is a bit similar to you. They were both summoned by heroic spirits. However, Assassin was summoned by Medea, the witch of betrayal. However, in fact, Assassin’s true form is the fictional hero Sasaki Kojiro. If he is summoned by the Saber class If summoned, the strength should be stronger.”

So the only two people whose identities are unknown are Berserker and Rider? Liya frowned and couldn't help but ask.

Li Xuan shook his head, and while taking off his armor, Liya, who was only wearing a blue dress, walked toward the room and said: Because Kotomine Kirei was killed by the Holy Grail in the last Holy Grail War. He was saved by the black mud, and later took away the ownership of Lancer. He also illegally summoned Avengers, that is, Avengers outside the seven major classes. They are heroic spirits outside the specifications in the Holy Grail War. This heroic spirit has already It is confirmed that he is Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes. His Noble Phantasm is the King's Treasure. He has the prototype of all the treasures in the world, including the prototype of the Sword in the Stone and the Sword in the Trees. It is very difficult to deal with. Only Archer and I can deal with it.

...How could such a difficult guy appear! Liya gritted her teeth. If she could even get the prototype of the Sword in the Stone, wouldn't it mean that she could also get the prototype of the Sword of Victory?

Li Xuan looked at Liya's worried look and smiled and said: Don't worry, although he was able to come up with the prototype of the Sword in the Stone, it was only because the Sword in the Tree was the order of the Nordic gods in ancient European records. The God inserted the Sword in the Tree into the World Tree and got its name. The Sword of Oath to Victory is a star-level god-made weapon made on the planet. No matter how much the king's treasures are collected, there is no way to find the Sword of Oath to Victory. After all, The Sword of Promise of Victory has been in the hands of the Lake Spirit as a saber before you held it. Like the indestructible lake light, he cannot project it.

Really. After hearing Li Xuan's explanation, Liya breathed a sigh of relief. At least her Noble Phantasm cannot be projected by the other party, which is still very helpful to her. At least it means that the other party cannot release the Oath Cannon, right?

Chapter 26 Untitled

As expected of Archer, he actually summoned Saber. It's really amazing. As soon as the two of them ran into the house, the petite Illya rushed over and said happily.

Um, Li Xuan, this girl should be Kiritsugu's daughter, right? Liya couldn't help but ask after being stunned for a long time.

Li Xuan nodded and said: Yes, because before Emiya Kiritsugu died, he kept shouting for me to help him get his daughter out, so I ran over and destroyed the Einzbern and then took it with me. Illya is back, but I don’t know why. Ever since she knew from Rin’s mouth that I was the last Archer, Illya has been teaching me like this, which makes me super troubled. After all, this is the Archer. Already appeared.

Eh?! But Illya thinks calling Archer Archer is very handsome. Besides Archer, Illya doesn't know what to call her. Illya looked at Li Xuan with an aggrieved look, which made Li Xuan and Li Ya twitched her lips at the same time, not knowing how to answer.

Li Xuan held Ilia in his arms and thought hard for a long time, then he said: Oh, forget it, Ilia should just call me Li Xuan.

Well, although it doesn't sound very good, just do as Li Xuan said. After Ilia pursed her lips for a moment, she still agreed with Li Xuan's statement.

After comforting Illya, Li Xuan took Liya to a room and said: This is the room prepared for you. You can sleep here at night. Don't be anxious tonight. If what I expected is good, , they should launch a fierce attack on us tomorrow night after confirming that I have summoned the heroic spirit.

Who? Kotomine Kirei or those two unknown masters? Li Xuan's words made Liya a little wary. After all, the guys Li Xuan mentioned were not something she could easily match.

It should be that Kotomine Kirei sent Cú Chulainn, the Son of Light, to test. Although Cú Chulainn's sharpening spear that can reverse cause and effect and pierce the death thorns has the terrifying special power of hitting the heart first and then firing the gun, After so many years of training, the vital points of my body are no longer the heart and brain, so it doesn’t matter. But you have to pay attention. Fortunately, the spearman’s luck value has never exceeded E. Even if it is very dangerous, you should also You can avoid that fatal shot. Li Xuan calmly analyzed the beginning and end of this war.

In fact, after so many years of practice, he has long since become what the immortal family calls the soul, which is what the gods call the soul. As long as the soul is immortal and the soul does not die, he can be reborn without limit, although it will take time to regenerate after rebirth. Just get your power back.

Mine Kirei is like this. After discovering the existence of Li Xuan, he has been wary of Li Xuan and the Tosaka family. And after Tosaka Rin summoned his familiar last night, he also felt the light. The aura of his son Cu Chulainn, if Kotomine Kirei had not been cautious and did not let Cu Chulainn take action, then he would have killed Cuchulainn long ago!

As for the other two, they should choose to take action when they can benefit. Although if the two of them join forces, it can basically be said that they have a sure win. However, it seems that Li Xuan will not be too big. Just like directly challenging the King of Heroes Gilgamesh and Son of Light Cú Chulainn, the Monkey King and another heroic spirit would not be so confident that they could sentence Li Xuan to death by joining forces!

After listening to Li Xuan's analysis, Liya went to bed. Anyway, in this world, maybe she could worry about the danger of anyone's life, but she didn't have to worry about the danger of Li Xuan's life. In Li Xuan's words, , then it should be the sentence The person who can take my life has not been born yet.

After everyone else fell asleep, Li Xuan walked out of the room. Just in case, he took Rin Tohsaka over. At this time, Red Archer, also known as Red A's future Emiya Shirou was looking at the moon outside from the side door of the living room, as if he was looking for memories of the past when he was with his father, Emiya Kiritsugu.

Li Xuan lay down on the sofa quite bored and yawned: Shirou, are you ready to do something to yourself?

Red A smiled helplessly and said: Really, I can't hide anything from you, uncle. I am indeed prepared to take action against my past self, in order to prevent myself from embarking on this road of no return to uphold justice again. .”

Your father Emiya Kiritsugu said the same thing before he died. He said that he would never be a righteous partner in his next life. He seemed very tired. Are you tired too? Li Xuan did not open it. TV just took out some snacks and threw a few bags to Red A. He kept a few bags for himself and talked while eating.

Haha, yes, I regret it and I'm tired. It's clear that I used to have such a serious nature and had no hesitation to be a partner of justice. For this reason, I let so many people die... Maybe uncle, you are right, if If I had listened to you and helped you protect the world with Sakura, there wouldn't have been any trouble. Red A raised the corners of his mouth and smiled self-deprecatingly, laughing at his innocence and his own powerlessness. .

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